anyone else here getting The witcher, never played the first on pc but looks pretty cool so I am excited to give it a go
Something something...
Yeah, I just grabbed it today and am really digging it so far.
Got the new videos up:
50 Days of (Green) Hell Day 34 - Gumpert Apollo S
I always think this car looks ugly until I really start to look at it. It has one of those looks that starts out hideous and gets better the more time you have with it. And the car drives something similar to that. It seems crazy and overboard at first, but the more time you spend with it the greater it becomes. It seems like it can handle almost anything and it will do exactly what you want. Until, that is, you stop respecting it. Then it will make you rue the day you even tried to drive it. You can see this happen a couple of times in the lap, the exact moment when I think I don't have to worry about the car and then it is almost sideways. It is supremely capable and fast as hell but the second you take that for granted, it will kill you. It is a great car to drive and it really has a great, if brutal, personality.
50 Days of (Green) Hell Guest Drive 31 - Lexus IS F
Yes, this is Dead Poul doing his normal "oh look how easy it is to drive stupidly fast" thing he normally does in the awesome Lexus IS-F.
Get to it. New Ring Taxi:
Hey Shortt, the "50 Days of Green Hell" promo paint got the T10 pick this week (actually got second place with it) so hopefully more people will find out about your project
Cheers, HD
Here are some WIP pictures of the next project, won't be a killer but I really wanted to make something for Devon[/IMG ]
Fuck! How did I forget Virgin?
Still think you need to do a 'Marmite' car, H3rTZ..!
Fuck! How did I forget Virgin?
Still think you need to do a 'Marmite' car, H3rTZ..!
Finally got Forza 4. Is there a GAF Club?
Ha,Yes, you've been invited friend. How do you feel about the 04 Mustang Cobra and Porsche 911 models?
I've never liked porsche's style, it's beginning to grow on me though. Funny you ask about the Cobra 'cause when I was in middle school, my sister's boyfriend at the time had an '04 Cobra. Chameleon paint, used to think the thing was awesome. Not much of a mustang guy though really, there's just so many, but always loved how that Cobra roared. This is more my thing.
[IMG ][/IMG]
BADNED said:The Bonneville homespace [from the E3 10 renders] was one of 25 T10 created for FM4 but only the 6 you have now made it into the final game. At the moment they have no plans to release any of the remaining 19 and it is not really a big loss as the majority was very similar anyway.
Can I also join? My XBL is LiebyBear.Can I join GAF club?? My xbl is Dzidza1978
Can I also join? My XBL is LiebyBear.
Can I join GAF club?? My xbl is Dzidza1978
Can I also join? My XBL is LiebyBear.
Any GAF events/tourneys on the horizon? What's this 50 days thing?
Great video.
Fantastic. I love how T10 is still putting these out. Great watch.
Great video.
In my dreams Turn 10 would produce one of these videos for each of their simulation systems, describing how those systems affect your drive, how Forza 4 models those systems and depicts them in the telemetry, and how to tune your car in-game to take advantage of differing conditions.
Got the videos done last night, but completely forgot to post.
50 Days of (Green) Hell Day 36 - Buick Regal GNX
I have always loved this car. There is just something about it's uncompromising attitude that I just love. It is powerful, it is fast and it is quite rare which makes it the perfect addition to a racing game. And I will say I had a lot of fun on this lap. This car just BEGS to have its tail end sliding all over the place. Luckily it is probably the easiest car to keep the tail out. It could do it all day and you barely have to pay attention. This car just wants to go fast and burn tires and I had a hell of a time doing that in this lap.
50 Days of (Green) Hell Guest Drive 33 - 07 Shelby GT500
Dead Poul making us all look bad again in the Unicorn GT500
Finished up the Miami Marlins Mobile, Marlins logos can be found on my storefront. Gonna be doing Heat, Dolphins, and Panthers too. Panthers Mobile is probably next; baseball may be my 4th favorite but damn is that Marlins logo simple in comparison to the others.
Why did you choose the BMW, might be more at home on a big pimped out caddi!
It's a pretty sweet design. You should do a fluoroscope orange one too.
The stock 2002 turbo designed inspired the Marlins theme.
Whoever invited the club to race at ~0400 UTC: Give us a minute to join before joining matchmaking!
Sorry guys, my internet cut out at 12:45am for about seven minutes. This is not the first time this exact thing has happened.
Shortt, have a video for you, will throw it up on my storefront.
I gotta fire up Forza 4 again. This looks great.Finished up the Miami Marlins Mobile, Marlins logos can be found on my storefront. Gonna be doing Heat, Dolphins, and Panthers too. Panthers Mobile is probably next; baseball may be my 4th favorite but damn is that Marlins logo simple in comparison to the others.
Ha ha, I was reading the pit pass report and it featured a 'human car sounds' video:
and because i'm bored, here a few others I've found. There's some talent there for
Aussies will definitely be familiar with the rotary and "VL dose bro" sounds..
I've heard that Polyphony are hiring these guys for GT6.. jk
Hey Short, I'll do a guest drive sometime this weekend if it's that simple, just use any car not taken? Is there a list? You picking for me?
I always hit B too many times when leaving the live menu.
Sorry guys, my internet cut out at 12:45am for about seven minutes. This is not the first time this exact thing has happened.
Shortt, have a video for you, will throw it up on my storefront.
WIR said:Next week promises to be a big one, as well be unveiling the new batch of cars for our May DLC, plus new editions of RearView Mirror and Heavy Metal Affliction, and more! See you next week!
Some new photos :
awesome pics [img]
BTW, did Turn 10 just stealthly announce a "normal" May DLC in the latest WIR ?
Surely if they meant to speak about the Porsche Expansion Pack, they would have at least mentioned Porsche or did EA forbid them to do so ? :lol[/QUOTE]
I have always guessed they would still do a DLC pack along with the Porsche pack. That is why I assumed they picked the date they did. Now I am going to go out on a limb and guess what the DLC might be. It will either be
a) A track DLC
b) The remaining RUFs and some other awesome cars.
They are just my guesses but I am really leaning toward track DLC. It makes the most sense with another car DLC coming this month in the Porsche pack and with the Season Pass being over it would be the best time to release it.
Also, those are some awesome pics man. You have a fantastic eye for making the pics just really stand out. And where are more Guest Drives man?? I loved your F50GT and 905 laps and you DID promise an E39 M5. I mean that is the only reason I haven't run that car yet!! You better get on it dude!
And what happened to Op Ivy? I used to get a ton of laps from you!