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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
That's because birds, generally speaking, don't have hands.

They have wings for a reason, garuda not withstanding.


Obsidian fan
You're implying that you understand the logic behind most of the things you say?



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
They could nuzzle. And clean each others plummage/hair.

That's kind of like kissing, which is so... anthrocentric.


They could nuzzle. And clean each others plummage/hair.

That's kind of like kissing, which is so... anthrocentric.

Hey when anthros or anthro/humans kiss its very cute or hot.

Now that you said nuzzle I remember watching two love birds nuzzle and clean each other.

I like little birds.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
But I read a fanfic and it involved a canine and an a bird kissing... making out even! How does that happen?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I assume the bird scratched the dog's ears with his beak and the dog licked the bird's anus.

That's how those animals show affection or familiarity anyway.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It could be worse! It could be an anthro praying mantis who eats her lover after sex if he can't get away fast enough.


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I guess writers can get away by not describing the action. I guess "they began to make out" makes sense... in context.


Friend leeched my pictures folder off my PC
Only just realized that I have all of my anthro pics in there
should make for an interesting conversation


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Are there reptile fursona's? I'd like Haly to answer this please.
There are reptilian furries but that seems to the purview of Japan. Unless you're counting dragons, which both countries seem fond of.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Do you guys every wonder what your true fursona name is? Haly once told me his name was
rupert. Rupert is a strange name for a fursona. You really have to think about it from all the
angles though. I mean really, Rupert? Would you even name a human child that? He'd be
gone in an instant. That child would run, run, and keep running until he could not keep runnin
on. I cannot blame him though, it is a really strange name to give a child. Are there any
native americans named rupert? Doubt it.

Does a person with a fursona ever regret that they were born as a human being? Sometimes
it makes me think, you know? I wonder if someone with a fish fursona would often swim in a
lake. That's fun to do, I like swimming in lakes. I think a lot of people do though. Whatever
do you think a fish fursona would be like? Do you think someone with that fursona would hate
oxygen? Hating oxygen as a human with a fish fursona would be a very strange thing to do.
such is life as a sea serpent I guess.
I don't think that they'd hate oxygen - just that they didn't have gills or something. Fish still need to breathe.

As for the other stuff, depends. I'm thinking most just pick a name and roll with it, while on the other level, you have otherkin and the like, which is an area I'm not too well versed in.

89 chars per line, huh. Where have I seen that before...


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
A fish in the air suffocates from too much oxygen I think, in the same way that humans will also suffer respiratory problems if they start breathing pure oxygen.
Doing some searching, it seems that it's because the structures that make up the gills can't function as well in air as well as water (they collapse), and the filtering can't take place, so suffocation.

I should really be sleeping -_-;
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