The mid '90s were some of the best years of my life. I was 17 years old when my friends and I first discovered Nirvana's latest album at the time - Nevermind.
Then just like that, like a bolt of lightning, our taste in music shifted entirely from glam rock to alternative/grunge rock.
Suddenly, the musical landscape became this magical plethora of new sounds that gave us this amazing buzz. It was like a drug. Every new band, album and song we heard was like a shot of euphoria. The first time I heard Stone Temple Pilots's song Dead And Bloated, it raised the hair on the back of my neck every time I listened to it.
I didn't know that music could be so powerful in that way. '80s rock didn't have that effect. This was something new and exciting and transformative.
There's been nothing like that era since to have that kind of impact on my life. I only wish I could share what I felt at that time with everyone today who wasn't there to be part of it all.
And was gone. Somewhere around, I wanna say 1997, it all just disappeared as quickly as it came in. Hip-hop took over MTV, 3rd rate copy-cat grunge bands took over radio. Cobain was gone. The scene changed once again and life continued on.
Crazy how things go.