I agree with Res. I came out of the theater feeling pretty meh about it. I need to watch Batman Begins again...but I think it might be the worst one of the three..
Begins really is a love or hate movie. Either your gripped by it's buildup or you fell asleep in the first hour.I agree with Res. I came out of the theater feeling pretty meh about it. I need to watch Batman Begins again...but I think it might be the worst one of the three..
Nailed it.TDKR has an incredible amount of plot holes, awkward pacing, cheesy sob story dialogue, and entirely too much filler. It is the worst of three.
Ironman 2 sucks though, and Don Cheadle is the worst component
Don't even know how to feel. It's like that one girl you were kinda seeing for like two months years ago hits you up out the blue. "Hey, im in your neighborhood, can i come over?" and all sorts of feelings, hitting you in the face. Do I respond? Does she still think about me? Will I get to hit? Will it be as good as I remember it? You let her up.
TDKR has an incredible amount of plot holes, awkward pacing, cheesy sob story dialogue, and entirely too much filler. It is the worst of three.
Ironman 2 sucks though, and Don Cheadle is the worst component
Yea I kind of vaguely remember this, maybe I should rewatch it...Begins really is a love or hate movie. Either your gripped by it's buildup or you fell asleep in the first hour.
Begins really is a love or hate movie. Either your gripped by it's buildup or you fell asleep in the first hour.
Did we watch the same movie? I think the numbers show otherwise (Hawkeye has the least time I believe), but coming out of the theatre it seemed like Thor was the least developed of all the characters in the movie.iron man 2 owns avengers. idk whose idea it was to make Thor the focus of that movie but they were a fucking idiot. movie was super underwhelming,in the same way that a super group always is.
the whole movie villain and story rely on the thor universe. which blows.Did we watch the same movie? I think the numbers show otherwise (Hawkeye has the least time I believe), but coming out of the theatre it seemed like Thor was the least developed of all the characters in the movie.
Did we watch the same movie? I think the numbers show otherwise (Hawkeye has the least time I believe), but coming out of the theatre it seemed like Thor was the least developed of all the characters in the movie.
the whole movie villain and story rely on the thor universe. which blows.
4srs.For the first half of the film, it is the greatest comic book movie out. It hits a wall shortly after he fully becomes The Goddamn Batman.
The story was Thor focused even if his character was the least developed. Shit, the only plot was Loki fucking shit up and sneering. My biggest problem was that Loki was a brilliant villain in Thor, but was a cackling, mustache twirling villain in Avengers.
dat buildup, and then you're just like ehhhhh. tdkr also had the best imagery of the series to me as well, although I found the movie to be a little.... 1% centric in a creepy way
Loki was the worst part about both movies for me.
TDKR was solid, but I definitely wasn't feeling it like TDK. Something was missing, and I don't feel like rewatching it the way I did TDK 3 times in the first month
The Amazing Spider-Man was boring, Spider-Man had no personality, the score was mediocre, they took his mask off too much, and mehhhhhhhhh @ all the action exceptthe fight in the school
Prometheus was beautiful but ultimately very flawed. Script and character issues errwhere.
The Avengers was very fun. The story was nothing special, but the character interaction, and ultimately the battle at the end were handled better than I thought they'd be. Whedon shut the haters up (maybe....probably not)
Rest of 2012 is might blow away these movies though. The Hobbit, Skyfall, Killing Them Softly, Django Unchained, and whatever else I'm forgetting.
plehboifuck all this comic shit, Birdman got something to say
The only one I can see beating TDKR for me is Djanjo. After QoS, I have no hype for a Bond film, and I am tired of Peter Jackson's version of Middle Earth.
Also, Cloud Atlas could be fucking incredible, or dog shit. The Wachowskis either hit a home run, or miss completely.
There's literally NO WAY Skyfall can be worse that QoS. Not possible. Roger freakin' Deakins on cinematography ensures that, alone. Haven't watched anything from Cloud Atlas as a 6 minute trailer is way too much IMO, but we'll see.
There's also Lawless (John Hillcoat), The Master (Paul Thomas Anderson), Looper (Rian Johnson), Argo (Ben Affleck), Seven Psychopaths (Martin McDonagh), and Lincoln (Spielberg, DANIEL DAY LEWIS) that have the potential to be great.
Maybe even Flight if we get "Good Zemeckis" again.
Oh shit I forgot Django was this year. And didn't know Hobbit was this year.
Also, Taken 2. Liam Neeson <3
Oh shit I forgot Django was this year. And didn't know Hobbit was this year.
Also, Taken 2. Liam Neeson <3
There's literally NO WAY Skyfall can be worse that QoS. Not possible..
This is true, but if they transition it into a cheesy, no-sense made action series like Transporter but with Liam fucking Neeson, I ain't even mad.I love Neeson, but Taken 2 has to be one of the most unnecessary sequels of all times.
the correct grammer is tooken, asshole.
And my friend just linked me to a picture The Hangover posted on facebook teasing Hangover 3 next summer... Yeah I'm done here.
QoS is one of the worst movies ive ever seen. I literally tried to watch it like 3 times and my brain kept like shutting off at some point every time. I just dont think my subconscious cares about the outcome of the movie. Like my own mind is telling me "this is just shit, theyre saying some shit about oil but who cares. God even the car scenes are boring".
Also Birdman is a nice guy, imat him taking a pic with them junior high kids![]()
also taken 2 is necesary. any opportunity to watch liam neeson torture someones balls with a switch breaker is necessary. pause
well yeah i remember wanting to check her oil levels with my dipstick but the rest of the movie might as well have been pictures of daniel craig and her and then intermittent flashes of the world IRRELEVANT in giant red text.
The bond girl in QoS was the saving grace of the film
slightly nsfw
that is all
The action scenes were really dope. I saw a certain tweest coming thowhen dude thought bane was a child, real g's knew Ras's child was a chick.
Tom Hardy did a great job as Bane. I thought he wouldnt be a patch on the Joker but he certainly came close. Although I thought his body language was a little awkward (always putting hands on his coat/collar in a really unnatural looking way), he definitely did the role justice.
iron man 2 owns avengers.