grandjedi6 said:Well so far everyone seems to be enacting a new rule of spoiler tagging everything not shown in the dub, so this could work out afterall. I doubt the series could sustain two cocurrent threads though.
EDIT: Dammit Pimpwerx
The only solution I can see is for either a new thread to be made for people following the dub (best solution imo), or for people to label their spoilers a lot more explicitely from now on:StoOgE said:yeah, but then what the fuck am I supposed to do?
I've not read the Manga.. and the spoilers have been used for manga stuff up until this point.
Basically anyone who has not read the manga but is watching the subs would have to exit the thread for fear of either
1) spoiling dub only watchers.
2) being spoiled by manga readers.
seems kind of shit since I've been in the thread for pushing a year.
g35twinturbo said:wow 45 was goooood.
beginning fight was gooooood also.
Yeah, it's one of those things where "Well, you're late to the party and posting in the official thread. Proceed with caution."StoOgE said:pimpwerx does have a good point. This thread already has 16+ pages of spoilers for people who just started watching the dub. Even if we start spoiler tagging that stuff now there is nothing to stop someone from popping on an old page and spoiling the story.
Hopefully duckroll can weigh in on this, but I think the dub only guys are SOL. Besides, it's not as though there is anything stopping them from going to Funi's site and watching all the episodes to get caught up.
Nope starting with ep 46, we have 17 eps left. There're a total of 63 eps for Brotherhood.CcrooK said:Ep. 45. Wow. And we have 7 more to go? Right?
Nope. There is simply no way that they could cover what's left in 7 episodes. Current estimates are either 63, or 65 episodes. Prepare for awesomness.CcrooK said:Ep. 45. Wow. And we have 7 more to go? Right?
They have several different teams working on the episodes, which is why some episodes 'look' better than others.StoOgE said:I actually do have a question.. this show is going to have put out around 65 episodes in what seems like 70 or so weeks once all is said and done.
How is that even possible? An animated show in the US would have put out less than half that many episodes in that time frame.
Do they start making these things far in advance of the first episodes release or are they actually able to put an episode together in one weeks time?
firehawk12 said:Also, I'm sure being adapted from a manga helps since they can use the manga basically for storyboarding.
Although, people are saying that they've thrown the manga out the window at some points. :lol
What Auron said, and yeah, they have a lot of episodes made by the time the shows start usually.StoOgE said:I actually do have a question.. this show is going to have put out around 65 episodes in what seems like 70 or so weeks once all is said and done.
How is that even possible? An animated show in the US would have put out less than half that many episodes in that time frame.
Do they start making these things far in advance of the first episodes release or are they actually able to put an episode together in one weeks time?
batbeg said:Also: why isn't Ed giving the alchemy speech at the beginning of the episodes? D: That's weird.
Sorry if anyone did make a specific dub thread, I didn't find it.
Adultswim gave up on Saturday night, no way it is going to reach 600,000 like the original did. Between the lack of new anime, the re runs of there lesser rating shows before it, and reruns of crappy anime(2 hours of Bleach) they will not pull in good numbers. Also, you can watch it for free online at there site so that also affects ratings. And 900,000 is actually bad for them on Sunday night, those FG reruns usually pull in over a mil.B.K. said:There aren't many people watching the show on Adult Swim. Last night, they had bumpers with ratings for the 13th and 14th. Brotherhood had 343,000 viewers and was second place that night behind The Boondocks. Boondocks had over 390,000 viewers. For Sunday the 14th, even the lowest rated show, a Family Guy rerun, had over 900,000 viewers. :/
Hope you love seeing stoner comedy based on rapid fire non-sequitors.Andrex said:Yeah 2 hours of Bleach petty much killed Saturday, which is sad since it's also the only night they air anime anymore...
Andrex said:Yeah 2 hours of Bleach petty much killed Saturday, which is sad since it's also the only night they air anime anymore...
Auron_Kale said:I still miss the days when Adult Swim showed anime throughout the week. They would often show such a wide variety of shows. But now that it's being relegated to Saturday night, as well as there being various other ways of watching the show, it's not surprising about the ratings which is a shame, since the show's really good.
Uhh...for one, the two hours of Bleach only stated two weeks ago, and those ratings numbers are exactly in line with what Saturdays ALWAYS do. And Bleach had, until Fullmetal beat it last week, been routinely and consistently the top ranked anime on the block, even in repeats (not counting the week before last where some fluke managed to put Cowboy Bebop in the top spot somehow :lol ).Andrex said:Yeah 2 hours of Bleach petty much killed Saturday, which is sad since it's also the only night they air anime anymore...
Andrex said:But the anime protoplasm watching Bleach is not the same sophisticated audience that will actually watch the good stuff...
Firestorm said:Just a simple yes/no will suffice as I don't want to get spoiled with the specifics, but I'm on does Mustang get a larger role anytime soon? I'm on Episode 45 and feel like he has been kind of ignored.
Dresden said:Man, that's some underboobage on Winry.
Firestorm said:wait was there a timeskip of some kind in this episode that i didn't catch?
Firestorm said:wait was there a timeskip of some kind in this episode that i didn't catch?
grandjedi6 said:aww, cute. Ed got taller.
I loved the setup at the end. Was really well done. And yeah, I just went back to the beginning to check it. I think I fast forwarded through it by mistake.Andrex said:This episode was the biggest tease ever. :lol Though you can't have something big happen without a setup I guess. Next episode looks downright amazing.
Before the episode. Narration implies it.
Tathanen said:So I wasn't imagining this? Both him and Winry seemed older to me. I know they said it's spring now, but what was it before? Winter? Whatever it was, it's been less than a year. That's not enough time for people of this age to have obvious physical changes.