i mean yeah that gucci/jeezy shit is personal, it's more ether like no doubt
but kendrick just goin in on dudes and remdindin em that MCs are supposed to be hungry and go after shit once in a while - instead of twitter-beefing then makeup tours and shit - i mean even if i wasnt a fan of dude i'd be happy seeing that
i mean i like drake, but com going in on him for like half a day was almost refreshing. having so many MC's scared to say shit and lose a following out of some weird fear they'll get ja rule'd, so they just never say shit about anyone until someone else does first... i dunno, in my mind it's like that line about newjack boxers worried about their "legacy"...no one gives a fuck that you stayed nearly undefeated by taking on chumps and trying to maximize your purse, you wanna see a fighter take on the baddest dudes alive in their era, whether they win or lose., otherwise shit just ends up feeling hollow at times