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Full Sail Opinons

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I checked out Full Sail, the school in Florida.
I was fairly impressed, but got and overall strange feeling about the place.

Does anybody know anybody that attends fullsail, and what they think of it?

I'm debating on attending it for film.


I want them to stop mailing me, but yeah I know of full sail.

It looks more hands on than other schools, (which some consider a good thing)

but what type of film you looking into? editing?


I'm not applying to any of these places, but, a question, do they require SAT's, ACT's, or SAT 2's? And do they look at your high school GPA?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Only requirement is a high school diploma and the high tuition fee.

Editing or Camera, i've done both extensivly before.
Dude, got to a real university. Please take my advice on this, you will regret going to one of these "specialty schools" or tech schools. They only care about your $. Well all schools care about your $, but since these are private schools, that's ALLLLLLLLL they care about. You'll graduate with a piece of paper that you'll probably never use in the real world unless you get extremely lucky. Oh and then you'll have 30 grand worth of student loans hanging over your head. Then if you're not able to pay those off, you'll kill your credit and never be able to get a house or a car. You'll have to live on the street, and you can't get a job due to lack of transportation. Then you'll be a bum the rest of your life, and become a participant in one of those bum fight movies, where you get your ass kicked to the point where you die...

So yeah! Go to a real university!


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It seems to me that I could get an internship and end up in the same situation that I would be in if I went to fullsail.
I already have experience with camera, editing and sound.

At the end of the presentation they pretty much tell you that you will have to start entry level or as an intern, which is kinda ironic considering you spent 30k there
Suikoguy said:
It seems to me that I could get an internship and end up in the same situation that I would be in if I went to fullsail.
I already have experience with camera, editing and sound.

At the end of the presentation they pretty much tell you that you will have to start entry level or as an intern, which is kinda ironic considering you spent 30k there

30k? WTF? For that kind of money might as well go to a school with some teeth to it, like Digipen, Guildhall, Vancouver Film School, Art Institute of Vancouver-Burnaby...

Look, from what I've heard about FullSail, it's like any game trade school (outside of Digipen, japanese institutes). You get a motivating class, but its also a brutal battle of attrition. Don't spend your after-school hours working on projects? Taking a part time job? Those tend to be paths leading directly to failure.

The diploma is usually nothing - nobody cares about it. Successfully completing the course is worth a little something, but not a job. Completing the course, coming up with a kickass set of portfolio materials, and then sleeping for two weeks gives you a fighting chance.

Uni is definitely a better place to go if you want completion to mean something or aren't entirely sure what you want to do. But if you're gutsy enough to know exactly what kind of entry level game job you're looking for, and max out your time to be the best possible candidate, trade schools are a great way to go.


Mason said:
Full Sail has always looked really sketchy to me. I don't know what it is about it....

Maybe it's the ads in the back of magazines where porn and male enhancement ads normally go.


Its a bad idea. You'll work your ass off for nothing and lose a lot of money. Yes, I know people who go there, too. If you can get into a real university, go. Most have programs as good as any specialty school. Going to Full Sail is most definitely NOT an easy way out and you won't get much for completing it, either. I've heard the first few weeks are especially hard.
i was CONSIDERING full sail... (for recording engineering)

but..they are just way too damn expensive...so im going to one that is much more recognized AND cheaper.....SAE.


I had a friend who went there for a while, and said it was a ripoff. I can't remember his exact complaints (besides the money factor and the instructors) but he said you could easily get a comparable amount of training at a nearby college or university for much cheaper.


UCF is right down the street from Full Sail. Guess who are most of the teachers from Full Sail? UCF graduates or ex-teachers.

This is how it breaks down for Full Sail:

Recording - Forget it, you got all the usual "thugs." These are the drop out high school kids, or the ones who barely passed high school. You'll see more bling than a rap video. It's the degree program everyone makes fun of.

Film - Film is nice, if you want to get into porn. A lot of the film students end up getting into porn. You'll also have a few people who are just there to try and be an actress or actor(WTF).

Web Design - Why?

Animation - Their's better schools, cheaper school that will do just as good. Plus ILM left the area so it lost the little appeal it had.

Game Design - It's pretty much a joke. Most students, I would say 99% of students who have never seen a programming language WILL fail. If you hate RPG's, get ready to really hate it. Most of the students are itno RPG's and it seems thats all they teach you.

By the way, the school was founded as a recording school so most of the classes and buildings are dedicated to them.


I was considering Full Sail simply because it's like a name brand among colleges, but everyone has something negative to say about it so it turned me off.
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