He will never be that Em again. That Em was drunk and high 24/7 and dealing with being the first white rapper since Vanilla Ice to make it big. Not to mention going from poor white trash to rich as a god and able to stick his dick in everything with a pussy. The pure chaos in his life is what made his music so great. Now he's just a sober middle aged father. He wants for nothing and his removed the chaos from his life. He's boring. I was salty as fuck about it for a while because his first 2 albums were a huge part of my high school life and I would love more from that Em, but on a non selfish level, I'm glad his in a stable place and if that means I don't get interesting em than so be it.
He just doesn't have anything worth saying anymore and just having the appeal of skill makes his music hollow. To an extent it's worse than ignorant music because all he is doing is stringing words together. I think the only way someone like Em or Jay-Z who is in a similar situation can do is make a concept album. That way they can always tie the music back to a certain theme or story to ensure it carries some sort of weight.