You need to lurk more than, jeez
soultron's hip hop livejournal:
Stardate 5.25.2012...
I went on a tear today. I've been listening to Terrorist Threats ever since it was posted over at That Hipster Porn. I gotta admit that it was a nice break from all the Isaiah Toothtaker shit they keep posting... he's alright but it feels like THP is on Mishka's payroll or something. Either that or whoever runs THP has a total boner for Toothtaker. (He's interesting moreso for his look and wrapsheet than his actual raps, in my opinion.)
Terrorist Threats somehow lead me to -- wait for it -- Three Loko's Neato. Then I listened to stuff from Hopsin and Krispy Kreme. (Sidenote: Hopsin's a good kid. He just needs someone other than himself to do the production. Sidenote 2: Krispy Kreme should've been XXL Freshman of the year.)
Then I checked out Mac Miller's new stuff from BSP and whatever. That kid either needs to grow up or get back to the old-school NYC-sounding producers he worked with in the past. His shit still sounds the same and has even worse production now.
And I settled back into Terrorist Threats, getting reacquainted with K. Lamar, and discovering the rest of TDE, and finally, Danny Brown.
It was a
fucked up day, alright? Excuse me while I cry myself to sleep with Liquid Swords on in the background.