fuckin' rap cars, man
in my old apartment, i had just pulled a double shift and was tired as fuck, it was like 7am when i got off and no more than an hour later, this motherfucker on the top floor of the garage - shit was like right outside my window - starts blasting some awful daddy yaknee reaggeton bullshit like he's still at the club or something. i could hear it in my skull.
I go out to the garage in my boxers, all pissed like im bout to do shit, but on the way to the car, im thinking - the fuck is my plan? if i pull a dennis leary and reach in there and turn that shit off, he might clock me with the door, cause im thinking i'd do that shit if someone pulled that move. am i just gonna knock on his window and say hey turn that shit down? punk out and say ive got a baby sleeping or some bullshit?
i guess i was figuring it out and looked pensive or something cause i go to his car and he rolls down his window and says "sorry" before i can even get to it.
"yeah, alright" << i think it was like the softest exchange of all time, really makes you think "hey i guess i live in a nicer neighborhood now"
fuckin' rap cars, man
in my old apartment, i had just pulled a double shift and was tired as fuck, it was like 7am when i got off and no more than an hour later, this motherfucker on the top floor of the garage - shit was like right outside my window - starts blasting some awful daddy yaknee reaggeton bullshit like he's still at the club or something. i could hear it in my skull.
I go out to the garage in my boxers, all pissed like im bout to do shit, but on the way to the car, im thinking - the fuck is my plan? if i pull a dennis leary and reach in there and turn that shit off, he might clock me with the door, cause im thinking i'd do that shit if someone pulled that move. am i just gonna knock on his window and say hey turn that shit down? punk out and say ive got a baby sleeping or some bullshit?
i guess i was figuring it out and looked pensive or something cause i go to his car and he rolls down his window and says "sorry" before i can even get to it.
"yeah, alright" << i think it was like the softest exchange of all time, really makes you think "hey i guess i live in a nicer neighborhood now"
About to pass out but wanted to flip a weeknd track real quick:
Quick dirty and loose.
Holy fuck, GAF-Hop. Smoked a mean bowl and I decided to start playing Amnesia. Fuck, was that a bad decision. Only made it like 10 minutes in.
Going to listen to Nujabes and try to sleep now.
Not feeling that new Lupe, that song doesn't know what it wants to be.
Also, been listening to Control System lately. Some good songs on there, but I can't shake that it's pretty much Lasers with better beats, that tinfoil hat rap. Terrorist Threats is definitely the best cut on there too.
Yup. Pretty sure I'm the only dude with chest hair who can rock to it.
i believe that was all Des' call in the jazz thread which ive been meaning to bump. still wanna get that thing one day.
Holy fuck, GAF-Hop. Smoked a mean bowl and I decided to start playing Amnesia. Fuck, was that a bad decision. Only made it like 10 minutes in.
Going to listen to Nujabes and try to sleep now.
I went there after the diz debacle. they are patheticI usually associate tin foil with UFOs and shit. I hear mainly coherent political gripes on Control System.
Is your meaning of tin foil rap any political rap? Would early Cube albums be tin foil? Is RAP Music? Now, Canibus, that's some tin-foil shit. After I watched that battle I wanted to go deeper (don't go here, I'm warning all of you know). Turns out, there is a shockingly active Canibus forum..... Canibus central. Lurking there is like watching some kind of tin foil covered misguided train barreling off the tracks into insanity. It's something. Don't go there. It's creepy as fuck. Canibus is a weird dude. There are pictures of him in fucking action movie poses, like base jumping and shit on the site banner. It's a very bad place.
I've heard that Dead Space is a whole nother' experience while blazed. But I've yet to try it for just this reason.
Jo what are your three favorites from the volume so far?
Also : )
Sell it to Juicy J.
Ha, he can probably get one using actual stems, for free but thanks though. I'mma take that as a compliment.
If it was outside I would've guessed Gathering of the Juggalos.siddx. is that a klan rally?
You can see my punk ass on the right if you squint real hard
Thats a lot of white people lol
Problem with going to concerts with friends of friends is they inevitably end up being dumbfucks who do something to screw things up. Such as dragging so much ass getting themselves ready to go that you end up way in the back of the concert.
I want Fraud's instrumentals from DZA's Rugby Thompson. All of them. So bad. The dude is showing game something fucking serious right now. Beleedat -Absolute next level shit.
DZA doesn't even begin to do them justice. Domo and Q rode so much better, with their small fts.
^That exquire track didn't do much for me, unfortunately.
SGP stealin his swag from lord infamous.
SGP stealin his swag from lord infamous.
I don't think he's that specific with the swag jacking. It's just "90s Memphis" but with worse lyrics.
I always wondered why I couldnt relate to that dude now I know why.
Gaf Hop has a lot of racists. we love them in fact.
hahahaI always wondered why I couldnt relate to that dude now I know why.
I agree and K.jack called it too a few months ago lolIt's grown on me but yea. Domo and Q DZA on his shit for real. Everyone always says Hodgy is OF's most improved but it's Domo IMO. His last tape sucked because of beat selection but he's been killing it. His verse on Rella is some just stupid shit, it's crazy. I love the way he comes in too.
As do I. I see no reason to not be optimistic really.
quiet you esc-nog
damn that shirt is pretty nice, a damn shame that it probably only comes in one size for skinny little people
also everyone in this thread, im not trying to puncture your perhaps wrongly inflated Nas balloons. im just saying cmon son 70$ for a Nas collectors edition album in 2012?
paying $70 for a nas ablum is the musical equivalent to paying an ugly girl to give you a mediocre blowjob.
a blowjob is still a blowjob
As guy with a huge fetish about collectors items. I want this.