Good episode. Pretty action packed. Mustang was bad ass yet again in this ep. They also showed what was on Riza's back, so that was good. I didn't think they'd cut it out.
I have really been enjoying these last few epsiodes, seems like they just keep getting better and better. Wonder if they will "finish" brotherhood, or wait until the manga is done and come back for a few more episodes.
I started to watch the first season at the weekend. I was never a anime fan but after i finished E7 and "Prototype"(Halo legends) my brother gave me a hint, that i should watch this too. And it's soo nice. I hope the Blu-Ray Release will come to europe(with E7)
I started to watch the first season at the weekend. I was never a anime fan but after i finished E7 and "Prototype"(Halo legends) my brother gave me a hint, that i should watch this too. And it's soo nice. I hope the Blu-Ray Release will come to europe(with E7)
Envy is done, so we are down to three homunculi.
I liked the way they did Envy's suicide better than in the manga tbh. I don't remember him recalling his past words just as he was about to crack and it added a lot to the scene.
Armstrong keeps on rocking! Using Sloth to relocate his shoulder = BADASS.
Izumi finally returns to kick some asses. Her actions in the next episode are imo some of the funniest scenes in the whole series
And can't wait for Hohenheim v. Father fight.... and Father's, well, reveal
I liked the way they did Envy's suicide better than in the manga tbh. I don't remember him recalling his past words just as he was about to crack and it added a lot to the scene.
Oh shit. Just finished episode 54 and...DAMN. I'm very tempted to say this is, if not one of my favorite episodes, but also one of the best put-together. Everything from the way they edited the twist at the beginning, the plot and character development (a crucial point for both), and the action - which it does very well for both the intense Mustang scenes to the more light Armstrong-ridiculousness
Loved the Smash Bros.-like counter after his arm was fixed
It had everything, and didn't feel at all crammed. Hit every note.
Further: up until these last few episodes, I've still held on to the original anime's Mustang being the better Mustang of both it and Brotherhood/Manga. Sure he's had some cool moments in the first half, but his being the one who killed
Winry's parents
was such a great direction for the character, only to be incredibly disappointed with the lack of followup to their relationship. Even still, I loved the possibilities it gave him. But now, HOLY SHIT. Fully onboard with this Mustang. Badass mother******. Ya know, with a heart
Oh shit. Just finished episode 54 and...DAMN. I'm very tempted to say this is, if not one of my favorite episodes, but also one of the best put-together. Everything from the way they edited the twist at the beginning, the plot and character development (a crucial point for both), and the action - which it does very well for both the intense Mustang scenes to the more light Armstrong-ridiculousness
Loved the Smash Bros.-like counter after his arm was fixed
It had everything, and didn't feel at all crammed. Hit every note.
Further: up until these last few episodes, I've still held on to the original anime's Mustang being the better Mustang of both it and Brotherhood/Manga. Sure he's had some cool moments in the first half, but his being the one who killed
Winry's parents
was such a great direction for the character, only to be incredibly disappointed with the lack of followup to their relationship. Even still, I loved the possibilities it gave him. But now, HOLY SHIT. Fully onboard with this Mustang. Badass mother******. Ya know, with a heart
First series roy is charming in his own way, but manga roy is much much better.
Both Toru Okawa and Shinichiro Miki have been excellent as Roy Mustang, and although some peoople are disappointed that Okawa didn't reprise his role, I don't think his roy is quite right for the manga storyline. Not that he couldn't do it, but Roy Mustang (the real one, not the one they conjured up for the first anime) screams "Shinichiro Miki," and I knew it was a perfeect fit from the time I first heard Miki was going to be Roy.
(Similarly, Fumihiko Tachiki is perfect for the role of Sloth :lol)
Despite having a fondness for Anime1's Roy - mostly for his lighthearted moments - I could never really get attached to his character.
I mean, making him the killer of Winry's parents had so much potential but then ended up focusing on his angsting over it rather than the two of them trying to work past it and building a friendship. As for Sloth being Trisha Elric in Anime1... I really hated that idea...
But Manga Roy/Brotherhood Roy, I can connect to his motivations a lot easier than Anime1's Roy.
That I didn't mind so much, I thought it was a rather good idea actually. Just didn't care for Sloth or Wrath really. Plus, the way of actually killing a Homunculus seemed like a major leap of faith for me, as
really, why would someone like Pride keep his skull? Or who would really keep a lock of hair of their deceased loved one?
That I didn't mind so much, I thought it was a rather good idea actually. Just didn't care for Sloth or Wrath really. Plus, the way of actually killing a Homunculus seemed like a major leap of faith for me, as
really, why would someone like Pride keep his skull? Or who would really keep a lock of hair of their deceased loved one?
First anime's interpretation of homunculi was an interesting idea, but I've always felt Gluttony's creation wasn't explained enough. We knew that homunculi were created from failed human transmutations and that Dante simply somehow created Gluttony.... but according to anime's concepts it didn't really make much sense IMO.
As for Mustang... I like his character in Brotherhood much more. It all, well, makes much more sense. I know they had to carry on with the story without knowing the conclusion and making something up, but Mustang's story didn't really... well... go anywhere really. Plus they made him emo at the very end which I didn't like >.>'
I just wanted to say that the ending now is totally fitting and has such an epic beat. I mean at the end of ep51 and now ep54? That is some epic shit. Though, how the hell are they going to cover everything with only 10-12 episodes remaining?
Episode 54 covered up to the end of chapter 95. Even when they're going their slowest, they still cover about 1.5 chapters of the manga each episode. It shouldn't be hard for them to cover 96 to 108 with nine more episodes.
Going through episode titles released lately and info from production team about 59 being episode that covers chapter 104 it's easy to see that there will be no problems giving justice to remaining part. Also there is a lot of action coming up in following episodes so it will take more space in the anime than it did in manga.
Uh, did you like watch the first 2/3rds of the episode? You know, the parts with the great looking fire and crazy rotating camera scenes? The episode's animation was fantastic. If the final half looked weaker than its likely because they spent the majority of the budget, rightfully, on the 1st half. Plus anything would look weaker than normal coming after such a strongly animated beginning.
Now if you want a mediocre animated scene, look no further than the still shots of Ed & crew fighting the zombie hoard in order to waste plot time.
The OVAs are mostly backfill to specific things in the manga. The Blind Alchemist was originally written for one of the guidebooks - but it does tie into the major storyline. Tales of the Master was referenced during the Briggs arc and the upcoming one with the meeting of Hughes and Mustang is most likely to show just how their almost unlikely friendship began.
New episode just aired on Adult Swim. I wonder if that was the same voice actress for Izumi. I don't remember what she sounded like in the first series.
yea, I could have sworn she had a much hoarser voice in the original. also, wasn't the moments she coughed up blood a lot more serious in the first? one thing I don't like about this is that they are ruining the serious moments from the first series. it feels like they have absolutely no dramatic weight now. like we should brush it off as funny and not important
Brotherhood is more faithful to the manga and that scene wasn't as serious there as it was in the original anime. It isn't that significant either.
Brotherhood isn't skipping anything that's vital to the plot (except for maybe one scene, but it's debatable whether it was that important as some people claim it to be).
Well, that's nice to see some more background to Izumi's story. Obviously, it's not incredible informative, nor does it add anything to the plot, but I enjoyed it.
The ending was great though "You've dropped your bear":lol
The whole episode was a lot more serious the first time, especially as you learned about Izumi's past. The early part of the anime just makes it seem like Ed and Al get freaked out and scared by anything.:lol
yea, I could have sworn she had a much hoarser voice in the original. also, wasn't the moments she coughed up blood a lot more serious in the first? one thing I don't like about this is that they are ruining the serious moments from the first series. it feels like they have absolutely no dramatic weight now. like we should brush it off as funny and not important
Yeah, and I'm finding Brotherhood less and less enjoyable because of this. Any of the emotion or drama from the first series is completely absent here, as a result of both the pacing and the abundance of unfunny "humor."
12 episodes in, and I think Brotherhood is a huge step down from the first series. And I'm wondering now if this show is actually good, or the praise is just from the manga readers who automatically like this more than the first anime because this one is more "faithful."