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Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood Official Discussion Thread

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Auron_Kale said:
The scanalation wait for 107 is already starting to hit me badly...

I know. The last three or four days before a new chapter comes out is a lot worse than the rest of the month.
GaimeGuy said:
I'm talking about the ENTIRE sequence, from the end of episoode 55 to (manga spoilers. Do not read if you haven't read the manga)
Bradley falling into the sea. Actually, change that to the "IS THIS MAN IMMORTAL?!" color spread on the first page of chapter 101

Really, everything involving Bradley from now until the end of the series is awesome.

The color page that said "IS THIS MAN IMMORTAL" was so fucking epic. It got me smiling for a long time.


Master of the Google Search
Halycon said:
Also grandjedi I though you read the manga.
I did. But then I went on a hiatus a while ago and decided to just wait for Brotherhood. The anime has only recently caught up to where I had stopped.

B.K. said:
New episode just aired on Adult Swim. I wonder if that was the same voice actress for Izumi. I don't remember what she sounded like in the first series.
That would be a yes:


In other news, Aaron Dismuke isn't playing Ling. In fact, they don't know who to cast him as, as of yet.


grandjedi6 said:
In other news, Aaron Dismuke isn't playing Ling. In fact, they don't know who to cast him as, as of yet.

Do you really believe that? It just sounds like they don't want to announce who he's playing yet.


Auron_Kale said:
They should just cast him as
young Hohenheim

That would actually be a good role, and match his aging process while keeping elements of his character heritage. :)

D-Pad said:
Aaron Dismuke as (soft spoiler?)
Selim Bradley

Too young. The reason he's not playing Al is because he has aged. There's no way he can play that character.


Master of the Google Search
Auron_Kale said:
They should just cast him as
young Hohenheim
Small role, but appropriate I guess.

Does anyone have an example of any of Aaron's recent roles? I don't think I've actually heard him since his voice changed.

MetatronM said:
Do we have any idea who is voicing Ling yet?
No but the fandom's dream voice seems to have moved from Aaron to Todd Haberkorn. At least his voice seems to match Ling well and Todd is one of the few major Funimation VAs not to appear in FMA ever yet. Kinda fits his previous roles too.

duckroll said:
Do you really believe that? It just sounds like they don't want to announce who he's playing yet.
I believe that perhaps Funimation hasn't finalized his role (or at least hasn't finalized it with Aaron himself). But yeah, obviously they have some idea what they're going to do with him.

I also don't believe his joke answer that Ling was "too old" for him. He was probably just outperformed in the auditions.


Which reminds me - those who have seen up to Ep. 40 - go back and watch the opening sequence for the first season.
The opening sequence is a sort of tribute to Hohenheim's story, just FYI


GaimeGuy said:
100+ pages confirmed.

150 pages, actually. 107 is 80 pages and 108 is 150. I wonder how they're going to be able to cram everything into the episodes. Especially considering the last couple chapters have been around 60 pages.
B.K. said:
150 pages, actually. 107 is 80 pages and 108 is 150. I wonder how they're going to be able to cram everything into the episodes. Especially considering the last couple chapters have been around 60 pages.

Well, considering that they've taken some crazy stretches within the chapters to stretch out the tension, you can considerably shorten a lot of that.


Dub Episode 13: Really liked the Ed/Greed fight, even though it jumped ahead rather quickly. Also really liked Izumi saying "A Housewife" instead of "Pissed off".:lol

That opening move where Ed snapped Greed's neck with his legs was awesome.:D


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Yeah. 13-19 are pretty nuts. Especially if you're coming from the first anime and didn't like the previous eps.


Blader5489 said:
Yeah, I liked 13 too. Finally, a good episode.

I guess/hope this is where the show starts taking off.
Precisely. I haven't watch anything past 20 or so (don't recall), but the first 12 were pretty mediocre and I was about to give up on it then BAM! Ep 13 came around and it became awesome just like that :p

Hopefully it has kept the momentum up. I'll start watching again in a month or so once it gets close to wrapping up.


Blader5489 said:
Yeah, I liked 13 too. Finally, a good episode.

I guess/hope this is where the show starts taking off.
Episode 14 is even better than episode 13.
Should I watch the original anime adaptation or is this one superior? If this one is pretty unanimously regarded as the better of the two, I'll wait for the dvd/br.


Odious Tea said:
Should I watch the original anime adaptation or is this one superior? If this one is pretty unanimously regarded as the better of the two, I'll wait for the dvd/br.

I suggest watching a mix of both. Episodes 1-28 of the original series, then start Brotherhood with episode 13.

I'm not sure if the timeline aligns perfectly like that (maybe someone can point out any glaring problems in my suggestion), I just don't think the first 12 episodes of Brotherhood do their stories justice at all.
Blader5489 said:
I suggest watching a mix of both. Episodes 1-28 of the original series, then start Brotherhood with episode 13.

I'm not sure if the timeline aligns perfectly like that (maybe someone can point out any glaring problems in my suggestion), I just don't think the first 12 episodes of Brotherhood do their stories justice at all.

The thing with the first fourteen episodes, it assumes that the viewer has either seen episodes 1-30 of the first anime or has read the manga, which is why they speed through everything. So, if you want to see a slower pace but more fleshed out story, eps. 1-30 of the first series is good but I like the fact that they condensed everything into the first fourteen episodes of Brotherhood. Made me realize just how slow the pacing in the first series was.


B.K. said:
150 pages, actually. 107 is 80 pages and 108 is 150. I wonder how they're going to be able to cram everything into the episodes. Especially considering the last couple chapters have been around 60 pages.

You sure about that? Or did you read the same livejournal thing I did? Because there's reason to believe that it's not true.
grandjedi6 said:
I find it humorous that Funimation's hype trailer for FMA:B's Part 1 DVD is filled with spoilers for Part 2. :lol

Apparently they're just overflowing with hype that they have to show part 2 to get people to buy part one. :lol


FMA Brotherhood ep. 13

- I liked Greed's voice, seems better than before.

- I really missed the Devil's Nest crew. Voices were good too.

- Not crazy about Grumman's voice. Doesn't sound eccentric enough.

- And Roy shutting down Jean. Perfect. :D

- :lol at Yoki trying to claim the bounty on Scar

- Oh Al, you innocent soul you.

- Izumi! The ultimate housewife. :D

- Next ep.'s gonna be awesome.

FMA Brotherhood ep. 56

Pretty much an action-packed episode. Totally called that they'd show how Bradley survived the train attack. And how about Wrath? He's seriously one of the best villains in all of FMA - so awesome. And it was good that they started the part with Hohenheim being found by the Xingese caravan. Also was nice seeing Hohenheim's attack against Father but man, seeing the transformation of Father into his 'true' self...creepy as fuck. Finally...Buccaneer, Greed, Fuu and...Falman. Ahh, it's shaping up to be awesome. Person I feel sorriest for, Mrs. Bradley. Next ep's gonna suck, but it'll bring out the man tears for sure.


Blader5489 said:
Yeah, I liked 13 too. Finally, a good episode.

I guess/hope this is where the show starts taking off.
Just you wait until episode 19. Just you wait. It keeps getting constantly better and better until episode 19 where it blows everything from the first anime away. I really liked episode on from 13, but 19 completely won me over.

Auron_Kale said:
FMA Brotherhood ep. 56
Next ep's gonna suck, but it'll bring out the man tears for sure.

is 'this' (final sacrifice...) going to happen already? I thought it will be in ep 58, not 57....
CassSept said:
is 'this' (final sacrifice...) going to happen already? I thought it will be in ep 58, not 57....

Both Buccaneer and Fuu dying together. Especially since it's Fuu's death that causes Greedling to go full force against Bradley. Buccaneer was straight up like a boss up to the end and Fuu - shit he was fucking awesome too!


Auron_Kale said:
Both Buccaneer and Fuu dying together. Especially since it's Fuu's death that causes Greedling to go full force against Bradley. Buccaneer was straight up like a boss up to the end and Fuu - shit he was fucking awesome too!
OHHHHH.... this part. Sorry, I didn't watch the episode yet so I was just guessing how far it could've been. So we are getting two episode of epic, manly tears in a row. Holy shit!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Odious Tea said:
Should I watch the original anime adaptation or is this one superior? If this one is pretty unanimously regarded as the better of the two, I'll wait for the dvd/br.
the first anime used some events from the first 25-30 chapters of the manga and built a largely original story around them (Because that's all that had been released of the manga at the time).

Brotherhood is a pure adaptation of the manga, although the first season (first 12 or 13 episodes) really rush through the first 30 chapters of the manga, and there are content cuts all over the place for the sake of time, although they've stopped since they started doing a 1-1.5 chapters per episode pace since around episode 46 or 47.

I would honestly recommend reading the manga AND watching brotherhood, but if you want to see the alternate storyline, watch the first anime adaptation first (because it really becomes unwatchable once you've been exposed to the much better manga storyline).


First tragedy, then farce.
Got a few weeks behind, but I'm finally caught up to Ep 55 on Funi's website.

Good stuff. Looking forward to the bluray assuming it reviews well and Funi doesn't give us some upscaled bullshit.


Wow. Episode 56 was done very well. Very cool animation.

Oh, and in case y'all were wondering, some people translating the current chapter say it's 71 pages. Who knows how long the last one will be, but judging from the steady increase in page -count as we near the finale, I wouldn't be surprised if it was 100+ pages.
pirata said:
Wow. Episode 56 was done very well. Very cool animation.

Oh, and in case y'all were wondering, some people translating the current chapter say it's 71 pages. Who knows how long the last one will be, but judging from the steady increase in page -count as we near the finale, I wouldn't be surprised if it was 100+ pages.

Final chapter is 150 pages. :D


watervengeance said:
Final chapter is 150 pages. :D

Until there is an actual source for this, I wish people stopped repeating this because it looks like it's simply not true at this point. Someone posted on livejournal that 107 was 80 pages and 108 would be 150 pages. But firstly, 107 is NOT 80 pages, and I don't see why anyone with the copy of Gangan would even know how long next month's chapter would be. It's not like they announce such stuff in advance or anything.
Did they add a lot of new material in episode 56? I don't remember most of those things happening, other than the basic idea of the fight with Bradley.


effingvic said:
Did they add a lot of new material in episode 56? I don't remember most of those things happening, other than the basic idea of the fight with Bradley.
Yeah, there were some additions. I knew some of that felt wrong and out of place so I've reread the chapter.

1. The entire conversation between Fuery and Maria about putting blame on Olivier didn't happen. They went out of studio talking and immediately
Brosh arrived
2. Between the main gate and central army there was only a staircase, there wasn't this strange building that they added in Brotherhood. And honestly, I didn't really like that change.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
duckroll said:
You sure about that? Or did you read the same livejournal thing I did? Because there's reason to believe that it's not true.
Well at the very least, FMA- 107 is officially 71 pages, not 80.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
duckroll said:
Yeah I already kinda said that! :)
I was just wondering where people were getting this magic 150 number and since the same sources that claimed "80" for 107 were saying "150" for 108, I'm just assuming those "sources" are just guessing.

I have my doubts Arakawa is even fully finished with 108, really

It's been all over the net that 108 is going to be some super triple length chapter and its driving me crazy since there's no way anyone would really know that.
Angry Grimace said:
I was just wondering where people were getting this magic 150 number and since the same sources that claimed "80" for 107 were saying "150" for 108, I'm just assuming those "sources" are just guessing.

I have my doubts Arakawa is even fully finished with 108, really.

People were getting the '80' and '150' page numbers from the Japanese BBS forums, which amber1003 on devart got her info from too. Seems a lot of the bloggers ran with it. Before seeing the raw, all I knew was that there were still a lot of missing pages (despite having already seen like 60+ pages at that point).

And as for Arakawa, she's probably writing till the bitter end of her deadline.


Well, the story is already done, isn't it? The source linked before that confirmed it's ending next month also said they already have storyboards for the last episode so the ending is already known and probably not going to change.
Looking at the end of 107 final chapter will probably be around 70-80 pages, but I doubt it's going to be as long as 150 pages.
So.. I haven't been reading the thread to avoid spoilers, but... do you guys think that the rest of the manga will be animated? Is it still accurate to the manga currently?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
DarknessTear said:
So.. I haven't been reading the thread to avoid spoilers, but... do you guys think that the rest of the manga will be animated? Is it still accurate to the manga currently?
The manga finishes next month (this is what we are talking about right now, actually), and the animators say they got the storyboards for the final chapter, so there won't be a gecko ending.

It's extremely faithful if you ask me; they've cut some stuff out for brevity, but nothing overly relevent to the plot. A lot of stuff that seems duplicative with FMA-1 has been drastically shortened (i.e. everything up to the point at which FMA-1 and Brotherhood split off story wise is extremely truncated, and so is Ishval, despite being different than FMA-1's version).


DarknessTear said:
So.. I haven't been reading the thread to avoid spoilers, but... do you guys think that the rest of the manga will be animated? Is it still accurate to the manga currently?

We don't have to think, we know. The anime and the manga are ending together in June.
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