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FurryGAF |OT| They should have sent a veterinarian


Yeah, I sort of agree. Snakes are cool but it's almost weird to see them depicted with limbs sometimes.

I just found this and was like, well, how do you really differentiate it from other amphibian or reptilian creatures.


(link to source image (tumblr))

Well, I think it would be most important to make the head of the anthro, like in this drawing here, a bit thinner than other anthro reptiles heads. Just use a lot of references and try to make it clear that your anthro can be identified clearly as a snake. :)

Or just draw a Naga as Xaltheron said which would be more easily identifiable as a snake. :p


Just found this via a tumblr search:


Artist is Firefeathers aka Andrea Radeck. (tumblr) She is awesome.
I just found this and was like, well, how do you really differentiate it from other amphibian or reptilian creatures.


(link to source image (tumblr))

Well, I think it would be most important to make the head of the anthro, like in this drawing here, a bit thinner than other anthro reptiles heads. Just use a lot of references and try to make it clear that your anthro can be identified clearly as a snake. :)

Or just draw a Naga as Xaltheron said which would be more easily identifiable as a snake. :p

Hmm, that does sound like sound advice. Sometimes I believe that when you do things right, almost everything can be appealing to just about everyone. At least that's what I believe in.

I personally like anthro reptiles more if they have minimal to no mammalian characteristics. Sometimes it feels like they're out of place on such things... then again, I sometimes run off "things should stay close to what they are"...


Just found this via a tumblr search:


Artist is Firefeathers aka Andrea Radeck. (tumblr) She is awesome.

I like. :) I've always liked snaky stuff, to be honest. Especially the kind where they don't have any legs! I've always wondered how it'd feel like to be a literal snake person, both leggy and legless... (I don't want to end up without arms, for obvious reasons!) That beefy tail and the fact that I'd be legless would mean that I'd have a heck of an experience moving around in a completely different way. I guess I really have an active imagination...

Not to mention freaking out pretty much everyone else because, well, giant snake person. Even if I don't bite!

I tend to end up drawing things in a cute way, so sometimes I wish I am able to draw things in a "cool" way without just making things look awful instead.

Speaking of drawing, I should go sketch something anthro soon again. Too much Pokémon lately. Maybe I'll just keep on redrawing my "fursona" or something like that until I arrive at something actually presentable. (There's a reason why they're all sketches...)


Hmm, that does sound like sound advice. Sometimes I believe that when you do things right, almost everything can be appealing to just about everyone. At least that's what I believe in.

I personally like anthro reptiles more if they have minimal to no mammalian characteristics. Sometimes it feels like they're out of place on such things... then again, I sometimes run off "things should stay close to what they are"...

I like. :) I've always liked snaky stuff, to be honest. Especially the kind where they don't have any legs! I've always wondered how it'd feel like to be a literal snake person, both leggy and legless... (I don't want to end up without arms, for obvious reasons!) That beefy tail and the fact that I'd be legless would mean that I'd have a heck of an experience moving around in a completely different way. I guess I really have an active imagination...

Not to mention freaking out pretty much everyone else because, well, giant snake person. Even if I don't bite!

I tend to end up drawing things in a cute way, so sometimes I wish I am able to draw things in a "cool" way without just making things look awful instead.

Speaking of drawing, I should go sketch something anthro soon again. Too much Pokémon lately. Maybe I'll just keep on redrawing my "fursona" or something like that until I arrive at something actually presentable. (There's a reason why they're all sketches...)

I feel you, I have nothing that is presentable yet either.

So far everything I've drawn of my character is very vague and not consistent at all. :/

And Nagas look very interesting, yeah.

I'm totally not a furry guise

(finally got a pic of my own fs from a friend)
Isn't it a scalesona then? :p

Anyway, I like it, very pretty horns and a nice smile.
Thanks for boldly lying into my face about being welcome in the Skype group, by the way. I would've appreciated being told straight up that you guys didn't want me in that chat instead of being banned over a flimsy excuse that isn't even remotely true, and was just construed to have a pretense to get rid of me. If there's something I can't stand it's being insincere about your true motivation.
So, since there's obviously some people who'd rather see me entirely gone from the community, this is going to be my final post in the thread as well.

Everyone's welcome in the IRC, regardless. I don't ban people over personal dislike, and I try to talk first if any problems arise before immediately issuing a ban, even if it's people I don't get along with.

To everybody else: Farewell. Hope you guys are happy in your own little clique.


It doesn't accomplish anything if you bring the drama into the OT now as well.

I'm sorry, but all this drama is just very tiring. Let's just have two chats for people to choose and have both trying to create a good atmosphere for people. Because otherwise group chats just don't make sense if nobody has fun talking there.


Isn't it a scalesona then? :p

Anyway, I like it, very pretty horns and a nice smile.

Don't u c muh furrrr?

and thank you! She did a great work. Alltough the neck is a little too long cus there was some little misinformation but she will fix it soon xD alltough it doesn't look bad either :d
Been using photo backdrops to practice lighting and shading lately, going for a kind of weird verisimilitude. I like how they're turning out.

It all started with this one, that I did as an experiment in using blowout neons. Still my favorite of the bunch. Was inspired by listening to too much synthwave/outrun.

Been using photo backdrops to practice lighting and shading lately, going for a kind of weird verisimilitude. I like how they're turning out.

It all started with this one, that I did as an experiment in using blowout neons. Still my favorite of the bunch. Was inspired by listening to too much synthwave/outrun.


I gave up on legs. :3
Noooooo! I demand you un-give up :mad: Keep working on 'em!


But I've already decided to change my sona! Besides, I find nagas cool. And works around my inability to feet.

I've actually just finished colouring and shading it, by the way. Now to do the same for the ref sheet...
Some more photopaints (which I have to put on hiatus to finish comissions).

This isn't furry, but I'm still kinda proud of it. A commission for a friend of their Destiny character:

And what I'm currently working on for someone, just the rough sketches and colour tests:

The piece is being trickier than I thought (especially since I think its more complex than what I'm charging for), but I'll take it as a learning experience.


Hi furries :3
Welcome to the thread, badrang. :D

There's a IRC and a Skype Chat, both for people from this thread (or lurkers) so if you want to check them out, IRC is on irc.furnet.org, Channel is called #NeoGAF and then we have the Skype Chat which I or others can add you to, just have to write a PM (since It's invite only for now, maybe that will get changed in time).

welcome to the community!

random art

Is he emitting pure darkness from his crotch? Not sure how I feel about that.

Hi batarang badrang, welcome to the party! It's not all roided-up furry guys in here, promise, but if that is your thing then several of us can cater to it. :p
Finally finished the last of the comissions, now I can get back to drawing stuff for myself and not getting paid for it! \o/

I like how this piece came out, but the spec was insane. Like several pages of industrial design info and other stuff - remind me never to do nonorganic stuff again.

Edit: Also, that Houndoom looks like a plastic bag filled with cats. I don't think half those muscle groups even exist.

not sorry
Hey, Miktar! I think I probably haven't exactly shown you what I drew a while ago, no?

I was thinking about anthropomorphic things and how they should work while I came up with my sona again, and I've been thinking... I've actually been talking about it with others somewhere. Seeing as in my personal opinion that they should at least be capable of all the things they would need to do as does a real, normal human being, outside of appearances, their internals are likely to be much closer to what you'd find in a human being, aside from anything that does not exist or that has to be re-laid due to the body shape.

Then we basically arrived at the point where such anthropomorphized characters would be technically much closer to being mammals, and humans specifically, than their original species would be categorized as. So, basically, for example, an anthro reptile or reptile-like creature (like the naga I'm running off as my sona now) would be technically a mammal when you think about it.

Outside of some specific things caused by the external appearance (and related internals) requiring to match the "source" material (in this case, a snake), some organ relocation caused by the hybrid status (there are some parts where a snake wouldn't have them be visible under normal circumstances and the exterior appearance needs to match up) and the extremely long body length (snake tails, anyone?), and so on, as far as the internal organs are arranged, it's a human.

Am I weird?
Not really. Worldbuilding is worldbuilding - you examine details from a pragmatic point, to see where you can take some creative license, what works, what doesn't, etc.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
As a professional fantasy illustrator once said, unreal things are made of real components.

People who don't think about the importance of design look at an imaginary creature and say "duh, why does anything have to make sense, it's just made up". But that doesn't actually work. People know when something doesn't make sense, and it makes for a weak impression. We are excited and intrigued by something which looks functional. It creates a sense of authenticity and it's easier to empathize with a fictional thing that has a bit of realness in it.

It's why fan creations that are put together like The Homer:


... are unappealing.

Though I'm fond of another remark by an artist - "you get one improbable thing on every character. Make sure the rest of the character is believable, and the fantastical bit will be accepted along with the rest of the package."


I've started writing furry stories recently, although I wish I could draw instead because pictures can more immediately be appreciated.


Is he emitting pure darkness from his crotch? Not sure how I feel about that.

Hi batarang badrang, welcome to the party! It's not all roided-up furry guys in here, promise, but if that is your thing then several of us can cater to it. :p

I actually like em' a bit chubby.


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I feel Tony shouldn't be fat, since picture of health and such. I mean sure not bber style buff, but at least not chubby!




I've started writing furry stories recently, although I wish I could draw instead because pictures can more immediately be appreciated.

Nah, writing is an awesome skill to have, I enjoy reading furry stories myself, and considering their popularity on sites like SoFurry so do a crapton of others. We need good writers as much as we need good artists ;)

Speaking of which, has anyone here heard of the Puppy Love games? They're basically furry dating sims, and there's currently 3 of them (with a 4th being worked on), but I've only played the first one so far.
It's a pretty cute game (no explicit content though, if that's what you're after :p)
I've started writing furry stories recently, although I wish I could draw instead because pictures can more immediately be appreciated.

Except writing is /way/ easier, takes less time, and you can have infinitely more detail, cover more time, change scenes instantly, and write about anything you can imagine. The only real hurdle is fundamentals, like grammar and learning how to write in an interesting cadence. And best of all, the people that read can fill in details with their imagination, which makes it more personal to them.

With drawing, you have to learn *how* to draw things, how to render them, light and shade, material properties, and for each additional item in the scene the time to completion goes up exponentially. And then one wrong line, and the whole drawing's gestalt dissolves, and it looks bad.

Not saying one is better than the other, but while art can be more immediately appreciated, that's only because there was *much* more lead-up production time to that single image.

And then people take one look, and move on. A thousand hours to draw, one second to go 'meh' at. :p

I feel Tony shouldn't be fat, since picture of health and such. I mean sure not bber style buff, but at least not chubby!

Do I need to remind you that "healthy" isn't a tower of show muscles? :p In fact, that's considered very unhealthy, since there is no longevity to it (unless you win the genetic lottery).

How Tony looks in that image is actually far more in line with the strongman type, legitimately powerful with strong core. Whereas the Mr Universe guys are sickly, dehydrated, stressed and starving, and usually collapse right after showing off their shiny oily bodies in competitions.


I'm just confused why Tony is meant to symbolize health when the cereal he's a mascot of is just cornflakes encased in too much sugar.
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