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Forza Motorsport 4 - The Floodgates Have Opened...

Bah wish I could play this demo when it comes out. I am sure they won't let free accounts get it right away. Might as well wait for the game by the time the demo will be open to silver accounts.


Xanadu, I suggest you exhaust all options before going the DVD route.

From a burned DVD, it'll take several minutes to load the track and you'll have issues with pop-in as well. The game is fun, but I have time to check and post on GAF or make a cup of coffee in between everything I do.
enzo_gt said:
Is it just me or does the top right of the wheel light up when your supposed to change gears? o_O

I noticed that too, pretty neat. As for the menu music, it also reminds me of Mass Effect. It might me a new music direction. I also got a Mass Effect'ish vibe from the new Halo 4 concept art trailer.


Junior Member
Just had some time with the demo.
First of all...HOLY SHIT AT THE SOUND!!!
The complete rev range has been captured brilliantly. The Cougar actually has a personality compared to FM3's sometimes generic V8 tones. It isn't just a bunch of noises. It's a disticnt,cammy note that can be heard quite clearly.
The Zonda. Oh my Lord ...the Zonda!
What an experience that was flying through the mountains at full ball. The sound is absolutely incredible. Some of the best audio work I have heard. The top end scream is chilling.
There's other little details that complete the sound experience such as the more than welcome backfires and faithful on/off throttle nuances.
Mr. Nick Wiswell you beautiful bastard you, take a bow you genius!!

The handling, (with simulation and Fanatec wheel), is some of the best yet seen. What a world of difference between FM3 amd this iteration. The sense of speed is something else let me tell ya. Again, the Zonda showcases this perfectly.
I noticed that snap oversteer is quite pronounced compared to FM3. Lift off through a sweeper (MR) and hang on!
Harder braking induces unsettling of the car. Trailbraking is tricky. Throttle control will need to be mastered. The rumble strips play a bigger role than ever before.
The limits are varied depending on the car and driving style now, something that was too predictable in FM3. I can go on and on but you get the idea. Basically, it's brilliant!

I'm not a graphics whore but holy shit at the graphics. The lighting is amazing. The reflections bouncing off the cars...wow. The track is beautiful to look at and feels alive somehow. The cars while in Homespace look incredible. I don't know what magic Turn 10 pulled off here but whatever it is, it has worked tremendously.

That's my experience so far in the limted time i've had. Dan Greenawalt and Turn 10......take a fucking bow!!!!!!


WoW...WoW...WoW....This is impressive. I am really shocked on how much better the graphics, lighting is in. Just got done playing the demo for 10min and had to come in and post. Only drawback and given the fact that there are now 12 cars, I do wish the jaggies were a little less...it is not horrid, about the same or so with F3, clearly not the jag fest that was Forza 2 though.

Be back later with more impressions.


Morn said:
How are people playing the demo already???

It is easily downloadable on the net, copy to a flash drive and your done. Well there are some in-between steps, but it is really easy. Took me about 6 min to download, 15min or so to get it onto the usb drive and been playing for the last hour or so.


so here's car painted from scratch in fm4, no import vinyls from fm3 used:



one for saladine


and some more






I'm in the same dilemma as Xanadu. I've tried everything on the flash drive and even tried burning it, but after 3 hours, I still couldnt get it to work.

Eventually I just gave up and just embraced the fact that the public demo will be out in 2 days.



saladine1 said:
Just had some time with the demo.
First of all...HOLY SHIT AT THE SOUND!!!

It's funny you say that because I always found the sound to be one of the worst aspect of Forza and from what I could hear in the demo, FM4 will be the same.

The engine sound is "all right" but it's really nothing spectacular, especially after playing close to 50hours of Shift 2. The sound in Forza is too soft and muted. When I drive a supercar, I want the engine to scream and I want it to scare me when I put my foot down.

Also, the collision "bump" you hear every single time you hit another car (it's always the same sound effect) sounds terrible. It sounds like two plastic bins hitting each other.

I really don't want to turn this into another Vs thread because 1-that's stupid and 2-I still can't wait for Forza (got my LCE pre-ordered) but I really think that Shift 2 has a much better sound package than Forza
and much better tracks selection too...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzWt00KpUiw&feature=relmfu Is a good example on how I like my engine and collision to sound....that shit is terrifying to hear in your headphones!


SarBear said:
That Camaro shot is sooo good. Good lord.

I uploaded that LOL

I suck ass at taking pictures too.. TG track overcast conditions :p

You guys have NO IDEA how that fucking Camaro sounds, it's insane. Wait til you hear it.
Slayer-33 said:
I uploaded that LOL

I suck ass at taking pictures too.. TG track overcast conditions :p

You guys have NO IDEA how that fucking Camaro sounds, it's insane.

WTF, you got a green disc, Slayer? How did I miss that?

Congrats man.


Spaceman Spiff said:
WTF, you got a green disc, Slayer? How did I miss that?

Congrats man.

lol ty :)

I wonder if my greendisc will blow up in a few days, do these things self destruct?

Oh and that camaro was a gift car because of my lvl 35 profile, I got some other nice cars too and credits ;)


Slayer-33 said:
I uploaded that LOL

I suck ass at taking pictures too.. TG track overcast conditions :p

You guys have NO IDEA how that fucking Camaro sounds, it's insane. Wait til you hear it.

I really, really like it, Slayer. Skills be damned, I really enjoy the faded look of the overall picture. Would you mind getting a shot of the Shelby Mustang GT500, mate? The newer one.
Megasoum said:
(sound stuff)
Somebody posted a Zonda youtube earlier in one of these threads and the audio was absolutely monstrous. I mean that in a good way.

As soon as I get this game I'm going to max out car effects and environmental audio, neighbors be damned.


Megasoum said:
It's funny you say that because I always found the sound to be one of the worst aspect of Forza and from what I could hear in the demo, FM4 will be the same.

The engine sound is "all right" but it's really nothing spectacular, especially after playing close to 50hours of Shift 2.

sound of the Zonda in demo is better and more detailed than anything I have heard in other games,but that is just my opinion of course ;)
Thing is there is no "in car filter" on Zonda samples and that is why it sounds so loud and distorted even in cockpit camera.


I always thought Shift 2's sound was a little too good, to be honest. Like, unnaturally fake.

I believe Forza 4 has a really good niche in terms of sound. Not as mute as OtherGame 5, and not overbearing like Shift.


SarBear said:
I always thought Shift 2's sound was a little too good, to be honest. Like, unnaturally fake.

I believe Forza 4 has a really good niche in terms of sound. Not as mute as OtherGame 5, and not overbearing like Shift.

I love the fact that T10 is not overdoing anything and they seem to be going for the "just right" feeling.

Be it in camera effects in cockpit view and sfx's etc


fu3lfr3nzy said:
I'm in the same dilemma as Xanadu. I've tried everything on the flash drive and even tried burning it, but after 3 hours, I still couldnt get it to work.

Eventually I just gave up and just embraced the fact that the public demo will be out in 2 days.

Make sure the dvd has this directory structure:


Slayer-33 said:
I love the fact that T10 is not overdoing anything and they seem to be going for the "just right" feeling.

Be it in camera effects in cockpit view and sfx's etc

Did Turn10 tone down the effect of forced induction on cars? I was playing around with the M5 and the STI, and I could barely hear the turbo kick in over the (MOAR POWER) engine.


SarBear said:
Did Turn10 tone down the effect of forced induction on cars? I was playing around with the M5 and the STI, and I could barely hear the turbo kick in over the (MOAR POWER) engine.

I'm banned from Q&A sessions bro sorry :p
Pepto said:
Make sure the dvd has this directory structure:

Thank you. I've done this demo transfer before and I knew that theres supposed to be subfolders after content/0000000000000000 before the actual demo file itself but when i got the demo, it didnt come in a folder -_-

I'll try it again. Thanks :D
They just showed a full lap of Road Atlanta on ESPN3's Petit Le Mans coverage. Hindhaugh can drive.

It looked 378% better than FM3, and this is fact cannot be disputed. It's math. I liked the high-speed camera shake on the hood cam. Subtle, but enough to reinforce the fact that you're really hauling ass.


Demo is so good. I really can't wait to get my hot little hands on the full game. I'm definitely going to do a lot more racing than I did in FM3.


Pepto said:
Make sure the dvd has this directory structure:

Yes, ensure that the file path is like it is shown above regardless if burning to dvd/cd or usb flash drive. That was the issue I was having before, but when I did the path in that order it worked no problem.


saladine1 said:
The handling, (with simulation and Fanatec wheel), is some of the best yet seen. What a world of difference between FM3 amd this iteration.

impossible. Motogames tv said it feels like a new track for fm3 :D


fu3lfr3nzy said:
Thank you. I've done this demo transfer before and I knew that theres supposed to be subfolders after content/0000000000000000 before the actual demo file itself but when i got the demo, it didnt come in a folder -_-

I'll try it again. Thanks :D

For other people trying with USB, first copy a demo from your 360's HDD to the stick. This will show you where you have to put the FM4 demo in the subfolders when you browse the stick on your PC.

I like how a community "stunt" is pushing people towards warez sites and the like. Downloading demos is a gateway drug to downloading full games!


A couple of things for those that have the demo or will be getting the demo...nothing major, but some might not know.

1. In quick race, there are 3 cars to choose. Each car will run in a different layout of the track. I beleive two are reverse portions of 2 different layouts and 1 is normal on a different layout. So you get 3 layouts to race on depending on the car you choose.

2. *MUST DO* when you select your car and the game loads in, don't hit start race. Let the attract screens roll for a bit...they are simply beautiful, especially the one with the Ferrari....just WOW.... what blows me away is that it is not just a static image with the camera moving slowly, in the Ferrari example, you get a really amazing shot with some depth of field work and in the backround the cable cars are moving along their path and it just looks really good, grass slowly moving in the wind and all...just impressive.

3. Rivals mode has additional cars as well. Again, like quick race, selecting each car is a different track layout and event. I noticed one of the Rival modes has traffic, while another was just you against a ghost (rival). You can also select a rival or the game automatically assigns one to you.

Break down of cars in "Quick Race".
1970 Mercury Cougar Eliminator
2011 Subaru WRS ST1
2010 Ferrari 458 Italia

Break down of cars in "Rivals Mode"
Pagani Zonda C
BMW F10 M5
Ferrari 458

Lastly, defintately use the "Custom Soundtrack" trick to turn off the music so you can really hear the cars and the enviromental sounds effects. Really impressive. Simple instructions...Just copy a song from a CD to your Hard Drive. Load the game. Hit the "Guide Button">>Media>>Select Music>>Hard Drive>>Play All -or- Select a Song>>Hit Pause Button>>Hit B Button. That's it, no more music and all the glorious sound effects of the game.

Just thought I share this information. Will also post this in the Demo Thread as well.


Wazzim said:
Are there that many cars/features in the demo? Seem unlikely given the size.

6 cars, 2.5 race types, maybe 4?? different ribbons (including reverse). I say 2.5 race types, because rivals mode has traffic and non traffic, so they're kinda the same but play differently. No alta vista, no photo mode, no kinect support, but there's plenty in the demo to keep you busy for a while.


Wazzim said:
Are there that many cars/features in the demo? Seem unlikely given the size.

the mercury cougar, the subaru, the 458 italia, the bmw m5 and the the zonda.
Several different cars for cpu.
3 ribbons in the alps environment, quick race and rivals mode.
Meaty demo.
Finally got chance to play it, and OMG! Thats how a 458 Italia should sound like!

A Ferrari that actually sounds like a Ferrari, not a fuckin Honda.

Waiting for the full game just got that much harder ;_;
Pazuzu9 said:
I hope that the over-saturation and crushed blacks are down to some poorly calibrated capture equipment... you could barely see the interior most of the time.

And that MP4 looked mighty understeery... for what is known as a very 'pointy' car, I'm not sure how accurate that handling setup is...
I use the same screen for both pc and 360 and yes that user had way too many crushed blacks.
Can anyone shoot me a PM with a link to the demo?

Thanks a lot.

The pictures are getting better and better, by the way. I really can't wait to put my Fanatec to the test. FM3 was a bit light on ffb.
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