I feel like you are kidding but at the same time I think there is slight chance there is something you know that I do not...
Community events for VIP's only have given me a good amount of unicorn cars.
I feel like you are kidding but at the same time I think there is slight chance there is something you know that I do not...
Got the new videos up:
50 Days of (Green) Hell Day 46 - Austin-Healey 3000 MkIII
This is THE definition of a British Roadster. RWD, light, 2 seater, convertible and just enough horsepower to have fun. This is nowhere near the fastest car in the game, but it doesn't matter. Driving this car with the top down and listening to that awesome roar from the carbureted six-cylinder is automotive bliss. It doesn't really have much horsepower, but the car is just set up so well that it is always fun. I really dig this car and the cockpit view is amazing with that classic wood grain!
50 Days of (Green) Hell Guest Drive 42 - Range Rover Supercharged
Dead Poul continues this British Day with the Supercharged Range Rover. This is definitely worth the watch, if only to see the best ending in the series!
So here is a little something I've prepared for you guys for the New TopGear DLC, everything is already on the storefront, so if anyone has an early code can go and grab it right away, just remember to rate it if you take. Most of you would expect the Venom from me, but not this time, this time is a little different but I'm not saying I won't do it in the near future
A little something for a little car...[/IMG
Something fresh for the old boy...
Something for people that can't stay on road...
And something that people use for any other purpose than the one it was build for...
Also, I did some work on Cortina but it won't be ready for tomorrow, maybe Thursday, I'll See ho much spare time I'm gonna have. Some traditional Lotus colors to begin with ... (WIP picture)
So I hope you gonna find at least one paint worth getting, have a great night and I'll be back soon...
Cheers, HD
Damn HD, you have some amazing talent!
Hey Saladine, you should check out my mates Store Front. He has a mustang king cobra (I know, but bare with me) in Marlboro livery, looks exactly like the A9X Torana (although, my "Marlboro" is better
You should check it out.
Search "CWO83"
If its not there, let me know and I'll get him to chuck it up.
It's a bit contradictory isn't it?
Bathurst and Spa in FM4?--Confidential
Any DLC tracks?- Unconfirmed
Look carefully, "Unconfirmed" is an answer to WHEN dlc tracks will be released, not to whether or not they are releasing them.
Wait... so only one Aussie Ford, not counting the touring cars? Wow. That's pretty shit.
So what... about three or four Australian cars then? The Joss, the Supercars, the Falcon and a Commodore or two? Woefully underrepresented. Hopefully there'll be less focus on US cars in the next game (which I think we hoped for in this one over 3?) rather than just having another Griswold wagon or generic American muscle car.
Dude. Don't torture yourself.Oh shit, you are right!
**Dances the jig of SpaHurst hope**
Moar....?I heard Season Pass owners have been getting the Top Gear car pack for free using a glitch.
About 10 minutes after I paid for it.
Got the new videos up:
50 Days of (Green) Hell Day 47 - Monte Carlo SS Stock Car
I know it is some sort of sacrilege to drive a Stock Car around the Ring, but I figured I gotta do it at least once. And I am glad I did as the car is actually a handful (in a good way) around the course. The tail end wants to come out damn near every time you hit the go pedal but once you learn the car, it isn't so bad. The oddest thing about this car was how peaky the engine was. I expected a nice big V8 to have a linear powerband, but this engine seems to bog down until you get a rush of all the horsepower at once. Maybe it is my driving style causing this, but I was definitely surprised by it. The car does sound incredible and the cockpit view is pretty cool, so it was a surprisingly fun lap.
50 Days of (Green) Hell Guest Drive 43 - EXXON SuperFlo Supra
I am starting to hate watching Dead Poul do these laps as he always makes me feel bad! Watch him go faster than is sane in the wicked GT500 Supra.
What's a great car that has shitting handling? I wanna try to tame something like that, but Im not interested in shitty M3s.
*evil laugh*
You shut your whore mouth!
But if you want an awesome car with absolutely abhorrent handling, try the Pagani Hyyruaeeuataga-thing or the Kooneeisissgngeign Agera. Both I have driven and they are both beyond terrible!
I'll play around with the HIGH WIR YA. Whatever it's called. If I remember, those air brakes are the cause of the floaty handling. The Agera (I'm not going to even pretend like I know how to spell Koenigsegg) is just a piece of high powered crap. Like feces from a blindfolded bull high on Cialis.
I'd love to sell a car design on my storefront but I'm worried my design will get me banned from
I'm happy where Forza is at the moment, I just think it took a little too long to get here.
Everything is in place to have a massive Forza 5 but I doubt T10's ambition, they play it very safe. Forza 3 bugs have even carried across to Forza 4.
I guess if you have the season pass and you download the free pack, the game will unlock all the cars for use just as if you bought the pack.
Just a tip jcutner for your future photos, if you don't already know it : go back in your replay with the backward arrow button instead of using the triggers, this will eliminate the unrealistic skid marks in front of the car.![]()
A good rule of thumb I'd use for Turn 10 is that if they're going to offer us up a car, they need to also provide us with a driving experience the car was designed for. If they want us to collect rally cars then give us rally stages. Trucks? Give us some chunky off-roading, etc. Luxury cars? Give us some long winding roads (like the National Park idea mentioned earlier) where we just relax and enjoy ourselves.But it's more than that though. They have to go beyond the traditional content and feature sets everyone expects and deliver something truly unique. Something that stands out from every other racer and perhaps, even other genres. A talking point, a water cooler moment as it were. 'Innovation' must be a catch phrase at Turn 10 studios. It must be written on the walls, framed up in the foyers and even sung as an anthem daily at the Turn 10 studios.....
Quick straw poll: out of curiosity, who here uses a wheel, and who just uses a pad?
(Me: GT2, CSPs, Playseat)
Quick straw poll: out of curiosity, who here uses a wheel, and who just uses a pad?
(Me: GT2, CSPs, Playseat)
Pad. Don't really have the space for a bunch of accessories...