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The Full solar Eclipse USA April 2024 thread


Gold Member
The world ends today......everyone ready to meet their maker? :messenger_grinning_smiling:

I flew to Oregon last time for the totality. A two hour drive isn’t too bad!
I might do it. I’m keeping an eye on the weather, we had storms overnight and it’s going to be overcast for a while this morning. Hopefully it clears up.

Edit - The skies are clearing!
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Where I live is in the dead center of a "totality" zone. I don't really care to look up at it, but it will be interesting to see how dark it will get during the totality period.


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Where I live is in the dead center of a "totality" zone. I don't really care to look up at it, but it will be interesting to see how dark it will get during the totality period.
The birds will think its bedtime then dawn again.


Gold Member

If You Say So Wow GIF by Identity

The crazies think the Rapture will happen at the eclipse and CERN is going to open a portal to hell. This is why YouTube and TikTok need to be shut down.


Well if they think that then they are certainly crazy. Especially since Hell is but a concept.
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This will be my view. 98.4% coverage, watching at one of my favorite places in the state of Michigan. Used to be a wooded area where they cleared the trees and woods to mine sand and soil to help build the surrounding community. Now it’s a nature preserve where a lot of Geese and Swans come every year for mating. Many of them are already nesting, I’m anxious to see how they react once the eclipse peaks and it’s almost dark.

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Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Oh USA only..

Oh wait I’ll get it too in Canada!

I’m in the full eclipse zone at around 15h. I just go tte nearest park and apparently it should be sunny still, no clouds as of now. Got the glasses for the kids. Will be their first of course, 6 & 3 years old. My first full eclipse too.


What time is the Eclipse April 8 in the Netherlands?

Totality begins at 16:38 GMT; The maximum eclipse is at 18:17 GMT; Totality ends at 19:55 GMT; The partial phase ends at 20:52 GMT.

Can't wait!!! 🌒
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This will be my view. 98.4% coverage, watching at one of my favorite places in the state of Michigan. Used to be a wooded area where they cleared the trees and woods to mine sand and soil to help build the surrounding community. Now it’s a nature preserve where a lot of Geese and Swans come every year for mating. Many of them are already nesting, I’m anxious to see how they react once the eclipse peaks and it’s almost dark.

We are practically neighbors.


Gold Member
I'm in Cleveland. About a 1/3 of the sun covered now. So cool to look at with my eclipses glasses.
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My town was about 75% for the 2017 eclipse. Full eclipse for almost 4 minutes this time.
Very different experience.
Very cool. Glad I got to see it once.

Now just have to hold on for Halley's Comet to come back. I was 11 the first time. Didn't fully appreciate it.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Just got done watching the total eclipse about 20 minutes ago here in Dallas and it was absolutely spectacular. Eerily so.

There was some concern regarding cloud cover early, but thankfully that cleared up nicely just in time. :)

A once in a lifetime event and it did not disappoint.
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Gold Member

If You Say So Wow GIF by Identity

Fully convinced CERN is trying to open up the portal to hell like DOOM


Gold Member
My town was about 75% for the 2017 eclipse. Full eclipse for almost 4 minutes this time.
Very different experience.
Very cool. Glad I got to see it once.

Now just have to hold on for Halley's Comet to come back. I was 11 the first time. Didn't fully appreciate it.
Some of us older folks were talking about this and the younger guys were either totally ignorant of HC or only had a superficial understanding of it.

Damned young whippersnappers!!
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