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FURIOSA: A MAD MAX Saga | Review Thread (It's Another Masterpiece)


I almost see early twitter reactions and reviews that are glowing and hyperbolic as almost a negative nowadays.
Will wait to see what others on this board think of it before going in. The trailer looks like shite, but I loved Fury Road.


Gold Member
Ah yes, the modern scores



'Boring' is a wild descriptor for that movie...

To each their own
I liked that the director used so many practical effects, but I found the film and it's set pieces/set ups to be boring. That coupled with when there wasn't action , the downtime stuff wasn't that good either. It's not a bad movie, to me it's not a good action film.
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I liked that the director used so many practical effects, but I found the film and it's set pieces/set ups to be boring. That coupled with when there wasn't action , the downtime stuff wasn't that good either. It's not a bad movie, to me it's not a good action film.
I just can't agree on any level. It's an all time great movie, that is interesting and unique in so many different ways. And that's before even getting into the action set pieces. It lends itself very well to rewatches if you've only seen it once. But you do you, If it's not for you, it's not for you.

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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I’ll check it out. Not expecting much to be honest, the premise is so boring I’d much rather have another Max adventure. But I’m not looking to hate on it either, could be fun popcorn movie.


I'll check it out when its up for streaming on demand.

I liked Fury Road but it was mostly because of the cool visuals and actions scenes. Both of those elements have looked awful in every trailer for this.

Though maybe it's a rare instance in which they kept the good stuff for the actual movie
Seeing the trailer on my phone, I sleep.

Saw it on a big screen before King Kong changed my mind a bit. Pumped the reviews are good fury road is one of the best movies ever made


I am fully hyped, Fury Road is the best action movie I have seen in the last decade.

This is a new MM, by fucking George Miller. This will be good. And no Mad Max? Well, he was pretty much a side character in FR.


Gold Member
I’m sure the movie will be good, and I love watching anything ATJ is in, but Fury Road has a 97% with 438 reviews, and so far this has 88% with 57 reviews. So I think it’s going to be what everyone expected. Good but a downgrade from Fury Road.

Also I’m glad the film nobody asked for is finally out so George can go on to making Mad Max 5 before he croaks.


Gold Member
This is a new MM, by fucking George Miller. This will be good. And no Mad Max? Well, he was pretty much a side character in FR.

Welcome to the world of Mad Max. He’s a wandering folk tale in the wasteland. Every movie after MM1 is about him getting swept up in somebody else’s story. Fury Road was no different.

You’ll notice every film after MM1, his role is always the same. Helping the actual heroes escape to their own promised land.


Gold Member
Oh shit it's down to an 84% now with 77 review. Not trying to imply "It over!", because anything over 80% is respectable. But it's clearly trending downward.


Just watched it. It's so much worse than Fury Road in every aspect. It looks worse, it sounds worse and everything is 5000% dumber.
For example: Furiosa arrives as a child at the Citadel and Immortan Joe keeps her as a prime breeding material, but when his son Rictus wants to have some pedo fun with young Furiosa she escapes and hides in the Citadel for a few years, even getting the job of the guy who pulls the lever to lower down their vehicles. Then she becomes the Imperator (guy who drives the war truck) dude's right hand woman for another few years and during all this time nobody gives a fuck that this former prime breeding material, who escaped without anybody looking for her, suddenly comes back.
Or Dementus has his own army of what looked like 1000 people on bikes and they are driving around from place to place. Where the fuck do they get the gas for all the bikes? And that was befor they took over Gastown.
The action is also dumb. Somehow Furiosa and her mom are elite snipers, hitting people miles away on moving bikes while driving themselves. Or the climax war between Joe and Dementus, which supposedly took 40 days for Joe to win, and all you see is the aftermath.
It also reeks of pandering, because in the first 5 minutes of the movie you see Furiosa's home which looked like some vegan heaven where 95% of the population is made up of women and one of them is morbidly obese, the type you see in Walmart driving on these scooters. How can a post apocalyptic vegan be fat? She eating 7000 calories in fruits and vegetables?
This movie isn't just bad, it's forgettable. Fury Road had shit I'll always remember like Brothers in Arms, the Bullet Farmer dude shooting his guns after getting blinded, the whole final chase, or the guitar guy hyping everyone up. This movie I'll forget 99% about it next week.


This movie was absolutely great for me, but it doesn't touch Fury Road. I think the camera work and action was strong, Taylor Joy doesn't speak much, but she has the expressions. And her vengeful face works. Hemsworth is having a lot of fun as Dementus too. There are some exceptional action scenes in here.

Some things are stupid and some things are badly paced. Such as

I didn't expect child Furiosa to have such a big role, and it didn't really go anywhere. her plot was exactly half of the movie. The way she escapes didn't make much sense to me too. And she doesn't escape at all, she just fakes an escape, dresses up as a mute boy doing mechanic work instead of being groomed as a bride. Which is a prefered place for her. And no one seems to notice its the same person that just went AWOL. And Rictus knew this girl cut her hair before she ran.

In turn, the war between Joe and Dementus is being fast forwarded to the Aftermath.

But I liked it a ton, despite all this the movie felt like it was over quite fast which is a good sign.


I trust George Miller. Especially when it comes to his Mad Max universe. He's made way more films that I've loved than I've disliked. My butt will be in a theater seat next Thursday.
The guy is overrated. He has serious pacing issues with his movies, but nobody is there to tell him. Anyways, at least the visuals and music were good in fury road. My problem with ATJ is that she is a frightened little mouse, I can't take her seriously in a role like this.
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The movie sounds like one of those completely unnecessary sequels and the trailer don't inspire any confidence. Not to mention the reviews saying that it is a masterpiece on the level of Fury Road, which I doubt.
Let's see if some independent media review appears pops up because If I'm in the mood maybe I'll see this weekend.
It's a good movie. Great actions scenes but not as impactful as Fury Road.
I think it suffers from "prequelitis" as everything from the first movie is referenced here.
Anya and Chris are great in their roles.


Gold Member
Just got back myself and I quite enjoyed it but with some caveats. It takes a little bit to get going, but once it does, oh boy. It is a highly stylized movie and like with Fury Road, they play around with dropped frames and sometimes it looks very odd. You'll know it when you see it. Some of the effects also look off or clearly cgi, but some of the things going on screen are over the top so it was forgivable to me.

There are some amazing set pieces and one in particular that rivals anything in the Mad Max universe.

Both Anya and Chris are good in this. Especially Chris.

If you loved Fury Road, I think you'll likely enjoy this. If you were on the fence or didn't like Fury Road, this won't change your mind.

Now for some spoilers:
Max makes a 10 second cameo which was enjoyed by the crowd
The end of the movie rolls directly into Fury Road which I liked
Furiosa may have less lines in this movie than Max did in Fury Road.
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