Anyone curious about that Hwasong camp there are some reviews on google:
I'd recommend Nothing To Envy, too, if you want to read some more on the topic.
to be some sort of military coup eventually.
Civil rebellion you mean?
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Not necessarily. The military holds a huge part of the power in North Korea. Some believe Kim Jong-uns uncle took on the military, deprived them of the lucrative mining business (which they allegedly controlling) and in turn was killed for it. Supposedly, there's still a big struggle going on between the "liberal" (for NK circumstances) wing which Kim Jong-un and his uncle are/were a part of and the mostly conservative military. Others believe, Jong-un had his uncle killed to strengthen his position against the military.
So, a military coup is not out of the question. However, if one happens, it remains to be seen what good it'll do for the North Koreans.
Not necessarily. The military holds a huge part of the power in North Korea. Some believe Kim Jong-uns uncle took on the military, deprived them of the lucrative mining business (which they allegedly controlling) and in turn was killed for it. Supposedly, there's still a big struggle going on between the "liberal" (for NK circumstances) wing which Kim Jong-un and his uncle are/were a part of and the mostly conservative military. Others believe, Jong-un had his uncle killed to strengthen his position against the military.
So, a military coup is not out of the question. However, if one happens, it remains to be seen what good it'll do for the North Koreans.
Watching now...
holy shit!
how did these fools get nukes again?
Propaganda piece?, this was also done before
It isnt "premiering". Its showing again due to buzz of nk.
NK probably isnt as crazy as we think, we never been there and people like Rodman go there all the time, clearly it isnt a hard to get in place.
Their culture its probably weird though
Yes it is.
whats weirdto you is normal to them, just like whats normal to you its weird to them
whats weirdto you is normal to them, just like whats normal to you its weird to them
What Stalin did was normal to him so we must accept it, great logic
No one said accept it, I am just saying dont stand in the greatest country on the history of humanity USA...judging the ways of people that were not born here.
They got their own culture and ways, weird and odd but thats who they are, what you want every country to be the same as the USA?
This is a planet of a bunch of different people, with different ways of thinking, why try to set a one world order set of thinking?. People always say USA is a free country....uh pretty sure EARTH is a free place firstly so anybody can do whatever they want, if is right or wrong that will be seen at the end.
Thats why Stalin, Hister and all these other regular humans dominated countries as dictators, people think they dont have free will to say no to them and are afraid of them lol, think about that humans afraid of other humans thats stupid, its another human not a monster cyborg alien. Anyways NK is what it is and US cant change that.
You really don't know anything about North Korea, do you?
You are thinking North Korean people and North Korean government are the same. No one is blaming the people. What is best for North Korean people is a government that is not ruled by the Kim dynasty.No one said accept it, I am just saying dont stand in the greatest country on the history of humanity USA...judging the ways of people that were not born here.
They got their own culture and ways, weird and odd but thats who they are, what you want every country to be the same as the USA?
This is a planet of a bunch of different people, with different ways of thinking, why try to set a one world order set of thinking?. People always say USA is a free country....uh pretty sure EARTH is a free place firstly so anybody can do whatever they want, if is right or wrong that will be seen at the end.
Thats why Stalin, Hister and all these other regular humans dominated countries as dictators, people think they dont have free will to say no to them and are afraid of them lol, think about that humans afraid of other humans thats stupid, its another human not a monster cyborg alien.
Anyways NK is what it is and US cant change it, Americans cant judge these NK people either they wake up got jobs sleep eat go to school just like you, for some reason you think the entire country is a prison where people are getting murdered in the streets, that aint happening.
Does it matter? How about stop acting like NK needs to be Americanized or whatever you are dreaming of.
NK has its own ways and are not attacking USA, whats your problem with them?, they are living in a realm USA doesnt need to involved in.
USA is not the owners of Planet Earth, other countries can do whatever they want just like I told you.
You are thinking North Korean people and North Korean government are the same. No one is blaming the people. What is best for North Korean people is a government that is not ruled by the Kim dynasty.
Americanized? What? It's not about culture it's about these people having to accept the brutality of an evil regime. Having literally no say in what their future is or should be.
Most of the reactions or calling NK crazy is not directed toward the people but how the government manipulates the people.
I was wondering when the "but but but America is bad too" brigade was gonna show up
But the people accept it, if they dont stand up than wtf do you expect?, you seem to want the USA to save them and I am telling you USA will never do that. USA shows on PBS can show the bad sides of that regime, thats doing nothing and helping nobody.
You never been in NK, if you take what is propagandized about them as fact then thats messed up. All I see is a country ruled by a family and the majority supports them, if they didnt it would had never got to the 3rd gen of Kims.
Somehow this is turning into an anti-US thing when in reality the issue most people have with NK is mostly related to its human rights violations.
Is this a joke? If not, just stop, you're embarassing yourself.
But the people accept it, if they dont stand up than wtf do you expect?, you seem to want the USA to save them and I am telling you USA will never do that. USA shows on PBS can show the bad sides of that regime, thats doing nothing and helping nobody.
are you Dennis Rodman?
Suddenly, the imbecile brigade arrives right on schedule.
you really think USA couldnt take them out in a matter of seconds?.
Who made the USA the saviors of Humanity?
Again if what they done is soooo bad for 3 Gens
Why hasnt a coalition taken them down yet?, oh ya...
nobody cares to do that, if they keep accepting
these Kims they will keep experiencing their ways. If the people there dont make known their are wayyyyyyyy more of them than the Kim regime and stand up this will never end.
Its all on them, USA doesnt and wont ever invade to save them just because, thats silly.
What do you mean by "take them out?" For all the fucked up things we've done in the past, the US isn't currently the business of indiscriminately killing everyone in a country because we think they're bad guys.
The Regime can easily be taken out, USA should had done that about decades ago, NK
cant be allowed to exists as is thats all I keep hearing from the people here crying about Human Rights.
I wonder why the USA the all
Mighty Godly Miltary power hasnt dismantled NK regime?, what purpose do they have to exists if they are supposedly treating their citizens like roaches?
Explain to me why the USA hasnt focused on that instead of middle east?, wasnt that among other things also about Human Rights?.
Are you?
Listen I am open minded to subjects like this
I speak freely and dont care what strangers
Think of my views, this is a free planet speak freely.
Because they aren't running around with guns mounted on trucks. They actually have weapons/army that can hurt our allies.
I wonder why the USA the all
Mighty Godly Miltary power hasnt dismantled NK regime?, what purpose do they have to exists if they are supposedly treating their citizens like roaches?.
Explain to me why the USA hasnt focused on that instead of middle east?, wasnt that among other things also about Human Rights?.
Doesn't it feel like international awareness of North Korea only started a few years ago?
The country is 60 years old, but it's as if people didn't know how strange (and horrible) it was until the Vice documentary.
All for a good cause though, "our allies" have died from garbage IDE denotated by cheap cellphones.
Again if NK is like a Hitler situation why has this regime been allowed to exists this long?