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Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood Official Discussion Thread

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Blader5489 said:
Yeah, and I'm finding Brotherhood less and less enjoyable because of this. Any of the emotion or drama from the first series is completely absent here, as a result of both the pacing and the abundance of unfunny "humor."

12 episodes in, and I think Brotherhood is a huge step down from the first series. And I'm wondering now if this show is actually good, or the praise is just from the manga readers who automatically like this more than the first anime because this one is more "faithful."
Early Brotherhood is pretty bad, especially compared to the first anime adaptation. I started watching again when it hit episode 35 or so, and it's been getting better and better since then, especially as it moves into the endgame scenario.


Master of the Google Search
Blader5489 said:
Yeah, and I'm finding Brotherhood less and less enjoyable because of this. Any of the emotion or drama from the first series is completely absent here, as a result of both the pacing and the abundance of unfunny "humor."

12 episodes in, and I think Brotherhood is a huge step down from the first series. And I'm wondering now if this show is actually good, or the praise is just from the manga readers who automatically like this more than the first anime because this one is more "faithful."
Congratulations, you've gotten through most of the crap (including the two worst episodes) and now things only get better from here on out. The second season, episodes 15-26), in particular is pretty good.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
grandjedi6 said:
Congratulations, you've gotten through most of the crap (including the two worst episodes) and now things only get better from here on out. The second season, episodes 15-26), in particular is pretty good.
eps 13 and 14 are rpetty awesome, too, even if they're heavily butchered from the way the manga does the arc. :)

(I still think it's stupid how Bones decided to change the island story, removing mason entirely and having Ed come to his realization from eating ants. Really, Bones? You couldn't find an easier way to condense the story into 1 ep than THAT?

Dresden : Wow, sucks for you. you missed the 2nd and most of the 3rd season from what it sounds like.


GaimeGuy said:
Dresden : Wow, sucks for you. you missed the 2nd and most of the 3rd season from what it sounds like.
I'll go back and buy the dubs when they come out in blu ray, so it's no big deal. I'm a bigger fan of the manga, anyways.


oh god, how did they make the rush valley episode that bad. That was bleach filler levels of bad.
Have to still watch last night's one, got to be better.


Having never read the manga, I much prefer this version to the first anime. The plot is much more interesting, whereas the the original anime fell apart after
Maes Hughes death
, this has been great from the beginning, or at least past the first 10 eps or so.


Master of the Google Search
Episode 55

The lamest Homonculus gets taken out in the lamest way. And the powerful alchemist didn't even do anything, rather it was a show of he-man strength that did him in. Pathetic, its not like Sloth even suffered all that much damage beforehand.
I wish this was some kind of symbolism of failed potential, but more likely its just that the author wants to end the series and so didn't want to devote any real time to a character she didn't care about from the get go.
-And all of the characters are pretty stupid for being surprised at
Wrath's appearance
. They should have known full well that he was obviously still alive and would obviously show back up to beat the crap out of all of them. Someone better have prepared a contingency plan for this.
-Disappointing episode especially after the last 2 great ones. And this time I can't even blame it on Bones as the crux of the problem lies with the original manga author.


Just finished 55. That was another great episode. I always loved the look of shock on Olivier and Alex's face when Izumi and Sig take on Sloth. :lol

I'm sad to see the manga and Brotherhood coming to an end. I've been reading the manga for a long time. I guess it's better for it to actually come to an end than to go on forever like other mangas.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
grandjedi6 said:
Episode 55

The lamest Homonculus gets taken out in the lamest way. And the powerful alchemist didn't even do anything, rather it was a show of he-man strength that did him in. Pathetic, its not like Sloth even suffered all that much damage beforehand.
I wish this was some kind of symbolism of failed potential, but more likely its just that the author wants to end the series and so didn't want to devote any real time to a character she didn't care about from the get go.
-And all of the characters are pretty stupid for being surprised at
Wrath's appearance
. They should have known full well that he was obviously still alive and would obviously show back up to beat the crap out of all of them. Someone better have prepared a contingency plan for this.
-Disappointing episode especially after the last 2 great ones. And this time I can't even blame it on Bones as the crux of the problem lies with the original manga author.
Uh, what? Have you been watching the same series as I have? Sloth has been suffering a LOT of damage over the last 3 eps or so. o_O


GaimeGuy said:
Sloth has been suffering a LOT of damage over the last 3 eps or so. o_O

The only thing I don't like about the Sloth battle is that
he dies right after Izumi and Sig showed up. I wish the Curtises and Armstrongs could have fought together against him for a little longer.
GaimeGuy said:
Uh, what? Have you been watching the same series as I have? Sloth has been suffering a LOT of damage over the last 3 eps or so. o_O

Just a whole bunch of stab and punch wounds. It's nothing compared to being burned to death (Lust, Envy) or being sliced/stabbed repeatedly (Greed, Gluttony). If anything, it shows that he was the weakest Homunculi created solely for the purpose of digging that giant underground tunnel.


watervengeance said:
Just a whole bunch of stab and punch wounds. It's nothing compared to being burned to death (Lust, Envy) or being sliced/stabbed repeatedly (Greed, Gluttony).

Right because having spikes go through your torso and head are just scratches.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
firehawk12 said:
It just seems rather lackluster compared to the other deaths... even though it spanned three episodes.
That only makes sense considering:
#1: Sloth's lack of airtime (we see his face shown for an instant back at the end of ep 14, and then his appearance in Briggs, and then this battle)

#2: Everything else that is going on at the same time as the Sloth battle is a lot more epic and noteworthy :p


Subete no aware
GaimeGuy said:
That only makes sense considering:
#1: Sloth's lack of airtime (we see his face shown for an instant back at the end of ep 14, and then his appearance in Briggs, and then this battle)

#2: Everything else that is going on at the same time as the Sloth battle is a lot more epic and noteworthy :p

Yeah, it feels like the author couldn't find a way to make "sloth" interesting (dude who sleeps around all the time?) so all we get is a character who speaks slowly and is big.

It just seems like they needed a way to finish him off and given that he has no motivations whatsoever, this was the best they could do. It's especially notable giving what happened last week as well.

Still, Armstrong was in strong form with his weird manliness humour this week. :lol


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Tamanon said:
First anime Sloth and her death were pretty good though:p
that made no sense, though, especially her power, given the fact that water is always in motion, and never stopping. It's like, the anti-sloth :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Dresden said:
Early Brotherhood is pretty bad, especially compared to the first anime adaptation. I started watching again when it hit episode 35 or so, and it's been getting better and better since then, especially as it moves into the endgame scenario.
There really was no way to make the first 12 episodes better unless they wanted to burn 30 episodes making it just like the first series.

It's just not really possible because that part was all identical to the previous series.
Defuser said:
King Bradley return is just fucking badass. Hip hip hoo...MISS ME? IM BACK BITCHES!!

I love how the "triumphant/victory" background music just gets cutoff blatantly when Bradley begins to speak. :lol

It also looks like
Father will show his 2nd form in the next episode too.


Master of the Google Search
Episode 55:

GaimeGuy said:
Uh, what? Have you been watching the same series as I have? Sloth has been suffering a LOT of damage over the last 3 eps or so. o_O
I'll admit that the intensity of Sloth's damage is probably being understated due to the fight being spread across 5 episodes, but it still doesn't amount to much even when you add it all together.

Its also important to note that many of the attacks against Sloth didn't even hurt him and thus
didn't wear down his stone
. All in all, the attacks that did require regeneration were:

-Olivier stabbing him in the head
-Alex's stone spike trap
-One of Alex's punches to his jaw after Alex's shoulder gets punched back into place.
-Alex's spike barrage
-The final impalement.

That is nowhere near as much damage as the other homunculus took. Now you could argue that Sloth used up alot of energy when he was stuck on Alex's stone spike trap but that just brings up another problem: Why did it take so long for Sloth to get out of it when his speciality is digging through stone and breaking walls?

I have no problem with Sloth being defeated as it was both inevitable and obvious. Its just that it happened too easily. Had they prolonged the fight more after
the introduction of the Curtises, and had Izumi whip his ass with alchemy (something she should easily be capable of),
then it would have been fine and believable. But because they didn't, it comes off as stupid.


firehawk12 said:
Yeah, it feels like the author couldn't find a way to make "sloth" interesting (dude who sleeps around all the time?) so all we get is a character who speaks slowly and is big.

Sloth is really more of a walking plot device than a real character. There's no real point to him other than his digging the nationwide transmutation circle.


Subete no aware
Well, really, of the seven sins, Sloth is the least interesting anyway. Even Gluttony gets to be a big fat dude who eats everything. Sloth is just... a gamer who plays Halo all the time. :lol
The killing blow against Sloth should've been a brutal decapitation as Sloth zoomed across the room against the arms of two muscular guys. (like the Double Lariat in Naruto)


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
firehawk12 said:
Well, really, of the seven sins, Sloth is the least interesting anyway. Even Gluttony gets to be a big fat dude who eats everything. Sloth is just... a gamer who plays Halo all the time. :lol
Playing halo is too much of a pain :lol


Unconfirmed Member
Blader5489 said:
Yeah, and I'm finding Brotherhood less and less enjoyable because of this. Any of the emotion or drama from the first series is completely absent here, as a result of both the pacing and the abundance of unfunny "humor."

12 episodes in, and I think Brotherhood is a huge step down from the first series. And I'm wondering now if this show is actually good, or the praise is just from the manga readers who automatically like this more than the first anime because this one is more "faithful."
There's some massive cognitive dissonance going on here. The fact is that this far in you're still in what is essentially the prologue of the series. THIS WAS ALSO TRUE OF THE FIRST 12 EPISODES OF THE FIRST ANIME. Many of these moments "had more emotion and drama" in the first series because they were transformed from things that help set up the plot and the actual drama of the story into being the main plot itself. 12 episodes into the first anime you had already had at least 4 complete throwaway episodes and lots of complete gag stuff. You had a miserable filler episode where Ed killed a man but didn't really care too much. You had a gag episode full of super deformed hijinks, slapstick gags, and Lupin III references. You had a bland and pointless two-parter filled with short jokes that added nothing at all to the story. Yet those episodes all existed for the same purpose that these early episodes in Brotherhood do. To provide context and establish the world a bit before we start to really get into who the villains of the series are and what their motivations might actually be.

The problem is that you're looking at these things that are just setup in Brotherhood and judging them against their counterparts in the first series where they were THE main plot. Your expectation is that they're going to be more dramatic than they are because it was a matter of necessity for the first series' plot that they be so. Of course Izumi's story, for instance, wasn't as weighty and angsty as the first series. In the first series it was transformed into the raison d'etre for a new original character who was going to cause all kinds of other drama on top of it. Here it's more of a character quirk, a "this is who this person is and what they've been through" kind of thing. In the first anime, the series was more than half over by that point. In Brotherhood, there's still 51 episodes of show left. Just to remind you, there were only 51 episodes TOTAL in the first anime. That's how much actual plot we have left.

Simply put, compare episodes 1-13 of Brotherhood to episodes 1-13 of the first FMA anime series, not to the episodes that "have the same stories" in them from the first series. They're trying to do wildly different things.


grandjedi6 said:
Episode 55:

I'll admit that the intensity of Sloth's damage is probably being understated due to the fight being spread across 5 episodes, but it still doesn't amount to much even when you add it all together.

Its also important to note that many of the attacks against Sloth didn't even hurt him and thus
didn't wear down his stone
. All in all, the attacks that did require regeneration were:

-Olivier stabbing him in the head
-Alex's stone spike trap
-One of Alex's punches to his jaw after Alex's shoulder gets punched back into place.
-Alex's spike barrage
-The final impalement.

That is nowhere near as much damage as the other homunculus took. Now you could argue that Sloth used up alot of energy when he was stuck on Alex's stone spike trap but that just brings up another problem: Why did it take so long for Sloth to get out of it when his speciality is digging through stone and breaking walls?

I have no problem with Sloth being defeated as it was both inevitable and obvious. Its just that it happened too easily. Had they prolonged the fight more after
the introduction of the Curtises, and had Izumi whip his ass with alchemy (something she should easily be capable of),
then it would have been fine and believable. But because they didn't, it comes off as stupid.

I think by this time, the writer had already put herself on a timer and may have truncated some of the fights.

It is not the only one that feels incomplete or illogical.


Episode 55

B.K. said:
Just finished 55. That was another great episode. I always loved the look of shock on Olivier and Alex's face when Izumi and Sig take on Sloth. :lol
Yeah, I've waited for that part a long time because the moment that Izumi throws Sloth away as if he weighted nothing and Olivier and Alex's surprised look is one of my favourite parts of the series :p

Overall, well. This episode was slower than the previous ones and added less to the plot, but it was necessary to set things up for the next ones. Judging from the title I've thought that more of the Father v. Hohenheim fight (especially since there isn't much of it left...), but at the same time I feel that Hohenheim's revelation works better near the beginning of the episode than throwing it in the middle.

Oh, the next episode will be so badass. So many amazing things are going to happen. And the reveal of
Father's true form.

PS. This episode can be summed up with one image:


Ep 55 - Bloody Brilliant. I found myself cheering to quite a few of the scenes in this one.

Well paced after the
agonisingly (yet appropriately) slow death of Envy
- and an unbelievably awesome finale to the series of the 'Armstrong' episodes, as I'd like to call them. :D

Here I was thinking that the Major Armstrong and Sig Curtis tag-team scene would be skipped - and bam - Bones delivers.

And go
King Bradley
. He may have 99 problems, but a coup ain't one.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The only reason for the sloth fight was to see Armstrong reunite with Seig.

Also grandjedi I though you read the manga.
FMA Brotherhood ep. 12

- Ah Dublith, it's nice to see Sig and Izumi once again.

- I really don't care fore Vic's rendition of Ed as a child...but he didn't sound too bad when they were stuck on the island.

- I never minded the fact that they shortened the whole island training scenario, despite missing the whole Mason-as-the-bear bit.

- Ep. 13 & 14 is where things get going, so hopefully it won't disappoint.

FMA Brotherhood ep. 55

- Curtis/Armstrong team-up is epic! (I laughed at the amount of sparkles that they all had)

- Loved Olivier's comment about the placement of the Fuhrer's chair. :D

- Hohenheim teasing Father about how despite Father wanting to become a 'perfect being' by ridding himself of his emotions, he also wanted a family.

- Seeing both Izumi's and Hohenheim's displays of alchemy...we now know where Ed gets his taste from.

- Never noticed, but loved seeing Bradley casually strolling behind Al's group before proceeding to gather up the rest of the military for his counter-attack.

- Next ep. Greed v. Wrath!


Halycon said:
The only reason for the sloth fight was to see Armstrong reunite with Seig.

It's too bad that in Brotherhood they'd never met before and this was the first time they met.


Episode 55

SleepyJohn11 said:
The first thing I thought when I saw that in the episode was the "you-son-of-a-bitch" gif.
That was my first thought too, but I can't make gifs so I've simply posted the screenshot.
Sirius said:
Here I was thinking that the Major Armstrong and Sig Curtis tag-team scene would be skipped - and bam - Bones delivers.
Impossible! I would've flown to Japan and kill whoever was responsible for skipping that part - it's way too awesome.

Masked Man

I said wow
Ep. 54.

Oh my god. I was sincerely impressed by the way Ep. 53 was handled, and this was somehow even better. I give Bones a ton of credit for that beautifully orchestrated opening, and I was so pleased to see the infamous "back" scene animated. Moreover, the end of
was even more powerful than in the manga. I've always liked his character, and this only strengthened my feelings.

Ep. 55.

Eh. Maybe it just felt like a bit of a letdown after the past two episodes, but the Armstrong/Sig tag-team was enjoyable, and the return of
the Führer
was pretty intense. Looking forward to 56! :D


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Regarding my thoughts about the upcoming episode 56:

The events that are about to transpire involving King Bradley: Professional Badass™ are probably my favorite parts in FMA aside from Roy vs. Lust. I can not WAIT to see them animated.

Actually, they might be my favorite moments, period.


GaimeGuy, let me guess, do you mean (SPOILERS, do not read if you haven't read manga)
King Bradley destroying motherfucking tank with his sword :D?
CassSept said:
GaimeGuy, let me guess, do you mean (SPOILERS, do not read if you haven't read manga)
King Bradley destroying motherfucking tank with his sword :D?

That'd be one moment I think. I know that mine involve
him taking out both Buccaneer and Fuu was fuck awesome and then him showing up later to make Roy perform a human transmutation...and then fighting Scar. Shit that was such an awesome fight.


Brotherhood's director confirmed that the manga is ending at 108.

"We've received Hagane's original manga up to the final chapter in storyboard form, and using that as the source, we are making the scripts and storyboards. Arakawa-san has a powerful way of working. We're stupified by the amount of material in the final chapter. Whether crying or laughing, there's only two months left."
B.K. said:
Brotherhood's director confirmed that the manga is ending at 108.

"We've received Hagane's original manga up to the final chapter in storyboard form, and using that as the source, we are making the scripts and storyboards. Arakawa-san has a powerful way of working. We're stupified by the amount of material in the final chapter. Whether crying or laughing, there's only two months left."

Yeah, I read that earlier. At least people can shut up about there being a possible alternate ending because they thought that there was no way to give Brotherhood the same ending as the manga. >_<

Still though, I can't wait to see the remaining chapters animated...and I'm glad I'll see it before heading to AX.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
CassSept said:
GaimeGuy, let me guess, do you mean (SPOILERS, do not read if you haven't read manga)
King Bradley destroying motherfucking tank with his sword :D?
I'm talking about the ENTIRE sequence, from the end of episoode 55 to (manga spoilers. Do not read if you haven't read the manga)
Bradley falling into the sea. Actually, change that to the "IS THIS MAN IMMORTAL?!" color spread on the first page of chapter 101

Really, everything involving Bradley from now until the end of the series is awesome.
GaimeGuy said:
100+ pages confirmed.

The scanalation wait for 107 is already starting to hit me badly... It's gonna be especially bad once 108 hits... :/

Then seeing it animated... God this is going to be epic!
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