But you're the one that brought up the sales of Miles Morales in multiple threads and compared them?BuT hOw MuCh HaS iT sOlD?

But you're the one that brought up the sales of Miles Morales in multiple threads and compared them?BuT hOw MuCh HaS iT sOlD?
And yet on PC on Microsofts own store its sat at 2/5 star reviews. Sadly I have been unable to play and will be until they deliver there patch.
I can play the intro with the 4 cars (120 FPS at max setting is amazing) however it crashes as soon as you reach the horizon festival.
Guess the PC launch is delayed a week for some of us.
And yet on PC on Microsofts own store its sat at 2/5 star reviews. Sadly I have been unable to play and will be until they deliver there patch.
I can play the intro with the 4 cars (120 FPS at max setting is amazing) however it crashes as soon as you reach the horizon festival.
Guess the PC launch is delayed a week for some of us.
BuT hOw MuCh HaS iT sOlD?
Mean they're "off-roads"Top 40% of 7,911,611 players.
What do the red roads mean on the map?
Ah I see it just turns red when you drive over them. I kept looking for some event.Mean they're "off-roads"
Let's go! There's no slowing down baby.
Yes.Is this by hours played or just player counts?
It was an ingenious move by MS tbh. Use an existing incredible sim engine and then tweak it to be more accessible while still being rooted in realism and also benefiting from 2 different developers improving the engine. Forza Motorsport will no doubt have playground games engine enhancements in it too.Love Horizon games, it captures that perfect medium of feeling arcade and sim at the same time. It captures the general audience with its setting and great gameplay.
I'd say if anything they underperformed. I expected them to outsell the number of McDonald's Happy Meals over the last year and they aren't even closeI mean...its the best racing game franchise and its on gamepass.
Seems pretty normal to have this kind of numbers.
Yeah it’s the tech that makes me excited about the new Fable. The story and dialogue can still be shit. Hopefully MS know that they have the best RPG makers under the same roof so they don’t bank on Playground to come from nowhere and make an RPG classic all by themselves, racing is a whole other thing.The reason why I like playground doing fable, is the details. The insane amount of details fable is gonna have, will be amazing.
The downside is the dialogue and the story. I dont want that cringy dialogue like fh5.
With obsidian, bethesda being under the same umbrella might fix that issue. Hope the knock out the park with fable, just like how Guerrilla Games did with hzd, when they transitioned from fps games.
The reason why I like playground doing fable, is the details. The insane amount of details fable is gonna have, will be amazing.
The downside is the dialogue and the story. I dont want that cringy dialogue like fh5.
Fable's lead writer is Anna Megill, who worked on games like Control and Dishonored DotO. She had nothing to do with Forza Horizon 5.Yeah it’s the tech that makes me excited about the new Fable. The story and dialogue can still be shit. Hopefully MS know that they have the best RPG makers under the same roof so they don’t bank on Playground to come from nowhere and make an RPG classic all by themselves, racing is a whole other thing.
Got rpg-related experience with Guild Wars 1/2 as well.Fable's lead writer is Anna Megill, who worked on games like Control and Dishonored DotO. She had nothing to do with Forza Horizon 5.
She seems to be a capable writer.
If you didn't like the others you won't like this one. Clearly not your type of game.genuine question: what makes it better than previous games? i played Horizon 3 + 4 but didn't enjoy them. what is so good about 5 that everyone is going crazy about?
I only got into the xbox ecosystem a couple of years ago and haven't played alot of 4 but one thing that I like more about 5 is the variation of the world. The festival nature of the world and its associated dialogue never bugged me but it might bug you.genuine question: what makes it better than previous games? i played Horizon 3 + 4 but didn't enjoy them. what is so good about 5 that everyone is going crazy about?
Bu bu butttt something something uk physical sales lol
genuine question: what makes it better than previous games? i played Horizon 3 + 4 but didn't enjoy them. what is so good about 5 that everyone is going crazy about?
i do like arcade racers though but thanks for telling me what i like.If you didn't like the others you won't like this one. Clearly not your type of game.
thanks for your answer. the festival setting/dialogue didn't bother me. the maps were impressive too. the one set in the UK did bother me a little but i do live there so i was being a bit nit picky with places that were missing/in the wrong place. so 5's map is just bigger and more detailed?I only got into the xbox ecosystem a couple of years ago and haven't played alot of 4 but one thing that I like more about 5 is the variation of the world. The festival nature of the world and its associated dialogue never bugged me but it might bug you.
It’ll be on many GOTY lists but The Game Awards has never nominated a racing game for the GOTY award. And this year Metroid Dread and Ratchet & Clank Seems more likely winners imo. But FH5 is the highest rated game this year when you remove games that has had earlier releases which TGA usually do, so who knows. It would be a historical win.Unlike many others I can’t really see why it would be a problem if Forza Horizon 5 would win GotY. Its obviously a quality game and they have reached a pretty wide audience with this installment.
Why do you give a shit about what a few dozen Oscars wannabe critics think? If FH5 is your GOTY that's all that matters. It's mine too for now.Unlike many others I can’t really see why it would be a problem if Forza Horizon 5 would win GotY. Its obviously a quality game and they have reached a pretty wide audience with this installment.
I would describe 5's map to be more open. It feels less constricted, brighter and just more fun to play. You get bigger stretches of road and more room to maneuver around. I think all and all, the difference in map is what makes it a much better game.i do like arcade racers though but thanks for telling me what i like.
my biggest issue with the Horizon games were the car controls which yknow play a huge part of a racing game so i didn't enjoy it for that. Everything else was fine but quite secondary in a car game. I'm just curious what 5 does that's better than 3/4? you're telling me i won't like it if i didn't like the others. so i'm asking if people liked the others then why is 5 so good? what's new/different?
thanks for your answer. the festival setting/dialogue didn't bother me. the maps were impressive too. the one set in the UK did bother me a little but i do live there so i was being a bit nit picky with places that were missing/in the wrong place. so 5's map is just bigger and more detailed?
i do like arcade racers though but thanks for telling me what i like.
my biggest issue with the Horizon games were the car controls which yknow play a huge part of a racing game so i didn't enjoy it for that. Everything else was fine but quite secondary in a car game. I'm just curious what 5 does that's better than 3/4? you're telling me i won't like it if i didn't like the others. so i'm asking if people liked the others then why is 5 so good? what's new/different?
I would say it’s mostly the same, still arcadey, still crazy, but at a warmer and more varied location and it’s simply better at everything. And you drive on the right side of the road. You have a very clear Pokémon gotta catch them all thing going for cars and there is an easy to understand progression map with boxes you check, and the campaign is bigger and better, you have absolutely mental xp and fast travel boards at the weirdest places too which I find fun to smash. I’m only 11 hours in, about 1/4 of the campaign I think, and it’s just getting better and better. If you didn’t like 3 and 4 I doubt you’ll like 5, But if you have Gamepass and can try it for free then jump in asap and play until you reach the Goliath race, that’s the absolute peak for me so fari do like arcade racers though but thanks for telling me what i like.
my biggest issue with the Horizon games were the car controls which yknow play a huge part of a racing game so i didn't enjoy it for that. Everything else was fine but quite secondary in a car game. I'm just curious what 5 does that's better than 3/4? you're telling me i won't like it if i didn't like the others. so i'm asking if people liked the others then why is 5 so good? what's new/different?
thanks for your answer. the festival setting/dialogue didn't bother me. the maps were impressive too. the one set in the UK did bother me a little but i do live there so i was being a bit nit picky with places that were missing/in the wrong place. so 5's map is just bigger and more detailed?
Serious question, why is this disingenuous $1 bullshit allowed when the equally disingenuous TF stuff isn’t?Lots of people are playing recently launched gamepass games in a time when Microsoft is currently giving away 3 months of the service for $1/1€?
Wow I'm so shocked.