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Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood Official Discussion Thread

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GaimeGuy said:
oh boy, having people starting out with the dub talking in the same thread as people who are following the series in japanese as it gets into the mid 40s of episode numbers is just BEGGING for bad things to happen
Like this, except unmarked

I forsee great use of this image




ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
pirata said:
To those who missed the broadcast on Saturday, the English dub of episode one is up on [adult swim] right now.

[Spoilers for dub people] Funimation has better quality, no huge black borders, and the full opening/ending. :p

Of course, if you need Vic's sexy man-voice...


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Andrex said:
[Spoilers for dub people] Funimation has better quality, no huge black borders, and the full opening/ending. :p

Of course, if you need Vic's sexy man-voice...
the quality on funi's site still sucks though. not even 480p.

You can get 480p video if you go to their youtube channel, (although their youtube channel isu sually one or two episodes behind), but it still is a poor quality encode.


Master of the Google Search
Finally saw the dubbed episode:

-The voice acting is pretty great. Most of the voices matched the characters well and the V.A.s got back into their roles pretty quickly it seemed. And Vic's portrayal of Ed seemed to be even better than before somehow.
-It was eery how close the new Al's voice was to the old one. Overall it was decent but not great (especially the character's first line of "okay brotttor". Hopefully though, the voice actress will start trying to adapt Al's actual character in a few episodes after she finally gets the old Al's dub voice down. I have high hopes.
-I forgot how deep Mustang's and Hawkeye's dub voices were. It through me off at first but I suppose I'll get re-use to them after a while. I do wonder how Clinkenbeard will perform come episode 19...
-The transitions for the cut opening and cut ending were really bad but I suppose that's the best that could be hoped for considering the requirements.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
grandjedi6 said:
And Vic's portrayal of Ed seemed to be even better than before somehow.

Indeed. <3

grandjedi6 said:
It was eery how close the new Al's voice was to the old one. Overall it was decent but not great (especially the character's first line of "okay brotttor". Hopefully though, the voice actress will start trying to adapt Al's actual character in a few episodes after she finally gets the old Al's dub voice down. I have high hopes.

I rewatched the dub too and before the opening she sounds TERRIBLE, like, she's not even acting. "Let's go, brother." Ugh.

But she does get a lot better as the ep goes on, but she still seems too girly for me... I mean Luci Christian did a very boy-ey Wrath, especially after he "becomes" Wrath. But Al still sounds like a girl.
Magypsy23 said:
This thread is a mess.

It'll go away soon. Half the people watching the dub will flip out and ragequit because it's not as dark and angsty as the original after a few episodes. *eye roll*

The dub is pretty good though. The only thing that's weird to me is how silent Al sounds. It's been a long time since I've seen the original in English dub.

yankeeforever2 said:
I really have never met someone who has hated milk.

I used to hate milk.
Just realized that CNHD shows Brotherhood at both 9PM and 1AM on u-verse here in California.

Already...Winry's little girl voice is annoying the hell out of me (but it got better when she was 11-12). Al's voice is extremely inconsistent (either sounds to girly or just right). Ed's voice is pretty good - though when Vic screams it sounds really off.

The Truth...so disappointed that they went with the VA who voiced Wrath in the first series.

Travis' Roy has definitely gotten better. Colleen's Riza...still too deep for my taste, but she's doing a better job than the first series.

A plus with this episode, they corrected all of the problems that were in the first airing (which was also done when the Japanese dvds/bds were released)


Auron_Kale said:
A plus with this episode, they corrected all of the problems that were in the first airing (which was also done when the Japanese dvds/bds were released)

Oh? What problems?


I liked that Roy was pissed off at the human transmutation in this version. They're definitely buzzing through the story, guess they're putting the Nina stuff at a different place in the timeline.

And for the record, I LOVE the style of the first ending animation.

Although, I kinda miss Ed/Vic giving his spiel about the Philosopher's Stone in the beginning. That was great stuff and a great intro to every episode, especially after the big change in the second season when they switched the words.
B.K. said:
Oh? What problems?

One I can think of (which you'll see if you go back through this topic enough and look) is that when Ed looked at his blade-arm, it was only metal from the elbow out (to put it more clearly, you could see that his arm had flesh from the elbow to his shoulder). This was an error and in the version of the episode aired tonight, it was all metal.
B.K. said:
Oh? What problems?

One of the problems when the ep first aired in Japanese, the scene when Ed raises his new automail arm, the bicep portion of his arm was flesh colored, rather than metal. In this version, as well as what's on the Japanese DVD/BD, the bicep is correctly metal colored.


Overall, dub episode 2 was pretty good. Truth was...alright. Wasn't really feeling Pinako or Winry, but maybe I'll change my mind once she's older.

I'm really digging the script, for the most part. And King Bradley is great, too.

Auron_Kale said:
A plus with this episode, they corrected all of the problems that were in the first airing (which was also done when the Japanese dvds/bds were released)

Huh? What problems?

EDIT: Oh, yeah, I remember that. I'm glad that they fixed it.


Master of the Google Search
Tamanon said:
I liked that Roy was pissed off at the human transmutation in this version. They're definitely buzzing through the story, guess they're putting the Nina stuff at a different place in the timeline.
Yeah, the Nina story was never originally placed there. I believe its episode 4 now iirc.
And Mustang's character is subtly different in brotherhood

Auron_Kale said:
One of the problems when the ep first aired in Japanese, the scene when Ed raises his new automail arm, the bicep portion of his arm was flesh colored, rather than metal. In this version, as well as what's on the Japanese DVD/BD, the bicep is correctly metal colored.
Well that's to be expected considering the Funimation dub is based off of the Japanese DVD and not the actual TV airing.
Blader5489 said:
Is Truth supposed to be evil?

Don't answer if it's a spoiler though :lol
Kinda. Its more neutral than anything but with a deep deep love of ironic punishment.

Andrex said:
I missed the first run, Luci Christian is Truth?
Episode 45 was fuck awesome!

They crammed a lot into it, but was such a great ep.

- Armstrong vs. Armstrong, love how casually the parents and Catherine leave as Olivier's beating the shit out of Alex

- Seeing Lin was nice, but the transformation back to Greed was cool.

- Speaking of Greed, opening fight with Wrath was sweet!

- Loved the part with Grumman and so glad they kept it :lol

- How the ED was spliced with Roy reading the note - pure AWESOME! And the accompanying montage, so good.gif

Then the extra part after the credits = too cool.

Can't wait for next week!
Just finished the second episode and I'm even more impressed. The visuals, the pacing and the voice acting (especially during the human transmutation scene) were all great. Even the anime goofiness that seemed out of place in the first episode fit very well here.


grandjedi6 said:
Kinda. Its more neutral than anything but with a deep deep love of ironic punishment.
Oh yes, Truth definitely loves ironic punishments :)

Tamanon said:
They're definitely buzzing through the story, guess they're putting the Nina stuff at a different place in the timeline.
They are fixing it to it's proper place. First anime changed it's placement to pre-exam, Brotherhood is keeping manga's timeline.

yankeeforever2 said:
I really have never met someone who has hated milk.
I HATE milk. Seriously. Dairy products, like cheese, are ok, but I just can't drink milk. It makes me wanna throw up. Bleh.


Master of the Google Search
got2bekidding said:
So did the State Alchemist Test happen in the manga like tonight's episode or did he have to sit in that weird chair?
It was like tonight's episode. Brotherhood is a rather strict adaption of the manga so you can usually safetly assume that whatever is in this series was in the manga (with only a few exceptions like the 1st episode).


Master of the Google Search
Auron_Kale said:
Episode 45 was fuck awesome!

They crammed a lot into it, but was such a great ep.


Can't wait for next week!
Really, what the hell is Funimation going to do with the episode once the dub gets to it? There is no title card or real ending, and nothing that can be cut out of the rest of the episode. Hopefully Adult Swim lets them do the full 24+ minutes at least once, else this could get real messy in 43 weeks (I guess they could just skip the opening in its entirety though).

But yeah, it seems to be a really great episode. I love the ending that caps everything off before the
minor time skip


CassSept said:
I HATE milk. Seriously. Dairy products, like cheese, are ok, but I just can't drink milk. It makes me wanna throw up. Bleh.
Funny thing about milk some days it taste good some days it taste bad, but when it's good it so good.:lol

I liked the Greed vs Wrath fight better in the manga. Greed put up a bitter fight then. But it was alright.:D
grandjedi6 said:
Really, what the hell is Funimation going to do with the episode once the dub gets to it? There is no title card or real ending, and nothing that can be cut out of the rest of the episode. Hopefully Adult Swim lets them do the full 24+ minutes at least once, else this could get real messy in 43 weeks (I guess they could just skip the opening in its entirety though).

But yeah, it seems to be a really great episode. I love the ending that caps everything off before the
minor time skip

No idea. It's not the first time they've had the ED start with certain scenes, but this would be the first time they didn't show the title card until the end. They'd better not cut it - otherwise it won't make sense at all. Hell, even the last 'parting shot' is still part of the ep.

They'd best not cut it.


For one-off episodes, Adult Swim has extended the time they've shown the episode of previous anime. Like in the Code Geass ending, they didn't cut any of it out even though they chopped the ending credits down to less than 30 seconds normally.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
got2bekidding said:
So did the State Alchemist Test happen in the manga like tonight's episode or did he have to sit in that weird chair?
as grandjedi said, this is how it occured in the manga.


Note however that they moved up this sequence, as we don't actually see the stuff in episode 2 until chapters 23 and 24-ish.

Also, some material will be rearranged in brotherhood compared to the manga, and some will be left out entirely, particularly in the first 12 episodes.
Thanks for the replies. Even though the other series wasn't "gospel", I can tell there is a lot of jumping around comparing this new series with the old one. It seems as if they are just getting the things out of the way that led Ed and Al to the path that they will take during the series with some flashbacks. I like the new animation style, and I'm looking forward to seeing the differences that will arise within this show since I liked the first series (didn't quite see all of the later episodes though :( ).


got2bekidding said:
Even though the other series wasn't "gospel", I can tell there is a lot of jumping around comparing this new series with the old one. It seems as if they are just getting the things out of the way that led Ed and Al to the path that they will take during the series with some flashbacks. I like the new animation style, and I'm looking forward to seeing the differences that will arise within this show since I liked the first series (didn't quite see all of the later episodes though :( ).
Well yeah, the original series moved a bit of material before State Alchemist Test, and there is also some of moving around done by Bones in Brotherhood compared to manga, though mainly in first 12-13 episodes (as you said, they just wanted to get out of their way the part that was already in first anime). Some minor scenes are omitted too, and maybe 1-2 that can be considered a bit important, but you should enjoy the story without them anyway.
Also, you will love differences. Trust me. I liked original anime, but after reading manga/watching Brotherhood I just can't go back, original series now feels plain dumb and bad to me. I tried watching one of episodes recently and I couldn't make it.
CassSept said:
Well yeah, the original series moved a bit of material before State Alchemist Test, and there is also some of moving around done by Bones in Brotherhood compared to manga, though mainly in first 12-13 episodes (as you said, they just wanted to get out of their way the part that was already in first anime). Some minor scenes are omitted too, and maybe 1-2 that can be considered a bit important, but you should enjoy the story without them anyway.
Also, you will love differences. Trust me. I liked original anime, but after reading manga/watching Brotherhood I just can't go back, original series now feels plain dumb and bad to me. I tried watching one of episodes recently and I couldn't make it.
Good, sounds like I'm in for a treat. If you watched the old series on Adult Swim can you tell me how far I was? These scenes will be jumbled up and might not even be in the manga, but were in the show lol. Ok, not sure if I should spoiler this or not, but I will just in case..
The latest scenes I remember are Ed and Al going to that research lab that was near the prison and finds all of that red water. I think this isn't as late as it feels, because I think they found that lab somewhere in the middle of the series. The other scene I remember is the one when Scar makes a Philosopher's Stone inside Al, and Al ends up going to see the chimera doctor who uses Al to try to make his daughter Nina live again.
Now from whichever happened later, how much did I miss? I should probably just wait to watch all of Brotherhood shouldn't I?


got2bekidding said:
Good, sounds like I'm in for a treat. If you watched the old series on Adult Swim can you tell me how far I was? These scenes will be jumbled up and might not even be in the manga, but were in the show lol. Ok, not sure if I should spoiler this or not, but I will just in case..
The latest scenes I remember are Ed and Al going to that research lab that was near the prison and finds all of that red water. I think this isn't as late as it feels, because I think they found that lab somewhere in the middle of the series. The other scene I remember is the one when Scar makes a Philosopher's Stone inside Al, and Al ends up going to see the chimera doctor who uses Al to try to make his daughter Nina live again.
Now from whichever happened later, how much did I miss? I should probably just wait to watch all of Brotherhood shouldn't I?

A lot of the stuff you mentioned never even happens or happens very differently in Brotherhood/manga. So, yes, you should watch all of Brotherhood.


Master of the Google Search
got2bekidding said:
Good, sounds like I'm in for a treat. If you watched the old series on Adult Swim can you tell me how far I was? These scenes will be jumbled up and might not even be in the manga, but were in the show lol. Ok, not sure if I should spoiler this or not, but I will just in case..
The latest scenes I remember are Ed and Al going to that research lab that was near the prison and finds all of that red water. I think this isn't as late as it feels, because I think they found that lab somewhere in the middle of the series. The other scene I remember is the one when Scar makes a Philosopher's Stone inside Al, and Al ends up going to see the chimera doctor who uses Al to try to make his daughter Nina live again.
Now from whichever happened later, how much did I miss? I should probably just wait to watch all of Brotherhood shouldn't I?
The two scenes you mentioned are from episodes 22 and 46 respectively. Both were past the point where the anime diverged from the manga so neither occurs in the manga/Brotherhood at all. So yeah, I suggest you just watch all of Brotherhood.


First tragedy, then farce.
Maybe we should create a separate thread for people watching the dub?

The thread has been keeping to the rule of only spoiler tagging things that haven't been shown in the US version of the sub yet.


This thread is going to become a mess.


Master of the Google Search
StoOgE said:
Maybe we should create a separate thread for people watching the dub?

The thread has been keeping to the rule of only spoiler tagging things that haven't been shown in the US version of the sub yet.


This thread is going to become a mess.
Well so far everyone seems to be enacting a new rule of spoiler tagging everything not shown in the dub, so this could work out afterall. I doubt the series could sustain two cocurrent threads though.

EDIT: Dammit Pimpwerx


firehawk12 said:
For an episode all about set up, 45 was pretty damn awesome. That's all the needs to be said I guess. :lol

damn where did you get it so fast?

eclipse don't have it up yet :(
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