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GAF-Hop |OT4| At that Das EFX concert, I riggity realized that I liggity love you

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Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
it's been a minute since you've said some empirically wrong shit, but there it is.
you gotta take your time and learn from it, when it clicks it's brilliant. i don't really fault you cause i rage-quit on stage 2 of Demons Souls years ago, until my boy put me back onto it. i spent an entire year playing lesser games.

this moleskin shit is short and i can buy that it's unfinished but cot damn i get the hype, cause that's all it took. i need more Jay Elec now, and it ain't coming.

Maybe it will end up being my favorite game of all time. But right now, it's shit. And the only reason I am still playing is because I have nothing else to play. Maybe i'll start enjoying it at some point, but right now I am bored to fucking tears.

And for the record I've never said anything empirically wrong. I am always right, about everything. Always. Because I am better than everyone else. And I have sex with their moms. While eating a brownie sundae.

No but seriously, I'm never wrong.


If Diablo 3 is even remotely as good as part 2 it will consume all of my free time for the rest of the year and beyond. I'll probably give Witcher 2 a shot as well. Farcry 3 and Darksiders 2 as well as long as they are as good as the previous ones (fry cry 2 ran out of steam by the end but it was a damn fun play for the first 20 hours or so). And of course borderlands 2 (liked it so much I bought it twice) and Resident Evil 6. But honestly, I'll probably be happy with D3 alone.

Games don't hold my interest as easily as they used to. At one point, I could play even shitty games and enjoy myself. Now they have to be AAA caliber games to entertain me for longer than a few minutes. 3/4 of the games gamefly sends me get sent right back the same day. Recently I played WWE '12 for all of 15 minutes before putting it back in the sleeve and sticking that piece of shit back in the mailbox.

I have not been keeping up with the beta or anything. I am going into D3 blind and I only just remembered it was coming out. This shit will be glorious. D2 was one of the best games of all times, and I welcome this distraction for the summer. I dont give a fuck about any other Blizzard franchise(unless they make a true sequel to Warcraft 2), but Diablo is gaming bliss.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
sid how far are you man, lemme help you out

I started a few hours ago and I'm at the undead burg (not that far). I got up to the boss but hadn't leveled up at all which lost me all my souls so now I'm just grinding for souls. Debating whether to try and trick the boss off the ledge or use the tower to do drop attacks. It's just hard to find the motivation as I am bored to tears of this area and it's enemies.

I have not been keeping up with the beta or anything. I am going into D3 blind and I only just remembered it was coming out. This shit will be glorious. D2 was one of the best games of all times, and I welcome this distraction for the summer. I dont give a fuck about any other Blizzard franchise(unless they make a true sequel to Warcraft 2), but Diablo is gaming bliss.

When people ask my what my favorite game of all time is I usually say Super Metroid, but if I had to go by playtime, Diablo 2 would be the runaway winner. I have dumped so much of my free time into that game it's stunning. Every so often I'll load it up and get right back into it too. It was at it's best though when my cousin and buddy were all heavily into as well and we'd hook our computers up over a local network and play all day. Loved going into rooms full of ridiculously powerful enemies, coming back out and telling my cousin "yeah just cleared that room, theres a great item in there for your assassin. After he'd go in I'd stand in the door way and do my best to block his exit while he screamed in fury and got torn apart by an "immune to physical extra strong spectral hit" creature. Such a dick move.

Total Annihilation would be close behind in regards to playtime.

The M.O.B

I loved Dark Souls.............Until I raged about 25 hrs in.

I'll get it again on PC.

EDIT: Oh and The Last of Us.



Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Also I gotta say I've completely lost my taste for FPS's and RPG's. Both of which used to be my favorite genres. RPG's have become nothing but cut scene filled fuckeries with the worst dialogue this side of a 12 year old's fan fiction. And the loss of overworlds is infuriating.
FPS's have become so laughably generic I feel like I've been playing the same fucking game over and over for the last few years.
FPS's have become so laughably generic I feel like I've been playing the same fucking game over and over for the last few years.

Shooters have gotten so, so bad. It's like devs stopped trying to emulate Hard Boiled, or The Matrix lobby scene, or Heat's bank robbery shootout, and have instead become infatuated with creating anti-fun scripted "rollercoaster rides." 95% of them don't even get the basic feeling or sound of shooting a gun right so they try to layer these ridiculous quick time events, and set pieces on top to make me think I'm having fun. FPS mechanics topped out at F.E.A.R. and have been downhill since.


sid you got the right call with drop attacks, climb the ladder and quickly go about it, then run back. that's the way to do it for him.
i think the beginning of dark is possibly more brutal than demons, so here's where it gets a bit better: at some point past there, you'll make a shortcut by lowering a ladder right above that first campfire/check point. soon after, you'll be going through an underpass with a few skellys, right before your first poison rats. to your right of this area is the tail of the asshole dragon up top - get yourself a bow and mad arrows; if youc an clip his tail, he drops a drake sword (OHHHHH) which is infinitely better than anything youll get for a while to come. the first real boss is kinda mean but this is the best chance you've got, makes life easier too.

as for JRPGs...Nier was my last real console one. handheld shit is nice though, The World Ends With You and this Radiant Historia shit are the truth, fuck what you heard.

ps i want to rent all 3 of toku's titles so hard, haha


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Shooters have gotten so, so bad. It's like devs stopped trying to emulate Hard Boiled, or The Matrix lobby scene, or Heat's bank robbery shootout, and have instead become infatuated with creating anti-fun scripted "rollercoaster rides." 95% of them don't even get the basic feeling or sound of shooting a gun right so they try to layer these ridiculous quick time events, and set pieces on top to make me think I'm having fun. FPS mechanics topped out at F.E.A.R. and have been downhill since.

The weak sound of guns in FPS is one of those little things that seem like a silly complaint but it really does affect the feeling of the game in a huge way. Guns in general aren't fun to use anymore. That joyful feeling of shotgunning something in Doom 2 for instance is long gone. It's even worse when your weapons are about as powerful as BB guns. Crysis is so painfully guilty of this. You're supposed to be some badass super soldier, but all your guns are about as effective as throwing pebbles. Why is that lightly armed soldier taking 2 full clips of machine gun fire to the fucking head before he dies?


Since hip-hop is pretty much dead at the moment, what game are y'all looking forward to most this year?

I'm a total Halo stan, but with recent news of 4, I'm actually looking forward to ACIII more. And maybe a bit of Revengeance, Trials HD, Borderlands 2 on the side. And Battleblock Theatre if it actually comes out.

Yeah, the MP in 4 is sounding a bit suspect, but I'm still on for the SP. The character focused direction they're heading in with the Chief and Cortana sounds fab.

After that, The Witcher 2 (360) and JSR HD. Hyped as hype can make one for those.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
sid you got the right call with drop attacks, climb the ladder and quickly go about it, then run back. that's the way to do it for him.
i think the beginning of dark is possibly more brutal than demons, so here's where it gets a bit better: at some point past there, you'll make a shortcut by lowering a ladder right above that first campfire/check point. soon after, you'll be going through an underpass with a few skellys, right before your first poison rats. to your right of this area is the tail of the asshole dragon up top - get yourself a bow and mad arrows; if youc an clip his tail, he drops a drake sword (OHHHHH) which is infinitely better than anything youll get for a while to come. the first real boss is kinda mean but this is the best chance you've got, makes life easier too.

as for JRPGs...Nier was my last real console one. handheld shit is nice though, The World Ends With You and this Radiant Historia shit are the truth, fuck what you heard.

ps i want to rent all 3 of toku's titles so hard, haha
I made a mistake of listening to some dipshit's suggestion to kill the merchant in that area so I can't buy new armor, arrows, or items. I did get a nice sword out of the deal but I definitely shouldn't have killed his ass before getting everything I need.


Forgot all about Binary Domain, You Guys. Gonna grab that steam release and finally join the Nagoshination.


I made a mistake of listening to some dipshit's suggestion to kill the merchant in that area so I can't buy new armor, arrows, or items. I did get a nice sword out of the deal but I definitely shouldn't have killed his ass before getting everything I need.

Only believe the notes about enemies ahead.

Forgot all about Binary Domain, You Guys. Gonna grab that steam release and finally join the Nagoshination.

Underdog of the year. Most fun I've had with a TPS in a long ass time, and I like the Gears series!


Since hip-hop is pretty much dead at the moment, what game are y'all looking forward to most this year?

I'm a total Halo stan, but with recent news of 4, I'm actually looking forward to ACIII more. And maybe a bit of Revengeance, Trials HD, Borderlands 2 on the side. And Battleblock Theatre if it actually comes out.

It's all dat ACIII for me, huge fan of the series. Although the subsequent games after AC2 have well-past worn out their welcome, ACIII looks like a big step up for series and truly worthy of the #3.

Borderlands 2, Lollipop Chainsaw & Metal Gear Revengeance also look like they'll be dope, so I'm keeping an eye out for those. Other than that, The Witcher 2 comes out in a week for 360 - really excited to try that one out.

Forgot all about Binary Domain, You Guys. Gonna grab that steam release and finally join the Nagoshination.
Rented it from Gamefly, enjoyed the hell out, great gunplay. Definitely underrated and it's sad we probably won't ever get another one know looking at its sales and recent news about Sega.


Lol suda51, biggest joke in the industry. The games always look great , but when you sit down to play you realize it was one hell of a practical joke at your expense. I bought No More Heroes day 1..... Never again god damnit!


Underdog of the year. Most fun I've had with a TPS in a long ass time, and I like the Gears series!

Rented it from Gamefly, enjoyed the hell out, great gunplay. Definitely underrated and it's sad we probably won't ever get another one know looking at its sales and recent news about Sega.

Yeah, I dug the hell out of the demo too, but it was either it or ME3 at the time, and I had to get my Shep on.

recon baka gaijin desu ne?????


Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Yes...yes...let the hip hop and anime thread slowly merge...The most unlikely of alliances. THE POWER OF MOE AND GANGSTA HIPSTER COMBINED

Anyways, just listened to Dear Moleskine. I swear, whenever Act II comes out...it is going to be magnificent.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Yes...yes...let the hip hop and anime thread slowly merge...The most unlikely of alliances. THE POWER OF MOE AND GANGSTA HIPSTER COMBINED

Anyways, just listened to Dear Moleskine. I swear, whenever Act II comes out...it is going to be magnificent.

No fucking anime. We are talking about video games. Fuck anime. Video games are for people who were nerds as kids, anime is for people who are nerds at 33 and have accepted a life of virginity.


Since hip-hop is pretty much dead at the moment, what game are y'all looking forward to most this year?

I'm a total Halo stan, but with recent news of 4, I'm actually looking forward to ACIII more. And maybe a bit of Revengeance, Trials HD, Borderlands 2 on the side. And Battleblock Theatre if it actually comes out.

Bioshock Infinite and whatever 3DS games are going to be coming out this year. I bet a lot of cool stuff will be announced soon. Oh yeah, Luigi's Mansion 2 also for sure.


I am honestly surprised at the hype for Dear Moleskine, it was boring. Just Blaze deserves 100% of the credit for any good in that track. Act II confirmed as the cure for insomnia.


No fucking anime. We are talking about video games. Fuck anime. Video games are for people who were nerds as kids, anime is for people who are nerds at 33 and have accepted a life of virginity.

There is like 1% of anime that is good. But 99% of it is the shit any self respecting adult should be ashamed of. Most of it is My Little Pony bad.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car

[quote="ReconYoda, post: 36750199"][B]There is like 1% of anime that is good. But 99% of it is the shit any self respecting adult should be ashamed of.[/B] Most of it is My Little Pony bad.[/QUOTE]
You could say this about any form of media. There is just always a lot more terrible shit than there is great shit. That's what makes dope stuff dope.


honto ni??
with Yakuza dead souls out, im good until bioshock infinite or like acid said, some good 3DS shit paper mario/luigi 2 etc. lotta good looking rentals for me this year, should help me catch up on my backlog.


I am honestly surprised at the hype for Dear Moleskine, it was boring. Just Blaze deserves 100% of the credit for any good in that track. Act II confirmed as the cure for insomnia.

it's not an excellent verse, but i want more. and yeah, much of that is on just blaze admittedly.

Only one 1% of hip-hop is good, and that's Canibus.

man you done took it too far


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
If Diablo 3 is even remotely as good as part 2 it will consume all of my free time for the rest of the year and beyond. I'll probably give Witcher 2 a shot as well. Farcry 3 and Darksiders 2 as well as long as they are as good as the previous ones (fry cry 2 ran out of steam by the end but it was a damn fun play for the first 20 hours or so). And of course borderlands 2 (liked it so much I bought it twice) and Resident Evil 6. But honestly, I'll probably be happy with D3 alone.

Games don't hold my interest as easily as they used to. At one point, I could play even shitty games and enjoy myself. Now they have to be AAA caliber games to entertain me for longer than a few minutes. 3/4 of the games gamefly sends me get sent right back the same day. Recently I played WWE '12 for all of 15 minutes before putting it back in the sleeve and sticking that piece of shit back in the mailbox.

I just realized I'm not even going to be here for the majority of those games, so nevermind.

huge wRPG buff.. and I never got into 1 nor 2.. got burnt twice!

Jay Sosa

Scarface is enjoyable for the cheese and absurdity. It's not a good movie, it's just an entertaining one.

Yeah I can agree with that. It's not a good movie in the sense that It's not liked by people that actually enjoy all these snoozefests that movie reviewers get all excited about. I rather watch ten Steven Seagal** movies than another minute of Crash* or any other of these awfully boring pretentious crap movies that get like 10 Oscars..

Demolition Man>>>>King's Speech

*I actually watched half an hour of that s*@&#8364;t
** Well only the old ones, the new straight to DVD movies are truly terrible, even for Steven Seagal standards

There is like 1% of anime that is good.

What? No.

Miyazaki movies are almost always great, Monster, Death Note, Akira, NGE, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and so on. You just have to know where to look or rather who to ask.
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