Zoramon089 said:Are you watching a fansubbed version of the Funi subs? Maybe it's different between the two...
Errr what are you talking about? The fansubbed version of the Funi subs? What? I'm talking about the design of the crest.
Zoramon089 said:Are you watching a fansubbed version of the Funi subs? Maybe it's different between the two...
Masked Man said:Hm, I didn't pick up on that, duckroll! Interesting, though. I wonder if they will also alter thescene because of the religious imagery.Greed crucifix
Halycon said:in the original?Greed wasn't crucified
duckroll said:Hey, I was trying to sleep and I started thinking about something, and I just couldn't stop thinking about it. It's bugging the hell out of me.
Okay, so in the first series, the Uroboros logo's center is made up of 6 small triangles that kinda form the Star of David. In the manga, the center of the logo is always drawn clearly as the Star of David, with no attempt to shy away from it. Now we're on the remake, and while pretty much all the designs are much closer to the manga versions, the Uroboros logo looks EXACTLY like the one in the first series.
What gives? Is there some censorship law I'm not aware of? Why would anyone in Japan care about the Star of David so much that they would be bothered by it being in the Uroboros logo?
Ah no my mistake, I meant in the first anime not the manga.duckroll said:Manga spoiler:He was, but Viz requested Arakawa to redraw the panel for the US release though. So in the US Viz release of the manga he's hung on a slab of rock.
Kreed said:I'm assuming it's the station/time slot the show airs. A similar situation happened with One Piece and White Beard's symbol having the Nazi swastika in it.
Halycon said:Ah no my mistake, I meant in the first anime not the manga.
Halycon said:in the original?Greed wasn't crucified
duckroll said:Well, that's what I'm trying to understand though. I *know* why the swastika is frowned upon especially for free-to-air stuff. What I don't understand is why showing the Star of David would be offensive. I'm not jewish, but wouldn't it be no different from showing a cross or crucifix, or a Buddha statue? It's just a religious icon.
Masked Man said:Perhaps then it involves the context ofthe Homunculi being "evil," so they don't want to use such blatant religious imagery with the "bad guys" so as not to send an anti-semitic message.
Kreed said:I think this is the reason also. I remember a similar situation happening with Zelda: TOOT, Tenchi Muyo, and Space Captain Harlock, where religious imagery was used in a "negative" fashion and were later censored.
duckroll said:Well, the issue that I have here is that it clearly doesn't seem to be a problem for the manga, and the manga is by no means less popular than the anime. Recent volumes of the manga continue to sell about a million copies in Japan each, and it's serialized in Shounen Gangan, which is targeted at kids and published by Square Enix.
If that's considered okay, why the extra sensitivity for the TV series? Or could it just be BONES?
duckroll said:Well, the issue that I have here is that it clearly doesn't seem to be a problem for the manga, and the manga is by no means less popular than the anime. Recent volumes of the manga continue to sell about a million copies in Japan each, and it's serialized in Shounen Gangan, which is targeted at kids and published by Square Enix.
If that's considered okay, why the extra sensitivity for the TV series? Or could it just be BONES?
That's how I see it, but then again they sentduckroll said:So I guess that most likely answer is that BONES wants to play it safe with regard to potentially sensitive imagery, and since it worked for the first series, they decided to retain the symbol for the new series too?
Halycon said:That's how I see it, but then again they sentso I'm kind of confused by their priorities.Ed to Nazi Germany (WTF)
duckroll said:I think coming up with original ideas like that in the first series wasn't too bad at all. My issue with their priorities in the first series was stuff likeI mean seriously, did they really think that any fans would LIKE that? lolz.keeping Tucker alive, and bringing Frank Archer back as a terminator.
Regulus Tera said:Episode five = wowzam, the animation was so fluid.
was the best thing of the finale, however.Terminator Archer
Regulus Tera said:was the best thing of the finale, however.Terminator Archer
duckroll said:You really thought so? As a BONES fan, I don't even want to post my impressions about it. :/
Regulus Tera said:Episode five = wowzam, the animation was so fluid.
was the best thing of the finale, however.Terminator Archer
duckroll said:So I guess that most likely answer is that BONES wants to play it safe with regard to potentially sensitive imagery, and since it worked for the first series, they decided to retain the symbol for the new series too?
g35twinturbo said:Where are you guys getting the episodes so early?
edit: nvm my place just put it up lol.
CurseoftheGods said:I just noticed something in the intro.
Is it Edward waving his arms at the beginning or?Envy
GaimeGuy said:I'm not going to answer your question, but let me say something:
god, how hard is it for people to understand it when we say that the manga and first anime are completely different, and that this series should be treated as a fresh slate, despite how similar some of the earlier episodes may appear? >_<
When I say do not assume anything about characters, that includes everything about them. Whether they exist or not. What they look like. What they can do. Their personalities. Their names. What they've done in the past. Do not assume ANYTHING.
GaimeGuy said:Looking back it's kind of crazy just how much filler there was early on in the first FMA anime. After five episodes, we're basically where they were at the end of episode #. And for those of you who think this is too fast of a pace: Trust me, if they're going to get through the entire manga in ~50 episodes, this pace is necessary.14
Not to mention another one of the mods is... nevermind.diunxx said:That was a funny ban considering that 90% of the people watching the show here is downloading the fansubs.
GaimeGuy said:I'm not going to answer your question, but let me say something:
god, how hard is it for people to understand it when we say that the manga and first anime are completely different, and that this series should be treated as a fresh slate, despite how similar some of the earlier episodes may appear? >_<
When I say do not assume anything about characters, that includes everything about them. Whether they exist or not. What they look like. What they can do. Their personalities. Their names. What they've done in the past. Do not assume ANYTHING.
CurseoftheGods said:Why are you being so mean to me? :"(
Yeah but I can't think of a BONES series that been longer than 51 episodes, in fact I don't think they have ever done one.Then again, it could simply be that Animax knew there were at least 51 episodes, and so they signed a deal for the first 51, and will sign with the others later.
... I guess we don't really know, you're right. I don't think it'll be 100 episodes, or even 75. If it were going to be more than 51 eps, it might be 64 or 65 (since a season is around 13 eps).
It's for your own good.CurseoftheGods said:Why are you being so mean to me? :"(
I diedWes said:Something odd is happening. There's no updates in this thread yet it seems I'm watching a new episode. Is everyone alright?
<3 Armstrong. Glad to see they kept pretty much all of his awesome moments from the manga chapters in this ep.GCX said:Nice episode. Armstrong's reaction after hearing all about Ed and Al's past was awesome. :lol
GCX said:Nice episode. Armstrong's reaction after hearing all about Ed and Al's past was awesome. :lol
Pardon my ignorance, but how many chapters does the entire manga have? Has it finished already?GaimeGuy said:Looking back it's kind of crazy just how much filler there was early on in the first FMA anime. After five episodes, we're basically where they were at the end of episode #. And for those of you who think this is too fast of a pace: Trust me, if they're going to get through the entire manga in ~50 episodes, this pace is necessary.14
Haunted said:Pardon my ignorance, but how many chapters does the entire manga have? Has it finished already?
Chapter 95 was just released. Chapters are a meaty 40-50 pages, serialized monthly Arakawa has said she doesn't want it to go past 100 chapters. Some speculate that it could go to 105 chapters, since that would make it finish about two weeks before Brotherhood if Brotherhood were to be 64/65 eps rather than 51.Haunted said:Pardon my ignorance, but how many chapters does the entire manga have? Has it finished already?
Technically nothing is reused from the old show, but a lot of people think of the first show as the source material despite it deviating heavily from the manga, the TRUE source material.patrickthehedgehog said:Missed the first series and I'm in love with Brotherhood. The new director hasn't really directed much, but he's worked on the animation of a lot of great shows. I don't know what's reused from the old show, but everything seems great to me. Armstrong is awesome!