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Forza 4 |OT| Where Porsche Are Driven


To be perfectly honest, I'm more in it for the community aspect of things, as opposed to actively contributing cars, liveries etc. Depending on how things pan out in the game proper (24 hours, baby), I might just be taking someone's place for no good reason.
If there is any room in the club I'd like an invite. GT is Nismogrendel. If invites are based on post count that is a little silly, half of these threads are reaction .gifs and just random thoughts.


derFeef said:
So only good drivers have a chance to get in? It's not a race club, is it?

The main reason for my proposal was that I have a decent time, but not a great number of posts in past Forza-threads ;)

The reason I want in the club is for racing, rivals and sharing some tunes.
Shaneus said:
To be perfectly honest, I'm more in it for the community aspect of things, as opposed to actively contributing cars, liveries etc. Depending on how things pan out in the game proper (24 hours, baby), I might just be taking someone's place for no good reason.

That's part of what makes it hard to kick people out. There's so many ways to play the game and be a part of the community. Best way to start is probably just seeing who is actually a GAF member and go from there.


Shaneus said:
To be perfectly honest, I'm more in it for the community aspect of things, as opposed to actively contributing cars, liveries etc. Depending on how things pan out in the game proper (24 hours, baby), I might just be taking someone's place for no good reason.
I'd sign that. I do not want a spot actually as I know I am not going to play as much as you guys, but I would find it unfair if only "good drivers" can get in, if that makes sense.

nagge said:
The main reason for my proposal was that I have a decent time, but not a great number of posts in past Forza-threads ;)

The reason I want in the club is for racing, rivals and sharing some tunes.
Hah, fair enough ;)


Absoludacrous said:
That's part of what makes it hard to kick people out. There's so many ways to play the game and be a part of the community. Best way to start is probably just seeing who is actually a GAF member and go from there.
Exactly. And the fact that there's a rivals mode which is ideal for those not in a convenient time zone (in relation to the rest of the group) makes it even more difficult a decision to make.

But like I said, I'm more in it for the social/leaderboard aspect moreso than liveries and online multi (at this stage... I might miraculously become a whiz at this after being so shit at liveries in FM3) so my measurable contribution to the group would likely be minimal.


OK here is an outline for us to start from and mold into something that will work.

Getting into the NeoGAF Racing Club

- 60 Places for GAF OG (List Determined by GAF)
- 10 Placed Determined by Random Draw
- 10 Places Determined by Winners of Rivals-Time Challenge/Tournament/Race (TBD)
- 10 Car Club Contributions
- 10 TBD

With a Weekly clear out of the least active members (minimum of 20) and a new selection process each week for the 20 or more new additions.

This continues till it evens out.

Google Doc here: NeoGAF Forza 4 Racing Club [GAF]
Tabs for:
- Registered Interest
- Club Members
- Members Waiting List
- Club Garage List
- Priority Status


Yeah I fully agree, it shouldn't be about the racing elite.

The good thing about Forza is that it's so wide and has so much to do.
That goes down to what you will get out of the group too.


So who else is about to go crazy from hearing the damn whistling sound every time you rewind. (Please don't respond with "Well just don't rewind then")
Gowans007 said:
OK here is an outline for us to start from and mold into something that will work.

Getting into the NeoGAF Racing Club

- 60 Places for GAF OG (List Determined by GAF)
- 10 Placed Determined by Random Draw
- 10 Places Determined by Winners of Rivals-Time Challenge/Tournament/Race (TBD)
- 10 Car Club Contributions
- 10 TBD

With a Weekly clear out of the least active members (minimum of 20) and a new selection process each week for the 20 or more new additions.

This continues till it evens out.

Google Doc here: NeoGAF Forza 4 Racing Club [GAF]
Tabs for:
- Registered Interest
- Club Members
- Members Waiting List
- Club Garage List
- Priority Status

That sounds like a cool system, I'm gonna be active with this game for a while so I'll just wait my turn to get a spot.
Gowans007 said:
OK here is an outline for us to start from and mold into something that will work.

All seems logical enough.

Not sure if I'll get in, but much like Shaneus, I'll be in it for the community aspect and racing moreso than anything else.

Was just looking at doing some quick editing on the last tab, but looks like someones at it already.


Just throwing an idea out; but could there be regional clubs (like AusGaf/EuroGaf/USGaf) and have these feed into a main club? So, for example, there could be 100 US people in the USGaf club and allow say 40-50 of these to go for spots in the main club depending on activity in the threads/race wins/lottery.

G Rom

Edit : Making regional clubs goes completly against the principle IMO. It's supposed to gather people with various specialities and level disregarding the regional aspect.

Meisadragon said:
This. I don't understand, why is there a 100 people limit?
Don't worry, once they'll get rid of the original Xbox Live, they'll up the limit. Oh, wait...


nismogrendel said:
That sounds like a cool system, I'm gonna be active with this game for a while so I'll just wait my turn to get a spot.

Yea, I'm sure there will be a noticeable drop in activity within a month.


Meisadragon said:
This. I don't understand, why is there a 100 people limit?
Probably not manageable? There'd be a specific reason for it. Maybe they just figured that a higher number would be too difficult for the community manager to organise.

Having said that, there wouldn't be many areas of the internet that would fill up a group this quickly. Obviously here, Forzacentral and the official forums... but not many other places come to mind. Maybe Somethingawful? Either way, it'd be a small number that would hit that upper limit.


G Rom said:
Edit : Making regional clubs goes completly against the principle IMO. It's supposed to gather people with various specialities and level disregarding the regional aspect.
Yeah agreed.

Right if everyones ok with the GAF Selected 60, we can start on that now. Tabs in the spreadsheet.

eemijun said:
Anybody interested in getting some races together for later today, in around 10 hours?
I'll be doing some more club custom races tonight.


G Rom said:
Edit : Making regional clubs goes completly against the principle IMO. It's supposed to gather people with various specialities and level disregarding the regional aspect.
Very good point; was just trying to think of a way of accommodating more than 100


Gowans007 said:
Right if everyones ok with the GAF Selected 60, we can start on that now. Tabs in the spreadsheet.

I nominate Mascot, Saladine, Shaneus, Slayer, cjelly, those chaps have been ever present in the Forza threads.

Or is this not how we are doing this?
Gowans007 said:
OK here is an outline for us to start from and mold into something that will work.

Getting into the NeoGAF Racing Club

- 60 Places for GAF OG (List Determined by GAF)
- 10 Placed Determined by Random Draw
- 10 Places Determined by Winners of Rivals-Time Challenge/Tournament/Race (TBD)
- 10 Car Club Contributions
- 10 TBD

With a Weekly clear out of the least active members (minimum of 20) and a new selection process each week for the 20 or more new additions.

This continues till it evens out.

Google Doc here: NeoGAF Forza 4 Racing Club [GAF]
Tabs for:
- Registered Interest
- Club Members
- Members Waiting List
- Club Garage List
- Priority Status

I'll be applying in a week or two then, since I need to seriously practise my racing and want to work with the livery editor first before joining. I plan on making Forza 4 my main online game for some time, so I think I should make for an active member over time.


nagge said:
I nominate Mascot, Saladine, Shaneus, Slayer, cjelly, those chaps have been ever present in the Forza threads.
Yeah I think those guys are musts. Whack them in the spreadsheet guys.

Right I'm off out for the day, I'll try and keep checking in.


Shaneus said:
Probably not manageable? There'd be a specific reason for it. Maybe they just figured that a higher number would be too difficult for the community manager to organise.

Having said that, there wouldn't be many areas of the internet that would fill up a group this quickly. Obviously here, Forzacentral and the official forums... but not many other places come to mind. Maybe Somethingawful? Either way, it'd be a small number that would hit that upper limit.
Yeah, I think you are right. A lot of people will be tough to manage; it will probably spiral out of control.
Going through and matching current members to gaf members, and it seems like a lot of current people are lurkers. That or their GT is different from their GAF name and they didn't put anything down in the spreadsheet.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Absoludacrous said:
Going through and matching current members to gaf members, and it seems like a lot of current people are lurkers. That or their GT is different from their GAF name and they didn't put anything down in the spreadsheet.
Well over 300 people have posted in this thread, so there must be more GAF interest in Forza than the spreadsheet suggests.

Only 68 people with more than 10 posts though.

G Rom

One evolution I'd like for clubs in FM5 is a circle system similar to Google+. For example, beIng in the NeoGAF club while being in another team club and/or a club containing real life friends.


Also i think alot of people will have been waiting till they got the game to post on here, i know i have been in this thread daily but have nothing to add due to living in shit land with friday release dates so have read nearly every post but not posted much due to not being able to add anything to the ot.


I'll toss my hat in the ring in about 2-3 weeks, work is crazy and I really wanna spend time in game if I got accepted.

Least y'all have a fair way to get ppl into the club. And the 100 person cap is dumb


cjelly said:
I wish you were Jube.

Me too...or maybe not, I would just paint some hottie on a car and then sit and drool. Good thing my painting skills are so low, or else I wouldn't get anything done.

Although I would have sent you a green disc ;)


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Marco1 said:
Does downloading any of the F3 car or tracks pack work on F4?
The DLC track from Forza 3 is included and I would imagine all the DLC cars are also in the game.

If that's what you meant.


From the top of my head (that hasn't been mentioned already):

Diablohead (dat avatar)
m0dus (if he isn't in already, obv)
Stop It
Big Takeover (aka BCD2?)

I'm gonna go add these folks in if no-one has objections. They all seem like decent peeps or off-the-chart Forza fans who'd be good fun to have in the community, regardless of what they contribute.

Apologies to anyone I may have completely forgotten about... I missed lunch today in the hope that my break could be used to get a street-broken FM4 and have been running on empty all day. It was not to be unfruitful, though :(

Edit: nagge seems like a straight-up dude, too. I definitely remember him popping up a few times in a few threads to he should probably go in as well, imo.


G Rom said:
One evolution I'd like for clubs in FM5 is a circle system similar to Google+. For example, beIng in the NeoGAF club while being in another team club and/or a club containing real life friends.
Yeah, BF3 has a platoon system where you can basically be a part of multiple platoons which is pretty cool.

I'd really like to see them increase collaborative tools as well. I was really expecting to be able to use people's cars to build liveries on or share a car and have people be able to tune them without actually owning them. With multiple team/clubs you could have tuning coops where people could start a tune and have other members tweak it or share vinyl groups with the coop etc.

On the tuning note, it'd be cool to have that tuning test drive mode in multiplayer where people could tune and save set-ups.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Damn this has become a popularity contest? I guess I have no chance in getting in!

Ah well I guess there are always randoms to play with.


eek5 said:
On the tuning note, it'd be cool to have that tuning test drive mode in multiplayer where people could tune and save set-ups.

One of the things I loved about GTL, it was basically a free practice session and you could go in and out of your garage and make setup changes and then head out on the track and test it. All this was available online before races and you could even watch the other drivers out on track in real time footage while you were in the garage.

FM5 are you listening?!


Careful with going off of post count, you'll end up with people posting just to pad, especially those right on the cusp. It could potentially turn into a mess with #60 and #61 racing for that final spot.


nagge said:
Ah. So many damn decent PC sims, I get confused far too easily. rFactor? iRacing? SimBins?

There's a thread for PC sims so I'll keep that talk out of here, but with the customising that can be done in them, it's too hard to tell them apart :(


Label said:
Damn this has become a popularity contest? I guess I have no chance in getting in!

Ah well I guess there are always randoms to play with.
Just because you're not in the Car Club doesn't mean you cant race with us!


Junior Member
I'm at work right now and all I've got is that crack addict feeling surging through me.
"Maaaan, need a Forza fix maaaaan"

Been offline immersing myself with the ins and outs of the game. I'm so confused sometimes that I don't know what to do next. Do I race through tour mode, repeat events with different cars, AV, photomode, do I tune, do I take in the sights...etc?
Although I do repeat events quite often so as not to progress through the game too quickly. I want to take my time and enjoy it.
So far, the game's an absolute ace. A true sequel. Props to Turn 10!
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