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The Full solar Eclipse USA April 2024 thread


Yeah, I guess I was talking out of my ass. Could've sworn I read something about this one was unique and doesn't happen but once a century. Not sure what that was about now

It can be hundreds (or even thousands) of years for it to happen in the same location so you probably heard that. This is already the 15th total eclipse over land of the 21st century and others would have happened over the oceans. So there is nothing rare about them but for people that don't chase them it can be a once in a lifetime event to happen where you live or even something that never happens in a lifetime. The average is every 375 years but it is all over the place. Where I am now there hasn't been a total eclipse since 1433 but that will end in 2044 so over 600 years between them. There are places today like Fredericton New Brunswick getting a total eclipse for the first time in over 1,000 years (The last was 932). Meanwhile there are parts of places like Southern Illinois that had the total eclipse in 2017 that are getting it again today so only a 7 year gap. There are even places that will be over 2,000 years between total eclipses.


Total eclipse looked outstanding from Indianapolis! So eerie how it slowly dimmed and the air cooled, then the shadow passes over and it’s nighttime, with a slight hint of sunrise on the horizon 360 degrees around you!


Gold Member
Fucking Incredible 🥲

It was an experience, literally breathtaking.


Stuck around at home where we “only” had 99% maximum coverage. I wish I had some photos to share but my cell phone camera didn’t do it justice. There was enough light at maximum that my camera couldn’t focus. Makes me wish I hadn’t had to get rid of my DSLR back in 2020.

It was also interesting to watch how the neighborhood stray and outdoor pet cats reacted. Toward maximum eclipse, some of them freaked out and ran off while my neighbors cat laid on the ground beside us with his belly to the sun for the entire time. 😆
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Reseterror Resettler
94% coverage here, was super cool. The birds are currently circling high in the air like they do at dusk, so I guess it confused the fuck out of the native wildlife.


Elden Member
so damn lucky, we're in North Dallas (Prosper) and got the 100% coverage and the clouds all went away for about 45 minutes allowing us to see it fully without obstruction. Magical is an understatement. Just so god damn beautiful, esspeically that minute we could take off the glasses and see the most stunning white I've ever seen surrounding the moon. Just amazing.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
That corona, though.
It's something you have to see in person to fully appreciate. :D

I personally wouldn't travel to see an eclipse, but after today, I understand why some people do.
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Gold Member
I'm also glad that everyone travelling here to Dallas got to see a good show.
They say population increased by 35% just for the eclipse. 😲

Seeing a full total eclipse has been on my bucket list over 20 years and I'm glad I was able to experience with most of my family, especially as my parents are getting older. So grateful to experience with them.

First time in Dallas also; the World Aquarium was excellent as well!
Seeing a full total eclipse has been on my bucket list over 20 years and I'm glad I was able to experience with most of my family, especially as my parents are getting older. So grateful to experience with them.

There was a total eclipse in Eastern Europe 25 years ago and my grandpa refused to watch with us. He started braiding onions in a shed just before the totality.


Elden Member
I'm sad that my phone's camera couldn't really capture the full beauty of the eclipse, but being able to witness the totality with my own two eyes is something I will forever be thankful for, it was mesmerizing.
Really makes you understand how powerful these events must have been for early mankind with no understanding what so ever of what was happening. Like, I can totally understand how someone would have a "spiritual" awakening if they just saw this randomly without warning.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
That was an otherworldly experience. First time in my 42 years and there’s no photos that can do it justice when you can remove the glasses at the full occlusion. The kids in the parc were freaking out.

No clouds where I was, really sorry for those who travelled for this only for clouds to hide everything



That was an otherworldly experience. First time in my 42 years and there’s no photos that can do it justice when you can remove the glasses at the full occlusion. The kids in the parc were freaking out.
It was absolutely incredible! I bought the glasses months ago just to make sure I had them and my wife kept going on that it was a waste of time.
We get out there and she is the loudest one there that was completely in awe.
One of the best memories I’ve had with my wife and kids!

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Seeing a full total eclipse has been on my bucket list over 20 years and I'm glad I was able to experience with most of my family, especially as my parents are getting older. So grateful to experience with them.

First time in Dallas also; the World Aquarium was excellent as well!
That is so cool, man.
Glad that you and your loved ones took part of this experience.

I'm saving my eclipse glasses for the memory of this event! 🕶️
Clouds cleared up just enough to make it really visible. Amazing 2 minutes of darkness. I had the luck to view it with a ton of people and their was an audible gasp when totality started. 2 hours later there was a rainstorm haha. So yeah, really lucky.


Is pretty much an over genarelazion wouldn't you say? Then again you watch Disney. I forgive you schill 💋

Yeah that's what I thought
Back on Ignore.

Thanks for pics guys I missed it 😪

Saw some demons on my way to work though. Hmm, maybe they were the elderly. Who know, right?
Sadly, I'll probably be long dead before we get another total eclipse over here (the Netherlands). That's the price to pay for being such a tiny part of the planet, I suppose. I think there's one in Spain in 2026, hopefully I'll be able to see that one...
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