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FTL |OT| Stories of the Space Oregon Trail

God stage 2 of the boss is fucking ridiculous. 4 shields and a defense drone makes him pretty much untouchable to many loadouts that work fine the rest of the game and his insane damage means there's no way to pick him to death with loadouts that can barely make it through that much defense. You either build your offense specifically to beat that fight or lose.


I have over 20 hours but still haven't beat it on normal. Keep getting defeated at the drone barrage on part 2 of the rebel flagship fight. I sort of countered this on one playthrough with ion bombs into drone control but it was only somewhat effective (it took some drones offline until the next barrage). Have experimented with different strategies and weapons, nothing seems to do it.


I like cloak to deal with the barrages.

Actually cloak and the teleporter basically do all my heavy lifting during the boss encounter.

Lizard with a ladder

learnin' with the blacks!
Picked this up a few days ago when it was on sale. It's all I've been playing. I'm hooooooooked.

Still unlocking some ships. I got the Engi, Federation Cruiser, Zoltan. It seems like the federation cruiser is a bit overpowered. Working on getting the Mantis one next. Almost had it but I blew up my boarding crew and the ship. Underestimated the strength of the artillery lazer lol.
Was having a really good run earlier today with two elite Mantis boarders, and then the ship they were on warped away with them on it ;_;

Gotten to stage two of the final boss (on easy - maybe normal once) a couple of times, but haven't managed to take it down. Possibly stage 3 once. Really think you have to roll a good boarding party and set of weapons to succeed though. Even if the rest of the run goes well, you can absolutely be boned in the final sector if you're missing one or two key components.

Mostly focusing on trying to unlock different ship types at the moment. The B-layout of the default ship is certainly much better than the A version. The Torus is surprisingly strong, so long as you get a drone reclaiming aug early. I unlocked the Stealth Bomber as well, but it's pretty fucking glass cannon starting without shields. Definitely not something I'd want to try to win with anytime soon, and this is ~20+ hours in.

Not sure how much I'll end up devoting to the game with this initial play, but it's always something you could come back to, especially with mods to expand upon the experience. A full run takes maybe an hour at most if you go the distance.
Cloaking during the drone surge is invaluable. Having boarders to take out the guns is the next best thing because the guns are isolated so once you kill the guy in each gun in the 1st stage you can take them out unopposed and they cant be repaired, even weak borders can 2v1 the single human and do work. Failing that just having a shitload of burst firing lasers to nuke the guns is the next best thing. Targeting the guns that bring your shield down is the best option imo because if your shields go down during the beam drone surge you are screwed but they are harmless with shields up. Try to kill the guys in each gun in the 1st stage to prevent repairs in the second stage. Theoretically breach bombs could be good at taking down the guns and preventing repairs, but I haven't had a chance to try that.

Drones are pretty iffy in this fight because they can't target and don't breach shields well. Missiles are basically worthless because of the defense drone. Loadouts using either of these are a huge disadvantage because of this fight alone, if you don't have a cloak it's going to be shear luck with getting dodges to keep your shields up during the drone swarm.
I unlocked the B layout of the Engi Cruiser, the amount of micro management you need is crazy. Saving scraps and checking if there are any crew available in the stores gave me tension. I was able to save a Mantis and a human and hired another Mantis but it was almost 5 sectors with my Engi and the rescued Mantis.

Lizard with a ladder

learnin' with the blacks!
I unlocked the B layout of the Engi Cruiser, the amount of micro management you need is crazy. Saving scraps and checking if there are any crew available in the stores gave me tension. I was able to save a Mantis and a human and hired another Mantis but it was almost 5 sectors with my Engi and the rescued Mantis.

That feeling when you go store to store looking for crew members.



The last sector is brutal as fuck :lol
I was on my second game so still on Easy, the first 7 sectors posed practically no threat and I smashed through everything with the block-shaped engi ship no problem.

Then I got to the last sector's first fight and practically died instantly. The enemy had like three rocket launchers and they hit me every single time :V
F*CK that rebel mothership. I destroyed it's first form but the damage was to several to my Engi B ship and lost my pilot and the weapons guy, just remaining my two Mantises. And wtf was that ridiculous amount of drones! And why my anti missile drone wasn't intercepting the enemies missiles? This game is very rage indulcing!

Lizard with a ladder

learnin' with the blacks!
For that second phase of the mothership. It's the only time I go lvl 3 on my cloaking. Buy's me some immunity from all those droids, while my boarders are taking out their guns.

Some good firepower helps alot too. Stacking a couple burst lazer marks II on it's shields and it'll go down easy.


I'd like a mod (patch?) that adds a fourth aug slot. Some ships start with a preloaded aug (healing nanites, drone reactor etc.) so space is really tight (particularly on Engi ships where Drone Arm is a must, effectively leaving you with just a single slot due to the aforementioned preloaded aug).

An extra slot would also make it less painful for you if you encounter the thing; I already had three good augs when that happened :(


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I just picked this up the other day and instantly fell in love, but FUCK that final boss. I've gotten to it a few times and just can't beat it. I had a really good setup the last two or three times and can just get instantly fucked over, like the last one having a boarding drone hit right where the driver is, making my evasion go to shit right at the start.

The strategy of boarding it to disable the weapons works great for wave one, but I am having a hell of a time with the robotics part.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Those are gorgeous. Love the attention to detail of the little things like the banner on the Rock since they are a very tribal race where mercenary/faction colors would be proudly displayed and the glowing skin and touch of the Engies.

A very fitting depiction of the humans as well.

All that is missing are the crystal dudes.
Dat artwork is downright crazy. Going to pass it around to my non-GAF FTL-fan friends.

I feel like any play run can be turned into an epic book/movie.

Really! This is so true and also so descriptive of FTL that I vote for it as the next OT's subtitle.
Like we're ever going to have an OT2... :p
I feel like any play run can be turned into an epic book/movie.

I know right. Had a game where where my lone engi from the engi B ship picked up a zoltan survivor but perished in a blaze of fire and lasers in the cockpit leaving the zoltan he'd known only briefly to avenge his death and take up his mission. Next game an event puts 2 mantis boarders on the ship and starts a fight against a mantis ship, which teleported on 2 more and two slug crewmen fight to the last through the ship against the horde of terrifying alien invaders.


bitch I'm taking calls.
A lot of fiction is written and posted on various forums that documents FTL playthroughs. Wish we would see more of that on GAF, I know we have talented writers.
Does anyone know what the makers are up to? FTL2? New game? Nothing?

I feel like FTL's time of popularity has passed though, sadly in part due to the fact that the creators don't seem much interested in continuing to support the project either through updates, dlc or porting it to mobile devices or console arcades. Ironically more change and support has come from the modding scene than the original makers have put in the game since it has been released.
Does anyone know what the makers are up to? FTL2? New game? Nothing?

Unfortunately, I'm afraid FTL's unexpected success (Kickstarter first, then sales and word of mouth) and the authors' history of taking trips around the world to find themselves (they did before making FTL), probably means that we won't hear from them for a while.

For some reason I always picture them bathing in a pool of coins and bills now, Scrooge McDuck style. :D
I unlocked Kestrel's B layout it's so much better than layout A and I had a great run, reached the boss again and took half of his life, but I was destroyed again. Unfortunately I didn't find any missile launcher in that run so it was making the battle extend and didn't end well for me.

On other news now I have an Engi with the best name so far "Elnubnub" I don't have any idea why, but this name always make me giggle everytime I read it.
Tips n' Tricks

*cue jingle*

If you find yourself in an asteroid field that's either empty or you've killed the enemy, you can take your pilot out of the cockpit to reduce evasion to 0 (I don't usually get the autopilot upgrade, though this should still be effective if you have it) and just let the debris hit you to get free skillups on your shield crewman. You technically could leave it there indefinitely, skilling up all your crew members for shields in case one died, but I wouldn't have the patience for it. Takes long enough for one guy anyway.

But kind of a cute, cheesy way to help game the system, particularly if you find an asteroid field early.
So why should you keep the tri-laser guy alive in stage 1 of the final fight? Is it because that once all the humans are dead, the AI of the ship kicks in and starts repairing everything? This happened to me last time and it sucked.
So why should you keep the tri-laser guy alive in stage 1 of the final fight? Is it because that once all the humans are dead, the AI of the ship kicks in and starts repairing everything? This happened to me last time and it sucked.

Yep, that's exactly the reason. Also, out of the four weapon cockpits, only that one and the missiles will survive until stage 3, and obviously the missiles are a much bigger threat.
Yep, that's exactly the reason. Also, out of the four weapon cockpits, only that one and the missiles will survive until stage 3, and obviously the missiles are a much bigger threat.

Ah thanks.

One more thing, do you get more scrap if you defeat the enemy quickly? My friend is using a hull laser II and he seems to be getting more scrap when the enemy goes down fast.


Ah thanks.

One more thing, do you get more scrap if you defeat the enemy quickly? My friend is using a hull laser II and he seems to be getting more scrap when the enemy goes down fast.

Nah dont think so. You get more scrap if you kill the crew without destroying the ship though.
Holy shit, accidentally blew up the 2nd stage of the boss with my boarding party still inside, causing everything to go to shit in the 3rd stage. Won with exactly one health left. Buttocks still unclenching.
I just learned the importance of weapon priority in FTL. I hate that this game requires 2 hours to get to the final boss. It's not so much about the journey for me any more. I just want the satisfaction of beating that enemy.


3 lasers, 1 missile. Drone stage took out my weapon systems and the missile unpowered three times before I got a shot off, which missed. At which point the fires and boarding robots had tore me apart. Another day I'll come back with a second missile. Felt like the best run I've had, first one in months.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I just learned the importance of weapon priority in FTL. I hate that this game requires 2 hours to get to the final boss. It's not so much about the journey for me any more. I just want the satisfaction of beating that enemy.


3 lasers, 1 missile. Drone stage took out my weapon systems and the missile unpowered three times before I got a shot off, which missed. At which point the fires and boarding robots had tore me apart. Another day I'll come back with a second missile. Felt like the best run I've had, first one in months.

This reminds me that I need to give that freeroam mode without Boss and rebels a try. Anyone got a link?
This reminds me that I need to give that freeroam mode without Boss and rebels a try. Anyone got a link?

The mod is called Infinite Space, but it doesn't work with the latest version if the game. See below for the link to it.

Reposting from another thread:

Master Mod List on the Official Forums

Some mods, like Pirates!, are a total conversion of FTL, so you'd be playing a totally different game, at least in terms of graphics and story. The gameplay mechanics remain the same.

Other mods add new weapons/ships or rebalance the existing ones, add additional events,give you slightly more scrap at the beginning, or increase the difficulty.

And there are mods which add hi-res backgrounds or weapon re-skins. I recommend using Hi-res Background graphics and diversityMod if you want to make the game look better.

I'm waiting for theInfinite Space mod to be updated to work with the latest version of FTL. This mod removes the Rebel Fleet and Mothership at the end, adds more weapons, drones, and includes mini bosses in sectors. With no Rebel Fleet, there is more focus on exploration and no end to the game; after making it to the end of a sector, you jump to a random one and keep going til your ship gets destroyed.

NOTE: ALL MODS REQUIRE GROGNAK'S MOD MANAGER. CHECK HERE FOR INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2464
It's pretty simple to install and patch in/ unpatch mods. Hope this is useful!


I need an informed opinion on weapons loadout for the final battle. Throughout my voyage I've managed to accumulate an Ion Blast mk.II, a Heavy Ion, a Burst Laser mk.I, a B.L. mk.II (starting one), a Hull Beam and a Fire Bomb. My Kestrel has Shields lv.3 (+elite Slugboy operator), Engines lv.5 (45% total evasion chance), Teleporter lv.2 (Mantis+Rock), Cloak lv.1, a Sys. Repair drone and a Defence Drone mk.I. What shootaz should my elite Zoltan gunner work his/her magic on?


I need an informed opinion on weapons loadout for the final battle. Throughout my voyage I've managed to accumulate an Ion Blast mk.II, a Heavy Ion, a Burst Laser mk.I, a B.L. mk.II (starting one), a Hull Beam and a Fire Bomb. My Kestrel has Shields lv.3 (+elite Slugboy operator), Engines lv.5 (45% total evasion chance), Teleporter lv.2 (Mantis+Rock), Cloak lv.1, a Sys. Repair drone and a Defence Drone mk.I. What shootaz should my elite Zoltan gunner work his/her magic on?

I would go Burst 2, Ion Blast MK II, and The Fire Bomb. Bombs are godly for the boss. Add in the Heavy Ion if you can power it.

You should be able to do most everything with the teleporter. But those three weapons should be able to take down their shields, and if not, that is why you have the fire bomb.


Started this up again after my vacation. Man, I forgot how unforgiving Normal mode is. I also almost died on my first run from a fire that broke out and started in the door control room. Completely forgot I could turn off the O2 and fix it after until half my ship was in flames.
Argggg I was so close to winning with the type A Stealth Cruiser. My boarding party got foolishly killed in phase 1 when it cloaked with them on-board and everything went to shit in phase 3. Really close :(

That ship is pretty damn hard for me to do well in, haven't come that close since.

Lizard with a ladder

learnin' with the blacks!
Argggg I was so close to winning with the type A Stealth Cruiser. My boarding party got foolishly killed in phase 1 when it cloaked with them on-board and everything went to shit in phase 3. Really close :(

That ship is pretty damn hard for me to do well in, haven't come that close since.
How did they die in phase 1? They should be safe if you're sending them into the gun rooms. Then send back to heal and repeat.


So I have been giving Infinite Space a go, but my god, this thing keeps kicking my ass before I get anywhere. A couple beacons in and I'm either being overwhelmed by some ship with crazy amount of weapons or boarded by hordes of enemies, I've completed the normal game a bunch of times but never have I had my ass so kicked so badly so many times, lol.
Haha you can grind shield levels by hanging out in a asteroid belt after a battle. Never realised this before.

I figured other method to grind, fight a ship that can't penetrate your shields preferable one that don't have missiles. Just shoot until it's shield drops, wait for shields be back and repeat, if the enemy try to flee just finish the battle.
I figured other method to grind, fight a ship that can't penetrate your shields preferable one that don't have missiles. Just shoot until it's shield drops, wait for shields be back and repeat, if the enemy try to flee just finish the battle.
Nice! Will try that out, finally beat the final boss. Can't wait to try out some new strategies, boarding and more unique weapons. I think boarding is definitely my play style but it's intimidating as someone who never finished the game.
Nice! Will try that out, finally beat the final boss. Can't wait to try out some new strategies, boarding and more unique weapons. I think boarding is definitely my play style but it's intimidating as someone who never finished the game.

The final boss is pretty much impossible to beat without boarding, so if you don't start speccing some people for that early, you're not gonna have a good time. It's not something you'll necessarily realize earlier into the game though when you might not even be able to get (or see the value in) a teleporter. The Kestrel (A-Layout) certainly isn't made for it either, so you might not know how good it is until you've unlocked a couple ships.
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