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From Tupac to Rosa Parks: KY county clerk Kim Davis says "Only God can judge me now"

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She wasn't in jail for "frivolous reasons," or for purely punitive purposes. She was in jail because she wasn't going to stop preventing her staff from issuing marriage licenses.

I don't want Kim Davis in jail. I really don't. But if putting her in jail is the only way to stop her from blocking her employees from issuing marriage licenses, what other choice does the judge have?

I'm trying to think of any other options that the judge would have..
- Fine? Nope. It'll get paid.
- Let her go? Suuuure.. that's a great precedent. Let that spread around the country.
- Can't remove her; he doesn't have the power.
- Jail. Not ideal. But what else is there?

Like you, I'm at a loss.
With how bad her legal counsel has been so far I can't help but wonder if their next move is to tell her to flee the state and become a Fugitive From Justice for Jesus.


You have no proof that she is a bigot.

Wat? I don't even know how to respond to this.

I know that her imprisonment has brought more people rallying to her cause.

You see a bad person with bad beliefs and you want to see them punished. I don't care how many beacons of hope people who want gay marriage banned have. I want gay marriage to remain legal. Making it so that Kim Davis no longer has sole authority over who can get marriage licenses in her jurisdiction *facilitates* marriages. Just let it go.

Maybe she's a bigot. Maybe she's just a religious nut. Whatever.

We don't need more people in jail for frivolous reasons, and it's been rather odd seeing so many of my fellow liberals suddenly drop that valid goal. Stop looking at it punitively. That is how conservatives look at things. Look at it from a social perspective.

Denying people their rights is frivolous? The SCOTUS and the population at large seem to think the right to marriage isn't frivolous.

Get this woman out of the news and get the marriage licenses flowing.

And if she goes back to doing exactly what she did before, which is blocking marriage licences from flowing, then what?

She's lucky the judge is giving her this opportunity to go back to work, but all signs point to her not complying and going right back to jail. If she does allow her deputies to continue to give out licences, then putting her in jail worked because she refused to allow that to happen when the judge offered it to her before finding her in contempt.

The Llama

I've been saying this for a while now, but the Bible Belt needs to separate and become it's the own nation. It's dragging the rest of the country down. There is a clear cultural divide, and it seems to be getting worse and worse.

It's not even just the bible belt, its rural America in general. There's such a huge divide between urban/suburban and rural America.
How about this.

According to statute 61.035, “Any duty enjoined by law or by the Rules of Civil Procedure upon a ministerial officer, and any act permitted to be done by him, may be performed by his lawful deputy.”

Just let her deputies hand them out, and when she gets all pissy about it and fires them, then her deputies can take her to court for firing them for doing their job.
You have no proof that she is a bigot.

I know that her imprisonment has brought more people rallying to her cause.

You see a bad person with bad beliefs and you want to see them punished. I don't care how many beacons of hope people who want gay marriage banned have. I want gay marriage to remain legal. Making it so that Kim Davis no longer has sole authority over who can get marriage licenses in her jurisdiction *facilitates* marriages. Just let it go.

Maybe she's a bigot. Maybe she's just a religious nut. Whatever.

We don't need more people in jail for frivolous reasons, and it's been rather odd seeing so many of my fellow liberals suddenly drop that valid goal. Stop looking at it punitively. That is how conservatives look at things. Look at it from a social perspective.

Get this woman out of the news and get the marriage licenses flowing.

Do you know what the definition of bigot is? She is the very definition. She not some benign hardcore religious nut


Apparently if you're a bigot for religious reasons you're not a bigot.

... Okay, I get it. Plagiarize has to be trolling.


Kills Photobucket
She wasn't in jail for "frivolous reasons," or for purely punitive purposes. She was in jail because she wasn't going to stop preventing her staff from issuing marriage licenses.

I don't want Kim Davis in jail. I really don't. But if putting her in jail is the only way to stop her from blocking her employees from issuing marriage licenses, what other choice does the judge have?

This is a really important thing. Personal beliefs or not, she was not going to let her staff do it either. This Judge cave her every opportunity to avoid jail, and if she goes back to work and interferes in her staff's duties, she's apparently going back to jail.

This county is apparently pretty small (under 25k people), and I wonder if the Judge jailing and releasing her was an attempt to give gay couples a window to get their licenses. He's hoping no one else shows up now.


Banstick Emeritus
This county is apparently pretty small (under 25k people), and I wonder if the Judge jailing and releasing her was an attempt to give gay couples a window to get their licenses. He's hoping no one else shows up now.
If the licenses issued during Davis' incarceration are null and void due to missing her signature...then the circus is just going to start up again. Nothing has been avoided, just postponed.



Mike Huckabee’s presidential campaign organized a rally this afternoon in front of the jail where anti-gay Kentucky clerk Kim Davis was being held in the custody of U.S. Marshals after a federal judge found her in contempt of court for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

Huckabee brought along with him not only Davis’ attorney, Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver, but also Religious Right leaders including Brian Brown, Rick Scarborough, Tony Perkins and the Benham brothers. GOP gubernatorial nominee Matt Bevin also addressed the rally and Huckabee’s 2016 rival Ted Cruz met with Davis upon her release.

As fate would have it, Davis was released from custody just hours before Huckabee’s rally, so she came out to speak alongside Huckabee, Staver and her husband, taking the stage to Survivor's “Eye of the Tiger.”

Davis, the Religious Right’s favorite new “persecution” victim, received a hero’s welcome as Huckabee and Staver declared her victorious over the forces of darkness/the rule of law.

After briefly losing her composure, a teary-eyed Davis thanked God and the crowd, beseeching attendees to keep up the fight. Huckabee then closed things out by claiming that pastors and school administrators may soon end up in prison for opposing gay marriage, even though that is not the reason that Davis was put in the custody of U.S. Marshals.

This is sickening.


Kills Photobucket
If the licenses issued during Davis' incarceration are null and void due to missing her signature...then the circus is just going to start up again. Nothing has been avoided, just postponed.

How could they be voided now that they've been issued?

I don't put it past her to try, I'm just curious how they could go about doing it.
If the licenses issued during Davis' incarceration are null and void due to missing her signature...then the circus is just going to start up again. Nothing has been avoided, just postponed.

Kentucky has a law that, in the absence of the clerk, deputies are allowed to perform tasks on the clerk's behalf. There's really no question that she was absent from her job while in jail, so that's not really going to work.

She wants that to be the case, but she's going to have a hard time making that case. Especially because she doesn't have any standing to challenge the licenses in the first place.

Rebel Leader

She'll be back in
Surprise this wasn't posted:
George Takei post on facebook
Well this is a bit of a circus. So let us be clear: This woman is no hero to be celebrated. She broke her oath to uphold the Constitution and defied a court order so she could deny government services to couples who are legally entitled to be married. She is entitled to hold her religious beliefs, but not to impose those beliefs on others. If she had denied marriage certificates to an interracial couple, would people cheer her? Would presidential candidates flock to her side? In our society, we obey civil laws, not religious ones. To suggest otherwise is, simply put, entirely un-American.


Kentucky has a law that, in the absence of the clerk, deputies are allowed to perform tasks on the clerk's behalf. There's really no question that she was absent from her job while in jail, so that's not really going to work.

She wants that to be the case, but she's going to have a hard time making that case. Especially because she doesn't have any standing to challenge the licenses in the first place.
She has to grant them that ability though--which she obviously denied.

PhiSheep also pointed out that the licenses eventually make their way back to her for registration.


Allowing her visitors is not an example of being the better person/people, it's an example of following the law, judicial precedent, and established incarceration procedures.

Has nothing to do with being the better person broski, it's called the law.

That's why I said it would be a violation of her rights. I was responding to the suggestion that she shouldn't have been allowed visitation. Not sure how my comment about not wanting to deprive someone of their rights makes it sound like I'm saying it wasn't law.


Junior Member
The support for this vile woman is nothing short of despicable. Its like a facet of America wants to turn our country into a theocracy.


As a southern, Christian, conservative, even I do not support this crazy lady or those that are taking up for her. Trust me, I've taken slack from all sorts of people when I give them my opinion of the situation, but to me this is a pretty simple deal where she was just flat out wrong, period, no questions asked. I'm sickened how people are holding her up. If Christian conservatives want someone to rally behind, there are people they can do so around, but it certainly isn't this moron.
Failed run at a high public office. But book deals and speaking fees out the wazoo


Notice how she says she doesn't know if she'll continue to defy the law?

She was never, ever doing this 100% due to bigotry.

This was just an opportunity where her bigotry was an asset.


You have no proof that she is a bigot.

I know that her imprisonment has brought more people rallying to her cause.

You see a bad person with bad beliefs and you want to see them punished. I don't care how many beacons of hope people who want gay marriage banned have. I want gay marriage to remain legal. Making it so that Kim Davis no longer has sole authority over who can get marriage licenses in her jurisdiction *facilitates* marriages. Just let it go.

Maybe she's a bigot. Maybe she's just a religious nut. Whatever.

We don't need more people in jail for frivolous reasons, and it's been rather odd seeing so many of my fellow liberals suddenly drop that valid goal. Stop looking at it punitively. That is how conservatives look at things. Look at it from a social perspective.

Get this woman out of the news and get the marriage licenses flowing.

For the proof that she's a bigot you need to look no further than the fact that she has no moral issues with freely giving divorce paperwork to anybody that wants to get a divorce. Adultery is one of the 10 commandments, after all. And granting one a divorce, or assisting to facilitate one, is encouraging and enabling people to commit adultery.

I would rationalize that adultery is a greater sin than homosexuality in God's eyes. So for her to have no reservations to issuing a divorce, but takes issue granting a civil union, that tells me that she is 100% a bigot.



Notice how she says she doesn't know if she'll continue to defy the law?

She was never, ever doing this 100% due to bigotry.

This was just an opportunity where her bigotry was an asset.
oh, I believe at the start she was doing this from her vile, bigoted heart. But as it got more and more attention, she saw saw the light of cash money. She'll never get Sarah Palin levels of fame and fortune, but she'll have a nice wave to ride for a couple of years.


The latest poll from Rasmussen out this morning shows that the public is against her, 66-26.

She can grandstand and attempt to draw all the civil rights parallels she wants. Thus far, after all of this media coverage, it is not working - the general public is not buying the sob story she's selling.

I should be mad at this whole thing, but now that I think of it Kim Davis, Huckabee, this whole incident is so inconsequential. They're both fucking losers. Enjoy your 15 minutes, Davis.

I remember a judge blocking balloon boy's family from receiving any publicity money from the hoax. Can they do the same thing here?
I should be mad at this whole thing, but now that I think of it Kim Davis, Huckabee, this whole incident is so inconsequential. They're both fucking losers. Enjoy your 15 minutes, Davis.

I remember a judge blocking balloon boy's family from receiving any publicity money from the hoax. Can they do the same thing here?

If she gets any money raised (which is kinda questionable that she'd be able to accept any of it without resigning, being a public official and all), the judge in the civil suit against her will be sure to include that in what she owes when she loses that case too.
Failed run at a high public office. But book deals and speaking fees out the wazoo

Depends on the office. She could easily pick up state legislature stuff, and maybe state congressmen. Run on a 'restore religious liberty' platform.

I mean, we've had war criminals run and win majorly, a martyr? No question she could milk the right folks for campaign cash.
"You have no proof that she is a bigot."

Jesus tapdancing Christ that's Olympic Gold level gymnastics.

I wonder who will play her when the inevitable movie is made (and she's portrayed as the good guy).


For the proof that she's a bigot you need to look no further than the fact that she has no moral issues with freely giving divorce paperwork to anybody that wants to get a divorce. Adultery is one of the 10 commandments, after all. And granting one a divorce, or assisting to facilitate one, is encouraging and enabling people to commit adultery.

I would rationalize that adultery is a greater sin than homosexuality in God's eyes. So for her to have no reservations to issuing a divorce, but takes issue granting a civil union, that tells me that she is 100% a bigot.

*Drops the mic*


When you are elected to do a job you have to do it. They were offered to step aside and let someone else file the gay marriage stuff and sign it to accomodate her religious rights but instead of doing that they imposed on the rights of the gay couple by refusing that offer and doing all they could to continue to infringe on their rights while trying to wear their own views as a rights shield.

I'm sorry, but you can't use your own rights to block those of others. They don't nullify anyone's rights and it is law now that gay couples can be married. By refusing to let others sign the papers and by trying to "martyr" her cause she really is doing nothing more than contempt of court and deserves the jailtime. Not often folks are offered a choice in letting someone else file the paperwork for them when they are in contempt of court to get out of punishment for their actions but they did offer and they CHOSE to take the jail ruling.

They aren't a martyr or a victim for any religious cause...they're just a bigot infringing on someone else's rights. When you dont have to marry them personally and can let others handle those cases and refuse to do so in contempt of court to infringe on someone's rights then yeah...you're a bigot.


funny how right wingers were all for drug testing everyone on welfare because "if you want the government money you have to follow the government rules"

now ain't that some shit that they feel one of them can take government money without following the rules?
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