will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Common softening on Drake beef:
http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/nyma...bH0/common-tries-to-play-nice-with-drake.htmlCommon Tries to Play Nice With Drake
from Vulture by Amanda Dobbins
Has the first and likely least-contentious rap beef of 2012 already come to an end? Common, who started the feud with a track on The Dreamer: The Believer, is now attempting to smooth over his disses with some moderately kind public statements about Drake. For example: "I think he makes good music. He's definitely said some real clever things and made some cool songs." Can you feel the enthusiasm? Common, of course, will not promise to end the beef forever: "If something else happens, then I'll just have to act accordingly." But for the moment, the incredibly low-stakes war between Drake and Common is over. Now hug it out, you two, so that the Hugs from Drake Tumblr can finally get updated again.