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Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood Official Discussion Thread

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I could not satiate my desire for more FMA. So.... I read all the published manga chapters in one setting.

I don't think all the O_O or :O faces ever typed could describe chapters 100 - 106.

Finishing this series both on paper and in animated form will be a delight.


Rhino said:
I could not satiate my desire for more FMA. So.... I read all the published manga chapters in one setting.

I don't think all the O_O or :O faces ever typed could describe chapters 100 - 106.

Finishing this series both on paper and in animated form will be a delight.

That's what happened to me back in November, except I read it over about a week. And yeah, the past few months have been bananas.
Rhino said:
I could not satiate my desire for more FMA. So.... I read all the published manga chapters in one setting.

I don't think all the O_O or :O faces ever typed could describe chapters 100 - 106.

Finishing this series both on paper and in animated form will be a delight.

Awesome. And yes, Once the series is concluded (both manga and anime) I'll probably marathon the whole thing again. It's so good.

The nice thing though about the current arc in the manga, it's still on-going for just a bit longer. :lol


Auron_Kale said:
Awesome. And yes, Once the series is concluded (both manga and anime) I'll probably marathon the whole thing again. It's so good.

The nice thing though about the current arc in the manga, it's still on-going for just a bit longer. :lol

Agreed both myself and the few friends that I introduced the show to have agreed to marathon all the episodes before the finale.

I knew things were going to be crazy epic during the finale but I was woefully unprepared for just how.

A few things that blew my mind/things I loved in the past few chapters.

- The reason for Hohenhiem's wanderings. Conversing with 560,000 some SOULS?! Hard.Core.

- The counter transmutation circle. Suck it Father.

- Seeing Roy's just UNLOAD on envy.

- Izumi's husband and Alex :D <3 Alex.

- Pride getting soul/skull crushed.

- Izumi teaching sloth what's what.

- Hohenhiem and everyone else going full out on Young Father.

I almost want to pull a Cartman and freeze myself till the final chapter is out.


Episode 10.:(

Roy's VA is really hitting all the right marks this go around, just an excellent job. Although the funeral had a lot more impact the first time with it leading into the martial drums at the end. Good stuff though.


Tamanon said:
Episode 10.:(

Roy's VA is really hitting all the right marks this go around, just an excellent job. Although the funeral had a lot more impact the first time with it leading into the martial drums at the end. Good stuff though.
I agree....but still. :(

Masked Man

I said wow
Ep. 53: OH. MY. GOD.


I had completely forgotten just how ruthless
is during this sequence, and the
exchange with Envy
leading up to the fight was so intense. I was honestly surprised that they stopped the episode where they did, but cutting off the episode mid-chapter leaves for a more dramatic "cliffhanger"-esque end. Excited for more intensity in Ep. 54!
Ep. 10 (dub)

- Travis is doing such a great job with Roy this time around, kept the emotion at the perfect pitch (especially the 'rain' part)

- Colleen also did a great job with Riza - you could hear the concern in her voice regarding Roy. Nice touch.

- Hughes... ;_;

- Ishval flashback is so awesome. :)

- LOL melon :lol

Overall, dub cast did a fantastic job in maintaining the emotion from the JP cast - and added a bit more emotion as well. Was a great episode altogether and I'm very happy with it.

Ep. 53 (raw)

Not much needs to be said - this was by far one of the best episodes demonstrating Roy's true skill as the Flame Alchemist. Also gotta love the
curbstomp of Envy :lol
. The reveal was fantastic and actually was better than what was done in the manga imo. Episode itself was just fuck awesome! And deciding to end it where they did - awesome decision. Final eyecatch was AMAZING
'Flames of Revenge' indeed... ;)


Master of the Google Search


grandjedi6 said:
Interestingly, that scene was readded to the web version of that episode: http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/moving-up-the-ladder.html

So I assume that removal wasn't meant to be.

Hasn't Adult Swim done this shit before though? I remember a few years back there were complains about how they would handle certain episodes (especially final episodes) where there's no opening and ending - if they happen to cut the first 90 seconds or last 90 seconds assuming there is an OP/ED and they delete for time, entire vital scenes get lopped off in the process.


Master of the Google Search
duckroll said:
Hasn't Adult Swim done this shit before though? I remember a few years back there were complains about how they would handle certain episodes (especially final episodes) where there's no opening and ending - if they happen to cut the first 90 seconds or last 90 seconds assuming there is an OP/ED and they delete for time, entire vital scenes get lopped off in the process.
Well I know they cut off the epilogue to Eureka 7, so yeah, its probably standard fare for them. Although they did apologize for that one and reaired it later.


grandjedi6 said:
Well I know they cut off the epilogue to Eureka 7, so yeah, its probably standard fare for them. Although they did apologize for that one and reaired it later.

Yeah I'm not suggesting they do this out of malice, simply out of incompetence. :)


Master of the Google Search
Episode 9:


Now how the hell did I manage to miss that one... twice!


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
duckroll said:
Hasn't Adult Swim done this shit before though? I remember a few years back there were complains about how they would handle certain episodes (especially final episodes) where there's no opening and ending - if they happen to cut the first 90 seconds or last 90 seconds assuming there is an OP/ED and they delete for time, entire vital scenes get lopped off in the process.

Later on in Death Note they cut the "next time" part and it made me mad. >:|


It would be great if their scheduling allowed them to just cut the five minutes of recap before each Bleach episode instead and use that to leave the rest untouched. It's especially useless during their "four episodes a Saturday" block.:lol


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Tamanon said:
It would be great if their scheduling allowed them to just cut the five minutes of recap before each Bleach episode instead and use that to leave the rest untouched. It's especially useless during their "four episodes a Saturday" block.:lol

"Ichigo, Chad, Uryu, Renji, and Rukia have infiltrated Hueco Mundo..."

Well, at least it gives me a consistent cue to mute my TV at.


grandjedi6 said:
Well I know they cut off the epilogue to Eureka 7, so yeah, its probably standard fare for them. Although they did apologize for that one and reaired it later.

actually they admitted that was a mistake and reaired the proper episode the following week

Ep 10

I like this episode. it was well paced compared to the previous episodes. the part with Bradley was funny. and Hughs telling Ed that Winry will make a good wife :lol I hope something does happen between them.
Hes abit of a nutter in this ep :lol
Burning up the water in your eyeballs, lovely! and Im a fan of him not allowing monologue/endless talking from the bad guys.
B.K. said:
Unless it's a rainy day.

Well, you really don't want to fuck with him on a rainy day if he manages to make a spark.

Him being able to split water into it's elements, especially on a rainy day... I can only imagine just how destructive Roy would be if he had at least a lighter.


Hmm, with the exception of the movie, I feel that the FMA > FMA:B > FMA (manga).

Love them all, but I just like how the first anime handled certain(most) things.

First time this had ever happened, odd.

Edit: What is the consensus on the dub/official sub for brotherhood (the translation, not the VA)?

Better than fansubs?


Don't be fucking with Roy, yo.

As for personal preferences...

FMA manga>FMA>FMA Brotherhood. I think the first adaptation was just a better product than Brotherhood. Although I guess it really depends on your opinion of the 'twist' they dumped into the plot.

I'm not going to mention the movie. That shit was bad.
I don't know how y'all can say the first series over Brotherhood. Brotherhood, to me, is paced much better, less filler, (in several occasions) better animation, and it is a closer adaptation of the manga. The last point is the the most vital as the manga is probably one of the best I've read out of comics and manga.

So for me FMA Manga > FMA:B > FMA

There are some things FMA has over Brotherhood. FMA came out first. It impressed everybody. Seeing Brotherhood repeat some things takes away the edge. If Brotherhood came out first I'm sure everybody would be more impressed. Secondly, FMA had better music. By far. The music in Brotherhood feels generic but it gets things done. It did get better when Lan Fan and crew were introduced.


The movie had a lot of cool ideas. A lot of the concepts and sets were really interesting and different. Too bad the actual execution and overall plotting of the movie was really poor and made everything feel like just components of a poor me-too sequel. The action was really, really good though, especially the Gluttony/Wrath/Al battle sequence. It's really too bad they couldn't get that sort of quality into the monster Envy in FMA:B. :(


Cep said:
Edit: What is the consensus on the dub/official sub for brotherhood (the translation, not the VA)?

Better than fansubs?
I've never felt the need to go back to fansubs, if that's what you mean. I don't know enough Japanese to actually make a good judgment regarding their quality, but they've always seemed nice enough.
Tamanon said:
Episode 10.:(

Roy's VA is really hitting all the right marks this go around, just an excellent job. Although the funeral had a lot more impact the first time with it leading into the martial drums at the end. Good stuff though.

I agree. I thought that his death felt a little rushed and it seemed to lack the emotion it had in the original series.


just finished 47-48 wow. the fight scene on 47 was awesome, and Pride eating Gluttony was crazy.

Also, I'm digging the OP and Credits music compared to that country style one


Just finished 53. That was a great episode. I've been looking forward to seeing this part animated. It didn't disappoint.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
bathala said:
just finished 47-48 wow. the fight scene on 47 was awesome, and Pride eating Gluttony was crazy.

Also, I'm digging the OP and Credits music compared to that country style one

Let it Out is the best ending by far.
Andrex said:
Let it Out is the best ending by far.

It's still my top ED, but Shunkan Sentimental (ED4) is awesome as well. Then again, anything beats ED3 (Lil'B's quasi-rap one) ugh...that shit was horrible.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Auron_Kale said:
It's still my top ED, but Shunkan Sentimental (ED4) is awesome as well. Then again, anything beats ED3 (Lil'B's quasi-rap one) ugh...that shit was horrible.


2 > 4 > 1 >>> 3

I like the first couple seconds though. Shame about the rest of it.
Andrex said:

2 > 4 > 1 >>> 3

I like the first couple seconds though. Shame about the rest of it.

Yeah, the first couple of seconds to ED3 are pretty cool, but man does it go downhill fast.

As far as the EDs go for me, mine is:

2 > 4 > 1 = 5 >>>>>> 3

5 has definitely grown on me since having heard the full version, but it's still only as good as 1 for me.


Stupid question for someone who's a handful of episodes in:

Everyone seems to make a big deal about Ed not using a transmutation circle, but at the same time we see a bunch of other Alchemists not drawing/using them either. Is there something I'm missing here? Will it be explained in more detail later?


botkiller said:
Stupid question for someone who's a handful of episodes in:

Everyone seems to make a big deal about Ed not using a transmutation circle, but at the same time we see a bunch of other Alchemists not drawing/using them either. Is there something I'm missing here? Will it be explained in more detail later?
They probably have it drawn somewhere on their hand instead.
botkiller said:
Stupid question for someone who's a handful of episodes in:

Everyone seems to make a big deal about Ed not using a transmutation circle, but at the same time we see a bunch of other Alchemists not drawing/using them either. Is there something I'm missing here? Will it be explained in more detail later?


The other alchemists do use transmutation circles, but their usually on their body (Kimblee has them tattooed on his palms), on gauntlets (Armstrong & Gran have them there) or on gloves (Roy wears them).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
botkiller said:
Stupid question for someone who's a handful of episodes in:

Everyone seems to make a big deal about Ed not using a transmutation circle, but at the same time we see a bunch of other Alchemists not drawing/using them either. Is there something I'm missing here? Will it be explained in more detail later?
They have them written on things like their hands and gloves. The thing is, those specific circles only work to do a certain thing; i.e. Mustang can only make fire with those circles.

Ed can do any sort of alchemy he knows how to do without using any circle at all. Of course, Ed tends to just do the same type of alchemy over and over anyways, just like everyone else, so the difference is sort of lost in the mix.


I just rewatched the preview for this week's episode and noticed something interesting. There's a scene in the preview where
Hawkeye and Mustang are back in Ishbal. Hawkeye is kneeling on the ground and Mustang is standing over her.

I wonder if that's the scene where *CHAPTER 60-ish MANGA SPOILER*
Hawkeye asks Mustang to burn the tattoo with the secret to flame alchemy from her back.
I hope it is. I was disappointed that they cut that scene from the episode it should have been in.
B.K. said:
I just rewatched the preview for this week's episode and noticed something interesting. There's a scene in the preview where
Hawkeye and Mustang are back in Ishbal. Hawkeye is kneeling on the ground and Mustang is standing over her.

I wonder if that's the scene where *CHAPTER 60-ish MANGA SPOILER*
Hawkeye asks Mustang to burn the tattoo with the secret to flame alchemy from her back.
I hope it is. I was disappointed that they cut that scene from the episode it should have been in.
It's most likely that scene.

Considering the gravity of his promise that he made to her in front of the grave
not to mention he gave her the order to shoot him should he stray from his path in ep. 30
- it's quite relevant to ep. 54.

I'm rather glad that they didn't cut out that scene entirely, but rather, just re-arranged where it fits.
B.K. said:
I wish they'd put some of the scenes they cut of those guys that bombed Wrath's train back in somewhere.

They'll probably show it when Wrath tells them how he survived the train blast as he's taking out the soldiers - and tank - by himself.

I'm calling it.
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