even though i'm enjoying the game
but honestly it isn't worth even 10$, it's not broken like For Honor, the glitches aren't like Witcher 3, no, it's on a whole new level of broken, the leveling system is frozen, i don't level up anymore, when you purchase a perk, the game freezes, so you can't, matchmaking takes 5-10 minutes then kicks you out( MM isn't a big problem compared to the rest) a LOT of times you can't pick up things, can't enter a carboat even though they are ready, and there is a HUGE lag, many times when you try to hit jason, he doesn't get hit, the aiming is the worst in gaming history, even playing as jason is broken, sometimes you try to grab and can't, and if the host quits( and he will) the game ends and you get no XPmoney at all
despite all these problems( there is MUCH more than that) i'm still enjoying the game
but please, don't support this behavior, this game shouldn't be released at all, this is a pre-early access game, it's a complete mess