Do you guys every wonder what your true fursona name is? Haly once told me his name was
rupert. Rupert is a strange name for a fursona. You really have to think about it from all the
angles though. I mean really, Rupert? Would you even name a human child that? He'd be
gone in an instant. That child would run, run, and keep running until he could not keep runnin
on. I cannot blame him though, it is a really strange name to give a child. Are there any
native americans named rupert? Doubt it.
Does a person with a fursona ever regret that they were born as a human being? Sometimes
it makes me think, you know? I wonder if someone with a fish fursona would often swim in a
lake. That's fun to do, I like swimming in lakes. I think a lot of people do though. Whatever
do you think a fish fursona would be like? Do you think someone with that fursona would hate
oxygen? Hating oxygen as a human with a fish fursona would be a very strange thing to do.
such is life as a sea serpent I guess.