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Forza Motorsport 4 - The Floodgates Have Opened...

saladine1 said:
Just had some time with the demo.
First of all...HOLY SHIT AT THE SOUND!!!
The complete rev range has been captured brilliantly. The Cougar actually has a personality compared to FM3's sometimes generic V8 tones. It isn't just a bunch of noises. It's a disticnt,cammy note that can be heard quite clearly.
The Zonda. Oh my Lord ...the Zonda!
What an experience that was flying through the mountains at full ball. The sound is absolutely incredible. Some of the best audio work I have heard. The top end scream is chilling.
There's other little details that complete the sound experience such as the more than welcome backfires and faithful on/off throttle nuances.
Mr. Nick Wiswell you beautiful bastard you, take a bow you genius!!

The handling, (with simulation and Fanatec wheel), is some of the best yet seen. What a world of difference between FM3 amd this iteration. The sense of speed is something else let me tell ya. Again, the Zonda showcases this perfectly.
I noticed that snap oversteer is quite pronounced compared to FM3. Lift off through a sweeper (MR) and hang on!
Harder braking induces unsettling of the car. Trailbraking is tricky. Throttle control will need to be mastered. The rumble strips play a bigger role than ever before.
The limits are varied depending on the car and driving style now, something that was too predictable in FM3. I can go on and on but you get the idea. Basically, it's brilliant!

I'm not a graphics whore but holy shit at the graphics. The lighting is amazing. The reflections bouncing off the cars...wow. The track is beautiful to look at and feels alive somehow. The cars while in Homespace look incredible. I don't know what magic Turn 10 pulled off here but whatever it is, it has worked tremendously.

That's my experience so far in the limted time i've had. Dan Greenawalt and Turn 10......take a fucking bow!!!!!!

So, is there any danger of MS banning a Live account or console from running the demo a few days early if you didn't get a code? I am not in any great hurry to be selling an "offline only" Xbox on Kijiji.


CrudeDiatribe said:
So, is there any danger of MS banning a Live account or console from running the demo a few days early if you didn't get a code? I am not in any great hurry to be selling an "offline only" Xbox on Kijiji.

Doubtful - unlocked game content like demos, arcade trials, etc, are ok to transfer between machines using the USB storage. This is just the same, except the machines are much further apart.


Xanadu said:
why are the cockpits so dark?
Those videos are having some problems with black levels. You can tell because of the trees and darker areas, it's too much contrast or maybe the reference range.


Diablohead said:
guy is saying that he is playing around with the "demo" but who knows, could be a jtag kid with a downloaded rip.
Crazy kids and their downloaded jtag whatchamawhoozits! Either way, I am happy to see his videos.


Junior Member
The simulation steering still has that autosteer when you dont have 100% grip. It feels much better than FM3 but still there and it still creates a bad feeling of disconnect from the car when it takes over. Its disappointing that the steering is still not linear all the time.

I do love the rivals mode though and the game looks great.
Gek54 said:
The simulation steering still has that autosteer when you dont have 100% grip. It feels much better than FM3 but still there and it still creates a bad feeling of disconnect from the car when it takes over. Its disappointing that the steering is still not linear all the time.

I do love the rivals mode though and the game looks great.
They did say it was being addressed in f4, fully removed for wheel users only perhaps? i've only played with a pad so far. If not that is rather lame.


Best thing I have ever seen on consoles...damn!! And people tried to tell me 360 was maxed out 2 years ago. What a graphical comeback this year by little box!


Junior Member
Diablohead said:
They did say it was being addressed in f4, fully removed for wheel users only perhaps? i've only played with a pad so far. If not that is rather lame.

Yeah, there was interview or something where they said it would be linear in simulation mode, though I think the wording was a little odd. "initial turn-in is direct and linear" ???

I still feel it the autocorrection going on when I get the car lose.

I also just found the hud mode that shows the car's steering moving outside of your direct input just as it did in FM3.

I am using my Fanatec wheel in 900 degree mode btw.
Gek54 said:
Yeah, there was interview or something where they said it would be linear in simulation mode, though I think the wording was a little odd. "initial turn-in is direct and linear" ???

I still feel it the autocorrection going on when I get the car lose.

I also just found the hud mode that shows the car's steering moving outside of your direct input just as it did in FM3.

I am using my Fanatec wheel in 900 degree mode btw.

There goes the thread. It's all downhill from here!

I bet Turn 10 removes the HUD that displays that. I also bet that other games have a similar assist but there is no way of proving it.

As long as the game feels right I don't see what the problem is. Too much telemetry watching for my taste. Some just can't leave well enough alone it seems.


Going to eat dinner now and watch Transformers, but just wanted to pop in and say that the new Microsoft Speed Wheel is for real. I have a regular MS Racing Wheel that I used for most of the day playing Forza, but to me with family it is a pain the ass to hook it all up, move the coffee table for the footpedals and then running the power cable etc. But still I did much better with the wheel than the controller. Decided to try out the Speed Wheel since my Gamestop near me got one.

Well, it is really good. It took me about 6 laps to beat the rival using whatever the fast car is in the demo (sorry tired), it took me 2 laps to beat the person 20 positions ahead of me. I am not saying it can replace a wheel, but for convenience & cost it definately is worth it. Now, it could be that I was more use to the track, but it did not take me long to beat my previous time and like I said the rival I chose which was 20 positions ahead of me using the Speed Wheel.

I be back later for more detailed impressions...but before I go, if anyone else has it and the full game is there option to adjust the inputs? On a regular controller the d-pad you can pull up the telemetry, but I cannot with the Speed Wheel.

If anyone has questions, please post them and I will answer. Oh, the D-pad is perfect...finally MS has a decent "D" Pad...lol
Could one kind soul link me to the demo via PM?

Watched the video of the Zonda sound/drive last night. Fuck. That was incredible. I can only hope that level of attention has been applied across the entire set of cars. My friend watched it - and was just excited to see if the Subaru WRX sound effects are faithful - haven't seen anything yet but I'm hopeful.


Junior Member
D'ultimate said:
There goes the thread. It's all downhill from here!

I bet Turn 10 removes the HUD that displays that. I also bet that other games have a similar assist but there is no way of proving it.

As long as the game feels right I don't see what the problem is. Too much telemetry watching for my taste. Some just can't leave well enough alone it seems.

Well, except that IS the problem. The hud animation just happens to show off what I am feeling. The game is taking away ultimate control of the car, its a disconnect.


tagged by Blackace
Gonna ask again, all the people posting liveries/homespaces have review copies right? Or am I missing something in the demo? (outside of that demo hack)


enzo_gt said:
Gonna ask again, all the people posting liveries/homespaces have review copies right? Or am I missing something in the demo? (outside of that demo hack)

Yea, A couple of Gaffers have Green Disc copies.
Hawk269 said:
Going to eat dinner now and watch Transformers, but just wanted to pop in and say that the new Microsoft Speed Wheel is for real. I have a regular MS Racing Wheel that I used for most of the day playing Forza, but to me with family it is a pain the ass to hook it all up, move the coffee table for the footpedals and then running the power cable etc. But still I did much better with the wheel than the controller. Decided to try out the Speed Wheel since my Gamestop near me got one.

Well, it is really good. It took me about 6 laps to beat the rival using whatever the fast car is in the demo (sorry tired), it took me 2 laps to beat the person 20 positions ahead of me. I am not saying it can replace a wheel, but for convenience & cost it definately is worth it. Now, it could be that I was more use to the track, but it did not take me long to beat my previous time and like I said the rival I chose which was 20 positions ahead of me using the Speed Wheel.

I be back later for more detailed impressions...but before I go, if anyone else has it and the full game is there option to adjust the inputs? On a regular controller the d-pad you can pull up the telemetry, but I cannot with the Speed Wheel.

If anyone has questions, please post them and I will answer. Oh, the D-pad is perfect...finally MS has a decent "D" Pad...lol
I think it's funny that your curse is my blessing. I just assumed the d-pad was for telemetry while I bemoaned the loss of my manual transmission. I hope you find your answer though.

I'm glad you're digging the SW.


Couple shots:


Almost just want this on your wall haha


BCD2 said:
I think it's funny that your curse is my blessing. I just assumed the d-pad was for telemetry while I bemoaned the loss of my manual transmission. I hope you find your answer though.

I'm glad you're digging the SW.

lol. Yeah, up and down on the dpad would be for transmission, but if I could map left/right for telemetry/tire heat status etc. that would be great.


Gek54 said:
Yeah, there was interview or something where they said it would be linear in simulation mode, though I think the wording was a little odd. "initial turn-in is direct and linear" ???

I still feel it the autocorrection going on when I get the car lose.

I also just found the hud mode that shows the car's steering moving outside of your direct input just as it did in FM3.

I am using my Fanatec wheel in 900 degree mode btw.

Yup, just confirmed this. Shit sucks. There's a really huge counter steering assist. I sort of blew up in the other thread but I'm a little ticked at being misled.

Mobius 1

Gek54 said:
Yeah, there was interview or something where they said it would be linear in simulation mode, though I think the wording was a little odd. "initial turn-in is direct and linear" ???

I still feel it the autocorrection going on when I get the car lose.

I also just found the hud mode that shows the car's steering moving outside of your direct input just as it did in FM3.

I am using my Fanatec wheel in 900 degree mode btw.

I suspected as well. I only played on simulation and at a point with the Zonda I felt the game lent me a little hand correcting oversteering.

I hope there is a gamma setting in the final game, its still too dark in some spots.

Very nice demo otherwise.
nismogrendel said:
I just turned on F3 to check my driver level. I didn't realize I was 50, nice to see they are giving a nice reward for that in F4.

I looked at the list of cars that will transfer, does that apply to cars I bought? I found the 2009 ZR1 and 2007 430 Scuderia for sale so I bought them both. Will they transfer? I didn't see any of the others for sale, but I know I missed at least 2 DLC packs.

Anyone know?


Norante said:
I suspected as well. I only played on simulation and at a point with the Zonda I felt the game lent me a little hand correcting oversteering.

I hope there is a gamma setting in the final game, its still too dark in some spots.

Very nice demo otherwise.

Don't worry ;)


Junior Member
Yoritomo said:
Yup, just confirmed this. Shit sucks. There's a really huge counter steering assist. I sort of blew up in the other thread but I'm a little ticked at being misled.

Oh ok that explains why I didn't get a code. lol

What is T10 thinking?

What is the point of "simulation" steering then?

This is almost as disappointing as GT5. Except that GT5 was made patched to be a very good game.

So screw that Porsche petition we need a petition so this stuff can be patched out!


nismogrendel said:
Anyone know?

It applies to any of those cars that are in your Forza 3 garage. A few are unicorns (Camaro SS, RX7, S204 Impreza) and the Lexus LF-A was in the Forza 3 Ultimate Edition.


Junior Member
Got a text from my cousin who tried 5 minutes of the demo and felt the assist with a controller.

I told him I just read about it. This is horrible.

Someone go up to Dan and grab him by the shoulders and shake the hell out of him telling him to wake up.
Iknos said:
Got a text from my cousin who tried 5 minutes of the demo and felt the assist with a controller.

I told him I just read about it. This is horrible.

Someone go up to Dan and grab him by the shoulders and shake the hell out of him telling him to wake up.
"Simulation Steering” and “Rewind Off” difficulty options are fan requests. “Rewind Off” works like you’d expect. “Simulation Steering” requires a bit more explanation. In Forza 3, we refined a steering assist to the controller (and to a lesser extent for the wheel) that helped the player countersteer, drift and recover. It slightly modified the player’s steering angle input as well as the rate of steering wheel rotation based on the yaw of the car and the player’s recent inputs. I loved the system for drifting, as it made me feel like a driving god without actually sacrificing our physics accuracy. It made the game easier to drift and recover by just interpreting the player’s input.

With “Simulation Steering” in Forza 4, those input assists are turned off. If you over-countersteer or over-correct, you will spin like a top. Based on how you drive, Simulation Steering, combined with the new Pirelli tire data, makes the cars feel far more twitchy-
Maybe its a bug, can't see how it would jive with what they said earlier.
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