I know the fans you are talking about, and I agree they can be irritating. It's why I don't really associate with anyone that's a hardcore Gaga fan that isn't a part of GagaGAF, who are a pretty cool and down to earth group of people. PLUS, they aren't 14, they know how to spell, and they recognize talent that isn't Gaga, which are all things the fans we both avoid lack.
I never really got into Winehouse, B2B came out when I was like 12, I was still listening to Linkin Park back then. And I know 90% of the time she looks like a sith lord, but Gaga is
pretty damn cute in my book. Also pre-Gaga Stefani is gorgeous, she should have stayed brunette (
I can personally attest that she does make for a killer Halloween costume, though...>_>