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Forza Motorsport 4 - The Floodgates Have Opened...

The Stig

test_account said:
Not that it changes your point, but i just wanted to say that COD games actually dont have achievements online (at least not from World at War up til Black Ops, not sure about CoD 3 and 4). World at War and Black Ops have some zombie mode achievements and Modern Warfare 2 has some Spec Ops achievements, but these modes can be played offline as well.
fair point well made.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
skyfinch said:
I stopped playing last night because my hands starting hurting. Rivals mode is pretty intense.

Can get first place against AI on hard, but Professional is very challenging for me.

Also might ask Santa for one of them expensive wheels. This game deserves it.

with more then 2 laps it shouldnt be as difficult


Off-topic post: Petit Le Mans is about to start...


The "USB thing" works fine! Thanks to OdysseusVA.

Forza 4 is looking fantastic! The Alps environment is very atmospheric! Image based lighting is a winner. Dan Greenawalt is a winner.


Neo Member
Xanadu said:
GT3 is STILL the game that impressed me the most graphically, when i first played it after playing GT 2 religiously i couldnt believe it, the only game that has come close to wowing me as much is gears of war 1

I still remember the one shot of the Corvette rounding a corner during the intro film being one of the most photorealistic sequences that I'd ever seen in a game. It seriously looked like someone had spliced in a live feed of a race for that one scene.


Searching everywhere for a code! Argh! Surely being on Jube's XBox friends list has to count for something?

Why do they release demos on Mondays? I have a 4 day weekend here! Oh, right, because they can give out demo codes and generate weekend buzz. :)


p3tran said:
on the contrary, it works. its just difficult for some to comprehend or to stay clean.

I've seen people that in order to do fast times, they drag behind a faster car their friend drives, I've seen fast car pushing the slower car from behind in order for the latter to shave some seconds, etc etc.
what do you propose for these?

leaderboards are showing a single, clean lap.
It doesn't work for anybody who isn't into hardcore hotlapping. It fixes one small issue while adding a huge new one on top of it(and other issues like having your next perfectly clean lap invalidated because of your previous clean, but invalidated, lap). Thats not what I'd call a 'working solution', sorry.

I'll take a few sad people that cheat for leaderboard times over all these new issues they've added. Seriously, unless you're one of the fastest 50 people in the world, this really wont affect you at all.

At the VERY VERY least, dont invalidate my lap cuz somebody else happened to be behind me. I simply cant get over how ridiculous that is. It makes setting meaningful times in actual races a complete joke.

I dont understand how anybody can defend this system. We'd all be far better off if they left it how it was in Forza 2.


The only thing I don't like about the hotlapping penalty in Forza 3 is when a car is drafting behind you, and your lap gets invalidated. I know that there is technically a reason for it, but it must be a ridiculously small advantage.


tagged by Blackace
Xanadu said:
ahh free portal 2 DLC soon, what are the chances of free track packs DLC ;)
If Valve was making Forza we would be getting hype for Forza 2 ATM, and people would NOT be bitching about the lack of info.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Spaceman Spiff said:
I'm it watching on the ESPN3 app on Xbox Live, with a full compliment of snacks and drinks to last me the afternoon.

Good times ahead.

then UFC fights on facebook/versus with a FM4 run through in between. sounds like the perfect day =)
op_ivy said:
then UFC fights on facebook/versus with a FM4 run through in between. sounds like the perfect day =)


You've got the best demo times on my friends list. I'm going to try
and most likely fail
to do something about that. :)


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Spaceman Spiff said:

You've got the best demo times on my friends list. I'm going to try
and most likely fail
to do something about that. :)

nice. i still gotta beat BCD2, and i definitely can, but i got to the point last night where fatigue must have set in and i just couldnt race clean enough.


Couple of questions...

First, might I have a code (figured I would get that out of the way without being pithy).
Second question and more, is autovista in the demo and am I able to use Kinect with it and can I use the Kinect voice controls for navigation. I take it in looking at blimblim's post that Kinect driving is not in the demo hence my other Kinect questions above.

Setup question, does anyone else play with a wheel on a projection screen setup? I'm trying to get an idea on how close/far I should be my screen is 120inches. I have the MS wheel and pedals and a v1 rennsport stand (the 360 wheel is pretty iffy on this stand but it could be my cluelessness on how to better secure it).
All you lucky people enjoying the demo! Guess its a blessing I don't have it, got project brief for my Honours Project due on Monday which needs doing.
The_Monk said:
Yeah I did not see that coming! Just wonder if it's PT-PT or PT-BR.

É PT-BR, mas durante a corrida (e a maioria dos menus) não há grande distinção (frenagem vs. travagem).
A não ser o "esterçamento"... que é como quem diz a dire(c)ção. :)

EDIT: O jogo já está com o novo acordo ortográfico... outubro vs. Outubro. :p
Tiago Leite said:
É PT-BR, mas durante a corrida (e a maioria dos menus) não há grande distinção (frenagem vs. travagem).
A não ser o "esterçamento"... que é como quem diz a dire(c)ção. :)

That's still better to introduce my father to the game than having only English...
AlmostMilk said:
I see a lot of people asking for the download link. How come its not posted up in here yet?

I'm going to post it, I just need to know if there's anything wrong with posting it before doing so.
I just turned on F3 to check my driver level. I didn't realize I was 50, nice to see they are giving a nice reward for that in F4.

I looked at the list of cars that will transfer, does that apply to cars I bought? I found the 2009 ZR1 and 2007 430 Scuderia for sale so I bought them both. Will they transfer? I didn't see any of the others for sale, but I know I missed at least 2 DLC packs.
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