I, for one, like the pacing. I have little patience for anime these days, and if doesn't move quickly, I'm gone.
yes.Error said:honestly I think the pacing is because they want to blow through all this stuff quickly, and catch up to the point where the original series diverged from the manga a lot sooner.
is this gonna be 51 episodes long?
Dear Shinsen Subs,
FUNimation has acquired extensive production and distribution rights for Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
Any unauthorized production, reproduction or distribution of this series, is a violation of our rights. Such violations include the creation of derivative works (translations, subtitles (.ssa, .ass, .srt, etc.) and fansubs) and ANY unauthorized reproduction or distribution of translations, subtitles, fansubs OR the RAW media, via direct downloading, uploading, file serving/swapping, IRC, streaming, stream embedding (from YouTube, Megavideo, Veoh, etc.), torrent seeding, torrent tracking, torrent linking, other linking, link aggregating or any similar activities. Basically you cant post the fansub because that is a violation to the rights granted to FUNimation.
What this means is that you do not have permission to fansub or distribute, and I regret to inform you that you are violating copyright.
Your group was not singled out. We are sending every fansub group this notice at the same time.
FUNimation has English subtitled episodes to view online at and we will be offering Download to Own digital episodes very soon.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
The following is a standard DMCA notification.
April 21, 2009
-Email here-
Shinsen Subs
RE: Copyright Infringement
In compliance with relevant federal copyright law, I submit the following:
I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the following information is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I am an employee of FUNimation Entertainment. I am authorized to act on behalf of FUNimation Entertainment with respect to the matters discussed herein.
FUNimation is a company engaged in the production and distribution of animated motion pictures. We own or control various exclusive copyrights and trademarks related to the animated motion pictures known as Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (collectively referred to as the "Properties"). FUNimation is the owner of certain exclusive rights in and to the Properties throughout the United States. Specifically, FUNimation is the exclusive licensee for production and distribution of home videos, DVDs, and other home video formats and devices.
Our investigations have led us to have a good faith belief that the above referenced site is being used for the unauthorized copying and distribution (downloading, uploading, file serving/swapping, streaming, stream embedding, torrent seeding, torrent tracking, torrent linking, other linking, link aggregating or any similar activities) of digital files embodying the Properties. The use of the Properties in this manner is NOT authorized by FUNimation Entertainment and is a violation of FUNimation's intellectual property rights, including its rights under the Copyright Act. Infringing materials can be found at the following URLs:*edit out link to torrents*
FUNimation Entertainment hereby demands that you expeditiously disable all access to said infringing materials.
If you should require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me by email at<>. The physical and mailing address of FUNimation Entertainment is 1200 Lakeside Parkway, Bldg 1, Flower Mound, TX, 75028. Please contact me immediately if this notification is not in substantial compliance with the requirements of the DMCA, or if some other problem arises with respect to our request. I would also request notification of your compliance with our request.
/s/ Lance Heiskell
FUNimation Entertainment
Sure we'll remove the torrents from the tracker. Doesn't mean we have to stop subbing it. We aren't an American based fansub group. I'm not particularly keen on giving into someones laws if we aren't really even on their soil. I think its silly we're getting C&D'ed yet again by Funimation. Anyhow, If Funimations laws and reach extends more so than the President of the United States, then we're all doomed. So, who wants to host our files on another tracker or torrent site? Let us know. Cause we aren't gonna stop subbing.
Hey, at least this isn't a death threat like ADV used to send us. Wow, werent they the classiest group of assholes I ever did meet?
duckroll said:Guys, I have a theory about Edward Elric, I don't know if it's true, so sorry in advance if it's a spoiler. I think that Ed is lying to everyone that he lost his arm to bring Al back. Why? Because it's obvious he still has his arm and that the "automail" hand is just a metal glove he's wearing. I think Winry is in on it too.
I have proof too...
Masked Man said:Wow, that's surprising! I'm not complaining... So long as they issue the Download-to-Own versions quickly, that is. The nice thing about torrents--in theory, of course--is the immediacy. Instead of waiting until Thursday, one could--in theory--watch the episodes on Sunday only hours after they are broadcast in Japan.
Trust me: It's too late for him :lolMetroid Killer said:You know duckroll, maybe you should just limit each episode view to 5 times instead of 10. You are gonna end up picking this show apart :lol
flintstryker said:I read that Shisen Sub has gotten a C&D here :
Well I guess I'm SOLFullmetal Fans Flood FUNimation Video Portal
Posted Monday, April 13, 2009 | ShareThis
Thank you to all of you for your support of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood on the FUNimation video portal. Due to the overwhelming response from fans to view the first legal streaming episode of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, our bandwidth was taxed and unfortunately, may cause longer than expected buffering of the episode.
We are working on resolving this issue and expect to have the solution in place soon. In the meantime, please bear with us as we continue to work on bringing the best online video viewing experience.
Oh nooooooooooo!flintstryker said:I read that Shisen Sub has gotten a C&D here :
Orin GA said:Everytime I see Nina Chimera It still freaks me the fuck out.
TheOddOne said:ep 4 out![]()
Anyway, continues to be a major improvement over the original series.
Yeah,Robobandit said:Still sad.. as always.
I think this represents the first major divergence from the original series
Scar kills Tucker and puts Nina out of her misery instead of tucker surviving and being a chimera himself later on
Never read the manga but I personally don't care for it. Some silliness every now and then is fine but this is just too much and often poorly timed as well.GaimeGuy said:The silliness portions have been almost all directly ripped from the manga so far.
Danielsan said:Never read the manga but I personally don't care for it. Some silliness every now and then is fine but this is just too much and often poorly timed as well.
Danielsan said:Never read the manga but I personally don't care for it. Some silliness every now and then is fine but this is just too much and often poorly timed as well.
I actually liked how it became darker and darker as it went on, but then again I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff.Blader5489 said:I haven't read the manga or seen Brotherhood yet, but, imo, the show could use a little more silliness. I liked the original FMA anime, but if I had one big complaint about it, it was that it became very dark and angsty as the show went on. Not that I think FMA should be played for laughs all the time, but I think it could stand to have a bit more levity infused into the show.
Actually, they're really not moving at a super ridiculous pace.Koshiba said:There's something I really love about the animation and song for the Opening theme.Anyway, good episode. They're getting through stuff a bit fast but that's to be expected.
duckroll said:Guys, I have a theory about Edward Elric, I don't know if it's true, so sorry in advance if it's a spoiler. I think that Ed is lying to everyone that he lost his arm to bring Al back. Why? Because it's obvious he still has his arm and that the "automail" hand is just a metal glove he's wearing. I think Winry is in on it too.
I have proof too...
watervengeance said:Um, I feel stupid, but I don't get it.