I think I wrote this once before but I accidentally refreshed the page.
1. Late Registration > College Dropout > Dark Fantasy >>> Graduation > 808s
2. East Coast
3. Pac (give Biggie props though)
See #13
5. One has an empire, the other does not
6. Royce
7. Cole World
8. Ghostface, when I was younger GZA but Fishscale put Ghost back on top for me (see #13)
9. No need to answer this
10. Lyrically 8/10 (Lasers...seriously?), Politically & Mentally...SMH
11. I honestly do not know but I really don't care
12. The Marshall Mathers LP.
13. "natural scent is pear"
14. Never underestimate Nas, Production...I got nothing
15. Maybe it's just me but I've never been interested in him
16. Sure, future of hip-hop looks bright