KZ:SF used 4.5GB of memory in the February 20th demonstration.What 3.5? I though Killzone:SF says they were using 7. So what was the OS like before the upgrade? What is Sony''s statement?
KZ:SF used 4.5GB of memory in the February 20th demonstration.What 3.5? I though Killzone:SF says they were using 7. So what was the OS like before the upgrade? What is Sony''s statement?
I know how it works.
That doesn't mean that Sony or MSFT can't allocate a certain amount of memory for apps and OS functionality.
When the devs are not complaining then why is it important here? That's probably a more important question to ask yourself (you and everyone included).
It begins.1. They're wrong. They should get better sources, or at least attempt a better analysis.
2. OS matters are a bit more complicated than how this is being portrayed.
3. I clearly have a lot to learn before becoming a master troll.
4. It's Friday. My mobile is getting too much of a workout for a Friday.
Because there are developers that actually WILL use it, and since when has it been wise to treat developers like farm animals or babies, corralling them off from resources that they might not use immediately? "Hey little buddy, you're not going to play with this toy right now so daddy is going to put this in the closet out of your reach. When you're ready to play with this, maybe daddy will go and get it for you."
There is NO justifiable reason for Sony to be blocking off so much RAM if this report is true, which I doubt. I can understand blocking off 1.5 GB, but 3.5 is an utterly ridiculous amount.
KZ:SF used 4.5GB of memory in the February 20th demonstration.
No, and nobody claimed that to be the case, but Sony's emphasis on it being a machine for gamers didn't really set any alarm bells ringing about a humongous OS RAM sap. It's Sony's omission of clarification that is at fault.
I told myself I wasn't going to post in this thread because people are foaming at the mouth and not thinking.... but here I am, which makes me an idiot.
First off, I know all you guys want are hard numbers and I don't have them. But I do know the philosophies in place currently. If you would like to use your brain and think critically about things... keep reading. If you want to get into a 5>4.5 OMG IM CANCELLING MY PREORDER conversation - this thread won't help you, in either direction.
I was told by a couple of Devs in the lead up to E3 that the OS footprint was "bigger than expected" but not a single one of them complained about it. No one is in danger of running out of ram. As some people have mentioned in this thread - games like the The Last of Us are happening with 512mb of ram. Launch titles, of all things, are not going to be pushing the hardware in any sort of way... and that includes ram.
So why is the ram footprint bigger than expected? It's fairly simple - Sony is hedging their bets. They were absolutely caught with their pants down with their OS this gen. Not having the memory overhead to do things like Party Chat gave Microsoft a huge advantage when it came to online gaming, which is obviously a growing sector. So much like $399 as a target price was a reaction to $599 being a disaster... "big OS footprint" is a reaction to "small OS footprint" being a disaster.
But the thing that I'm hearing and I believe there was even a line dedicated to this in the eurogamer article is that these numbers aren't set in stone. The fact of the matter is that high end PC games use around 3gb of ram and use higher res textures (art tends to take up the largest chunks of ram) than the ps4/x1 do. The idea that launch games need 7gb of ram is absolutely ludicrous. 4gbs is fine. Anything more, at this point, is overkill. It won't be overkill forever... but it's overkill for now.
So Sony gets to sit on this chunk of ram, be in 1gb or 3gb - again, I don't know the numbers. I don't know if eurogamer is right (I do know at E3 that some thought more ram would be freed up when the final dev kits shipped... but I don't know anyone working with a final dev kit). But Sony is coming at this from a position of power. They don't need the ram currently so they get to take a wait and see approach before saying "ok, devs, you guys get this." The systems will launch and they will look at what people are doing with their own OS, they will see what features people are asking for, they will see if microsoft or Nintendo (or even steam) come out with some surprise feature that catches fire - and if it does they will have the memory there to be able to do it also. If it doesn't that chunk of ram gets freed up for developers.
This thread is looking at this entire thing like the endgame is the day it launches. That's day one, guys. This is a long term strategic move and, imo, a smart one. They are putting themselves in a position to be able to adapt... something they couldn't do with the ps3. I know as gamers all we want to hear is higher numbers. But find me one developer that thinks the ram available to them on either system isn't enough (and this goes for the x1 as well guys... all this 5gb hurr hurrr stuff is fanboyish nonsense that you can go through my post history and see I never took part in once).
I feel like this post is far to philosophical for this thread of LARGE NUMBER > SMALL NUMBER, but hopefully this info is useful to some of you. Sony have created a nimble system and this is part of that philosophy.
While reserving more ram for the OS is more likely the the "lol memory" flood thread.
I still think it's very likely the Crow Cafe will be working overtime, again.
While the PS4 is more powerful, the Xbone IMO offers a better selection of games based on what we've seen so far, not to mention the superior OS features and revolutionary Kinect sensor. Better hardware does not necessarily make the better console.
So why is the ram footprint bigger than expected? It's fairly simple - Sony is hedging their bets. They were absolutely caught with their pants down with their OS this gen. Not having the memory overhead to do things like Party Chat gave Microsoft a huge advantage when it came to online gaming, which is obviously a growing sector. So much like $399 as a target price was a reaction to $599 being a disaster... "big OS footprint" is a reaction to "small OS footprint" being a disaster.
So why is the ram footprint bigger than expected? It's fairly simple - Sony is hedging their bets. They were absolutely caught with their pants down with their OS this gen. Not having the memory overhead to do things like Party Chat gave Microsoft a huge advantage when it came to online gaming, which is obviously a growing sector.
I came here to post - a far less eloquent - version of this. Congrats on a sensible reading.
Normal GAF service is resumed. Back to the insanity...
Sony is playing it very safe for launch units. Things like clock rates, OS size, and memory allotments are conservative for a reason. Sony does not want to be in a position where they will lose out on a killer feature or find themselves in a position where there is zero room to grow. I wouldn't be surprised if year 3 or 4 of the PS4's life cycle you see a patch to upclock the GPU.
Upclocking the PS4's GPU 200 mhz more would yield a 2.3 TF machine.
As of this moment, not a single developer has complained about "too little RAM". Most developers are very happy by not only the quantity, but the speed of RAM. As we enter the third year of the machine, the OS size will shrink and things will become less bloated.
Let things play their part and STOP overreacting. Some of you have zero idea how well designed and balanced the PS4 is.
While the PS4 is more powerful, the Xbone IMO offers a better selection of games based on what we've seen so far, not to mention the superior OS features and revolutionary Kinect sensor. Better hardware does not necessarily make the better console.
Way too much rationalization in this thread, I'm out.Sony is playing it very safe for launch units. Things like clock rates, OS size, and memory allotments are conservative for a reason. Sony does not want to be in a position where they will lose out on a killer feature or find themselves in a position where there is zero room to grow. I wouldn't be surprised if year 3 or 4 of the PS4's life cycle you see a patch to upclock the GPU.
Upclocking the PS4's GPU 200 mhz more would yield a 2.3 TF machine.
As of this moment, not a single developer has complained about "too little RAM". Most developers are very happy by not only the quantity, but the speed of RAM. As we enter the third year of the machine, the OS size will shrink and things will become less bloated.
Let things play their part and STOP overreacting. Some of you have zero idea how well designed and balanced the PS4 is.
While the PS4 is more powerful, the Xbone IMO offers a better selection of games based on what we've seen so far, not to mention the superior OS features and revolutionary Kinect sensor. Better hardware does not necessarily make the better console.
While the PS4 is more powerful, the Xbone IMO offers a better selection of games based on what we've seen so far, not to mention the superior OS features and revolutionary Kinect sensor. Better hardware does not necessarily make the better console.
I think it was done by the CG studio Blur in 2005.Wasn't that demo just a target render running on PC?
They should be concerned with inflammatory news articles. And after what has been happening to the Xbone this whole time, as they ignored everyone the word of mouth on their policies spread until it got to a fucking Talk Show, you'd think Sony would know better than to let a fire spread.Sony isn't all that concerned with message board pissing contests and nor should they be.
Nothing personal really, it just gets me antsy when hard numbers get thrown around like that and they aren't true.
The last time we heard about OS usage (and not by sony themselves but from reliable leaks i believe) was 512mb, back when the ps4 had 4gb. As a matter of fact, i don't think i remember sony ever making a statement about the OS footprint.
oh boy...
No...Wasn't that demo just a target render running on PC?
50% more GPU compute cores is still quite significant.
While the PS4 is more powerful, the Xbone IMO offers a better selection of games based on what we've seen so far, not to mention the superior OS features and revolutionary Kinect sensor. Better hardware does not necessarily make the better console.
the Xbone IMO offers a better selection of games based on what we've seen so far, not to mention the superior OS features and revolutionary Kinect sensor. Better hardware does not necessarily make the better console.
I'm betting there is going to be a massive wall of shame from this thread once figures from final dev kits are released.
I think it was done by the CG studio Blur in 2005.
Question: How much space does 15 minutes of 1080P video use up?
All well and good, but my issue is that Day 1 dev will have the same pipeline as day 1000 dev. Once the consoles are out in the wild, games will be made to the lowest common denominator. Will someone like ND make a PS4 game with 6,7gb of ram? Perhaps. But this decision ensures that it will be the isolated few devs, not something everyone is working towards.
So my point still stands. If this is true, im out. With only price seperating the two consoles, i feel it prudent to sit and wait to see if the value if either can be increased beyond what is currently offered. PS360 are nowhere near dead. Ill wait.
No, I'm serious, I thought the February Killzone demo was just a target render. (Also, it ran at 1600x900, whereas the final game is 1920x1080.)
I didn't say otherwise but 3.5GB seems ridiculous. What OS needs that much RAM?
Sony had us all exited over 8 GB of RAM and no one thought that it would be halved for the OS. 1-1.5 GB was expected, not twice that.
I didn't say otherwise but 3.5GB seems ridiculous. What OS needs that much RAM?
Sony had us all exited over 8 GB of RAM and no one thought that it would be halved for the OS. 1-1.5 GB was expected, not twice that.
KZ:SF used 4.5GB of memory in the February 20th demonstration.
1. They're wrong. They should get better sources, or at least attempt a better analysis.
2. OS matters are a bit more complicated than how this is being portrayed.
3. I clearly have a lot to learn before becoming a master troll.
4. It's Friday. My mobile is getting too much of a workout for a Friday.
pretty much, ppl acting like they're on par now, PS4 games will still be vastly superior.
the question is, what could be the next killer feature they could allocate the reserved RAM for?
512MBIf Sony had stuck to 4Gb GDDR. How much of that would have been reserved for the OS?
the question is, what could be the next killer feature they could allocate the reserved RAM for?