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Fresh and Fit have quit YouTube.

One of them got exposed kissing some dudes, so you might be correct.


Isn't he a Muslim? Typical Muslim activity tbh. Women are for families and men are for pleasure. Goes well with his code.


No, that’s the scapegoat everyone uses when they don’t want to own up to their shenanigans. The only thing that wielded power was the consequences of their own actions. Every website/company has it’s own terms of service, even GAF itself, which is why you don’t see some of the darker/edgier types on here that you would see on places like 4chan. That doesn’t make one better than the other, it makes different communities what they are, and it’s up to the individual to understand those terms and properly interact with them and the community.

If they break those terms multiple times, then it’s like not keeping your word, for example, when you owe a ton of money and never pay up. If that person sends people to threaten or hurt you about the money, you can’t say ‘the system is out to get me!’ because the guys breaking your bones over owed money won’t care. You broke their rules.

People have to remember that these tech companies are still companies, not a public town square. You are ‘entering their building’ when you do business with them. They only have so much rope to give until they’re fed up with certain actions that have an effect on their profitability. The fact that youtube is even as lenient and open as it is, while keeping everything running as they do, is astounding to say the least.

The good news for people who enjoy guys like these, is that rumble’s floodgates are fully open to these types of shenanigans(much like 4chan), and they now have a solid user base of their own. That is, until they seek more advertising of course.

It doesn’t matter. That person managed to get into a happier situation in life, and it’s a great example that it’s never too late to change. If you personally knew the guy he was talking about, the best thing to do would be feeling happy for where he is in life, rather than being upset that he isn’t as smart or as self aware as you.

To be honest I don't know what these goons have done exactly other than look like they don't believe anyone could love them and focus on picking on lesser intellects, which is sad but there's no one out there speaking absolute truth so I don't care that I disagree with quite a bit of what I've seen from them. I'm HUGE on freedom of speech, sure it's Youtubes platform and their rules but in a way Google are so big and have such a huge influence on the world, when they say something is ok or true or false it's treated as law and I do believe these huge companies, like all mega rich powers, are controlling the actual laws. So it's way beyond entertainment, I'm critical on them censoring anyone.
You're right there's rumble but things are so 1 sided and the average person who's not deep diving into the internets only exposed to the big stuff, that's partly on them but the world really is full of simple minds that don't delve beneath the surface on most things so I worry they're only fed 1 side of every argument and you end up with a resetera and whatever the opposite of that is.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Isn't he a Muslim? Typical Muslim activity tbh. Women are for families and men are for pleasure. Goes well with his code.
Aye, what you're saying is correct.

Some of these things get taken way out of context in an attempt to sully someone's reputation.
And Fresh and Fit have certainly put targets on their backs with the type of content they create.

That said, I don't know if the guys smooching on him are Muslim.
It doesn't seem so.
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Checking out their channel, the best thing I see are the episodes about financial things like credit, starting a business, etc. I listened to two of them and it seems like it could be helpful to those walking around with ass credit scores or looking to just take a step towards something more. Not that there aren't others already that do it, but it seems ok.

Oh well. I'm going back to watch Street Fighter tournaments, science videos and Joey Diaz to repair my algorithm.


Not a fan at all but they need to stop turning these people into martyrs. They are two idiots who rounded up a bunch of female idiots outside of a bar or something and created outrage bait around it. The funny this is that I never hear anybody offline mention them or Andrew Tate.


Not a fan at all but they need to stop turning these people into martyrs. They are two idiots who rounded up a bunch of female idiots outside of a bar or something and created outrage bait around it. The funny this is that I never hear anybody offline mention them or Andrew Tate.
Because normal people do not seek validation online from random strangers.


I don't care for their content at all and they try way too hard to be 'alpha', but it's clear that Youtube wants to push left-leaning content. If they changed their channel to Fresh and Zesty and Myron leaned into fruitiness, his channel would roll along just fine.

But honestly, it may be for the better their channel got smashed, because with some of the antics going on there, someone might end up getting killed on a show. Mixing strippers, prostitutes, alcohol and wannabe alphas is a powder keg and we've already seen a preview with Tommy Sotomayor and DJ Akademikz

Davey Cakes

I don't care for their content at all and they try way too hard to be 'alpha', but it's clear that Youtube wants to push left-leaning content. If they changed their channel to Fresh and Zesty and Myron leaned into fruitiness, his channel would roll along just fine.
I cannot see how this is true. Maybe if you're taking about "left" as in CNN which YouTube considers an authoritative source and is more liberal than actually left.

Otherwise, especially in the independent media space the right is where all the money is for obvious reasons.
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I cannot see how this is true. Maybe if you're taking about "left" as in CNN which YouTube considers an authoritative source and is more liberal than actually left.

Otherwise, especially in the independent media space the right is where all the money is for obvious reasons.

Youtube's primary concern doesn't seem to be making money but rather crafting a social narrative/pushing a social agenda. There's a reason platforms like Rumble 'blew up' which is due to censorship on youtube.

I feel like youtube is going to have a real problem on its hands if more major creators keep migrating because they keep getting censored/banned.

Also, I can see a lot of creators moving because youtube appears to be throttling the numbers. Rumble is much smaller than youtube and yet Fresh and Fit has significantly more views on that platform for their most recent videos.


Youtube's primary concern doesn't seem to be making money but rather crafting a social narrative/pushing a social agenda. There's a reason platforms like Rumble 'blew up' which is due to censorship on youtube.

I feel like youtube is going to have a real problem on its hands if more major creators keep migrating because they keep getting censored/banned.

Also, I can see a lot of creators moving because youtube appears to be throttling the numbers. Rumble is much smaller than youtube and yet Fresh and Fit has significantly more views on that platform for their most recent videos.

I don't know/am sure if this is noticeable on a superficial viewing experience but I know many channels that can't put out their content concerning getting banned. They use the most ridiculous reasons for warnings etc. It's blatant AF
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