Fantastic news.
The UK should be next.
They are surprisingly backwards when it comes to some things, like gender equality and capital punishment for instance.I think its wierd that Japan hasn't allowed gay marriages. They are pretty liberal in alot of other stuff.
I thought Japan was the complete opposite to be honest. Not familiar with their recent politics but I do recall a documentary about their complete lack of social safety net.I think its wierd that Japan hasn't allowed gay marriages. They are pretty liberal in alot of other stuff.
I think its wierd that Japan hasn't allowed gay marriages. They are pretty liberal in alot of other stuff.
They are surprisingly backwards when it comes to some things, like gender equality and capital punishment for instance.
I thought we did this already? Like, in February or something?
not sure what you mean here
Marriage equality is now legal in:
South Africa
And will be legal in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and possibly Finland in the coming months. It is also legal in certain states within Brazil, Mexico, and the United States.
They are surprisingly backwards when it comes to some things, like gender equality and capital punishment for instance.
There are a number of societal benefits to have people in long-term, stable family arrangements. There are a number of societal benefits for people having kids. Marriage is a factually effective set of incentives that reach those goals. It also simplifies routine property and medical decisions but short-cutting the otherwise fairly involved contract law process that would be needed to deal with them.
The government also has a role in informing public values. Things that are legally prohibited gain a social stigma, and things that are legally permitted become more normalized socially--note that this is a two-way street; social stigmas also lead to things being legally prohibited, and social acceptance also leads to legal permissibility. But still, the policy function informs public values... this is why policy changes that are initially contentious rapidly become accepted and why support for gay marriage doesn't generally retrogrades in countries or places that do permit it.
But in the mean time, ask the opposite question--what is problematic about government's involvement? Who is being harmed? What negative impact is it having on society?
That people who argue and protest and blah blah about the gay marriage will forget about it in a few months, as
1- They painfully realise it didn't affect them
2- They learn that the "oh so sacred" marriage is not the holy grail of a gay couple and only a few will use that legal figure.
3- Sky is still blue and the sun rises every morning.
Finally. Come on Germany, you can't let France beat you.
We need more dark blue in this picture. (Dark blue = same sex marriage allowed)
Napoleon rises again.Didn't realise Corsica got their independence!
Why are people against adoption?
I'd rather not touch this subject with a 10 feet pole but in my opinion gay adoption is not all good. They are just as capable for raising a child but the society of today is way too anti-gay imo for this to work well yet. I can imagine kids with gay parents being bullied like crazy.
Marriage is a good step for France.
As another flip around question, how about this; If marriage was a purely social ceremony (even if it had great importance to people and their communities, and had all the same effects on society that you suggested it does above) with no legal grounding whatsoever - akin to a birthday celebration - would you propose regulating it? Defining in law who can and cannot both get married, and perform the marriage ceremony - knowing what you know about the negative effects of getting it wrong?
I'd rather not touch this subject with a 10 feet pole but in my opinion gay adoption is not all good. They are just as capable for raising a child but the society of today is way too anti-gay imo for this to work well yet. I can imagine kids with gay parents being bullied like crazy.
Marriage is a good step for France.
There are a number of societal benefits to have people in long-term, stable family arrangements. There are a number of societal benefits for people having kids. Marriage is a factually effective set of incentives that reach those goals. It also simplifies routine property and medical decisions but short-cutting the otherwise fairly involved contract law process that would be needed to deal with them.
The government also has a role in informing public values. Things that are legally prohibited gain a social stigma, and things that are legally permitted become more normalized socially--note that this is a two-way street; social stigmas also lead to things being legally prohibited, and social acceptance also leads to legal permissibility. But still, the policy function informs public values... this is why policy changes that are initially contentious rapidly become accepted and why support for gay marriage doesn't generally retrogrades in countries or places that do permit it.
But in the mean time, ask the opposite question--what is problematic about government's involvement? Who is being harmed? What negative impact is it having on society?
I'd rather not touch this subject with a 10 feet pole but in my opinion gay adoption is not all good. They are just as capable for raising a child but the society of today is way too anti-gay imo for this to work well yet. I can imagine kids with gay parents being bullied like crazy.
Marriage is a good step for France.
Kids with straight parents aren't bullied like crazy? Kids are cruel. This is terrible reasoning.
Of course the bullies/bigoted society is at blame but in this case I can see the points for both sides of the argument and honestly I don't really know what to think myself. It becomes an issue of the rights of the gay parents vs the kid having better chances of more peaceful childhood (and honestly at this point I might be leaning towards the latter until LGB becomes more accepted in the society and marriage is a good step towards that).Then bullies should be punished, not the victim.
Restricting gay people from having kids because of certain members of society being complete dumbfucks is ridiculous.
It's the same as telling women they have to wear certain clothes because men can't control themselves.
There's also the curious case of California where it was legalised but the backlash was so great that it promoted a citizens referendum where it was overturned.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité.
You can already get a purely social marriage. Nothing is stopping me from marrying you against your will to Lenin's ghost. Nothing is stopping any sort of social ceremony. Same-sex marriages have occurred for years, decades even without legal sanction. Bigamy laws don't prohibit people from having multiple weddings, they prohibit people from having multiple legally recognized marriages. Anti-same sex marriage laws didn't prohibit people from performing same-sex marriages, but rather the legal recognition of them. The fact that these things are rarely mentioned suggests that the legal sanction of marriage and the benefits associated with it differentiate legal marriage from a purely social marriage, so where's the beef?
Call me a liberal, but I'm ok with the rule of law / rights-based system we have today. We make our best guess, establish it as policy tentatively, research, refine, we are open to skepticism, we listen to the views of those groups that organize themselves to seek rights in a legal-judicial framework, we do our best to make our institutions responsive to those claims, we place certain rights above the reach of angry populism by enshrining them, we have vanguards like social movements and academics who produce the kind of bomb-throwing, edge-pushing works that eventually filter to the mainstream. Regardless of legal recognition or lack thereof for any rights claim, people should be empathetic and kind to one another and everyone should feel safe to live their own peaceful existence--we should avoid judging.
It's not a perfect system, and people suffer a great deal in the mean time. But I'm not convinced that the oppression caused by rule of law exceeds the liberty and prosperity enabled by it and I am deeply skeptical of efforts to dismantle the state and establish radically local politics. Even admirable efforts from the left to dismantle the state in order to ensure the better treatment of others (let's say indigenous politics movements or the Zapatistas or whatever) can still lead to remarkable cruelty. I am confident that nationalizing, globalizing forces can play an emancipatory role. Hell, even within the system today we allow for venue shopping where interest groups act locally when local rules allow breakthroughs, but nationally when national rules allow breakthroughs.
Yep. I think adoption is a touchy subject, not because of the act itself, but because I'm afraid of how the heterosexual world would treat a child raised by a homosexual copule.
Homophobic protests about gay adoption are basically protests against themselves.
Until relatively recently, societies as whole were against non-traditional marriages. Suggesting that government should have stayed out of is fairly meaningless if the the vast majority of the public wanted them involved. Even if the government happens to be enlightened, the pressure would eventually force legislation.But you have to ask why those that have suffered at the hands of that very legislation - in this case, Homosexuals, but they aren't the first group and they won't be the last - had to do so. Ok, so gays can get married now, and social change may come about rapidly as a result. But how much of that need for change came from the fact it was illegal for so long? You point out that legality (or illegality, rather) give things a certain social stigma. Surely we aren't confident that, having enacted this legislation, marriage is now perfect and therefore not harming anyone, in the way it did with homosexuals? "Legal" and "illegal" only make sense in the context of things that are legislated about in the first place.
Nowadays marriage is for the most part a financial contract that is to a degree incentivised (for reasons Stump stated) by the government. The legislation provides the contract its standard form from which the parties are largely free to deviate from. It's not a very regulated relationship at all.As another flip around question, how about this; If marriage was a purely social ceremony (even if it had great importance to people and their communities, and had all the same effects on society that you suggested it does above) with no legal grounding whatsoever - akin to a birthday celebration - would you propose regulating it? Defining in law who can and cannot both get married, and perform the marriage ceremony - knowing what you know about the negative effects of getting it wrong?
The problem is that you are letting bigots and hypothetical scenarios prevent you from granting equal rights to all citizens
It grants equal rights to the partents, but does it guarantee equal rights to the child?
See, it's a touchy subject, far above me.
It's not approved yet, the lower chamber is due to vote on the text next week.
That's a deliberate edge case -- had the prop 8 vote been a year later, it would have swung the other way. The backers of the measure exploited a deliberate lag between the judicial fiat on same-sex marriage and the manifestation of support at a social level. They also exploited a deliberate ambiguity between public opinion and the other issues on the ballot--in other words, projections have shown that a marginally different turnout model for the up-ticket issues might have led to a narrow prop 8 defeat than a narrow victory.
The point remains true provided you view it over a longer temporal scale, as a gradual process, and as a continuum. Canada is an excellent example. SSM legalized province by province by judicial ruling -> After most provinces allowed it, federal government legalizes it -> Election results in (Social-)Conservative government who vow to revisit the issue and rescind same-sex marriage -> By the time they revisit it less than a year after the initial vote, the appetite to rescind same-sex marriage had vanished -> Conservatives half-ass it, don't rescind same-sex marriage -> Dead letter issue -> Public support for SSM soars to supermajority levels.
Were California to revisit SSM today it'd be around 58-42 for.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité.
Of course the bullies/bigoted society is at blame but in this case I can see the points for both sides of the argument and honestly I don't really know what to think myself. It becomes an issue of the rights of the gay parents vs the kid having better chances of more peaceful childhood (and honestly at this point I might be leaning towards the latter until LGB becomes more accepted in the society and marriage is a good step towards that).
The problem is that you are letting bigots and hypothetical scenarios prevent you from granting equal rights to all citizens
A counter-example would be Australia, where public support for SSM is already at (super)majority levels. This has not been represented in politics as the LNP (Conservative) and the ALP (Broadly Liberal) both support the definition of Marriage as between a man and a woman. (In fairness the ALP platform was amended to allow a conscience vote, but when the vote came to Parliament only just over 1/2 of the party voted in favour)
I'd rather not touch this subject with a 10 feet pole but in my opinion gay adoption is not all good. They are just as capable for raising a child but the society of today is way too anti-gay imo for this to work well yet. I can imagine kids with gay parents being bullied like crazy.
Marriage is a good step for France.
Marriage equality is now legal in:
South Africa
And will be legal in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and possibly Finland in the coming months. It is also legal in certain states within Brazil, Mexico, and the United States.
The face of civiliization, people.And now the leaders of the anti-"mariage pour tous" calls for a "Civil War" and for "Blood".
I think its wierd that Japan hasn't allowed gay marriages. They are pretty liberal in alot of other stuff.
Adoption is also a huge step towards that. Having more kids with gay parents in society will increase the public view on how 'normal' it is.
I'm pretty sure I'd rather be a kid with gay parents and risk getting picked on by badly raised kids than be raised in a foster home with no real family at all.
Won't somebody think of the children? Really?
I am not preventing anything from anyone. I am just saying I see where people are coming from with this mindset.The problem is that you are letting bigots and hypothetical scenarios prevent you from granting equal rights to all citizens
CommiesWhat's red? They voted it down?