got a hook up on sneakers here in Japan.. shop sponsors us.. dudes shoe game is so serious
Bow Wow?
got a hook up on sneakers here in Japan.. shop sponsors us.. dudes shoe game is so serious
Hearing Flex speak is more annoying than Nicki. Nicki's making points, Flex sounds like he just wants to stir up more shit.
Real talk Flex is top 5 unlikeable people in all of hip hop.
The song is basically she don't want a man part 2. The story being told is a bit different tho.
Bow Wow?
EDIT: Why the fuck does Nicki keep making this an issue of gender?
Bow Wow?
I remember saying that shit in high school and loving the leers I'd get, while secretly hoping a Nubian queen with locks would appear out of nowhere and say "you're right, 50 Cent is wack. Let's go listen to Talib Kweli while I suck your dick.".
I remember saying that shit in high school and loving the leers I'd get, while secretly hoping a Nubian queen with locks would appear out of nowhere and say "you're right, 50 Cent is wack. Let's go listen to Talib Kweli while I suck your dick."
I fuck with Peter Rosenberg, dude is probably my favorite hip hop personality on the radio alongside Combat Jack and Dallas Penn. But I'm too old to pull the "real hip hop" card, b. Seriously, that shit is played out. I remember saying that shit in high school and loving the leers I'd get, while secretly hoping a Nubian queen with locks would appear out of nowhere and say "you're right, 50 Cent is wack. Let's go listen to Talib Kweli while I suck your dick."
Now I'm an old ass 25 year old black man. Hip hop has always had semblances of pop, let's not get it twisted. There is no such thing as real hip hop or fake hip hop, it's all about demographics and what you like. I don't expect a 13 year old girl to like Mobb Deep anymore than I'd expect a rugged dude to be bumping Starships. If a girl listens to Nicki and then decides to look for some harder shit, more power to her.
I think Super Bass is one of the best pop songs I've heard in years. It's pop rap, it's hip hop/rap...but it's also a pop record. I'm cool with that shit. I'm not going to bump it in the whip, but I know a lot of the lyrics thanks to my little cousins and I think it's dope. Sue me. My taste in hip hop can't be questioned, so it's all good.
Wow, LftU is surprisingly disappointing...
Save us Kendrick...
So do I. Especially Money On The Floor. The album really needed stand out features, and that track has the best. But it came out like 8 months ago.I don't get it.. I think it's ok. Not AoTY or anything.. but solid. I think hearing some of the songs early lowered the impact of the album..
hearing some of the songs early definitely didn't bother the impact of the album for me. I only heard like 3 songs out of the album before listening to the full thing that's pretty much typical. It's more like hearing his last 3 mixtapes lowered the impact of his album personally. Beat wise, it's just so underwhelming seriously coming off of his last two mixtapes.
Macca is right tho, krit handled everything from production himself entirely so I doubt they put a lot of money into something like this. I'd imagine it'd sell well enough for them to decide to let him make another album or at least I'd hope so.
I don't know money on the floor is about 6 to 7 months old...
I don't get it.. I think it's ok. Not AoTY or anything.. but solid. I think hearing some of the songs early lowered the impact of the album..
It's a pretty good album but nothing special, a 7/10 probably.
Fuck yes that Clams instrumental tape. Wanted a tagless version of Wassup ever since the BBC Radio 1 mix, which is still dope as fuck.
Btw what was the verdict on 15?
Awesome video.
hip hop gaf and I are growing apart, we just don't see eye to eye anymore, our love affair is dying, soon we'll be throwing dishes at each other and fucking other people until one of us stabs the other in the middle of the night. Krit album is great, currensy's album is full of great production but is ruined by currensy still being a boring ass below average rapper, ya'll are tolerating nicki minaaj's vile poisonous fuckass? the fuck, I'm all for pop rap, I'm the dude who pushes blackace to make poppy mixes more than anyone else afterall, but nicki is a fucking cancer and should be eradicated.
Oh and flex might be an obnoxious fuck, but he'll always get a tiny bit of respect from me for being one of the first big DJ's to come out early and say "fuck R Kelly, I don't play music from pedophiles".
hip hop gaf and I are growing apart, we just don't see eye to eye anymore, our love affair is dying, soon we'll be throwing dishes at each other and fucking other people until one of us stabs the other in the middle of the night. Krit album is great, currensy's album is full of great production but is ruined by currensy still being a boring ass below average rapper, ya'll are tolerating nicki minaaj's vile poisonous fuckass? the fuck, I'm all for pop rap, I'm the dude who pushes blackace to make poppy mixes more than anyone else afterall, but nicki is a fucking cancer and should be eradicated.
Oh and flex might be an obnoxious fuck, but he'll always get a tiny bit of respect from me for being one of the first big DJ's to come out early and say "fuck R Kelly, I don't play music from pedophiles".
Major debut by a beloved underground artist is not getting much love on Hip Hop GAF? I'm shocked, SHOCKED.
Haven't heard it yet (like I said, not gonna pay 22€ for a freaking album) but I really hope you guys are 'wrong' (meaning I'll like it)
it has nothing to do with a major label at all, it has to do with the album treading water musically.
smh again especially when people are praising Curren$y's big major label project all over the thread
LFTU is my AOTY so far, surprised to see not many people enjoying it as much as I am. southern thing i guess
I don't see how he came to the conclusion it's a southern thing..tbh..Sounds like an overexposure thing actually.
I didn't know what you were talking about at first. Downloading now.
Even though it's not his best, I hope you all are still supporting the homie. I just wish Seattle's weather wasn't so stereotypical...
LFTU is a good album but he spoiled us with his 3 previous mixtapes.
Def Jam should have payed for some samples. KRIT doesn't have any song on the album as good as Hometown Hero from KRIT WUZ HERE.