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GAF-Hop |OT8| Let Blackace Down

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I feel for Esch. No one is going to ever forget you liking MCHG. When you die I imagine someone will carve "He enjoyed MCHG" on your grave.
Internet nerds, myself included, get worked up over stupid bullshit all the time. They get mad, they carry on and complain, they assign things low scores, write paragraphs and paragraphs about how harmful or corrupt or immoral something is, but eventually they all roll over and let go of it. And choose to carry on about something else. I suppose its the blatant commercialism that makes the rap intelligentsia so salty about MCHG, but they ll get over it.

Its good for them to get it off their chest


I thought MCHG was cool, those beats knocked. I wouldn't put the album in my list at all, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.
So since Trap Lord was going to be a mixtape instead of an album presumably because Rocky (and Yams) regrets not selling Live.Love, is this going to be a trend for the rest of the mob to forgo the traditional mixtape and go for the full album first? It seems like its almost a double edged sword because a lot of rappers do put out very good (if not their best) material on their first project but need to give it out for free to build a fan base. And asking people to buy your shit cold turkey seems daunting and I'm sure there's a lot of hesistation and people sleeping on you because it's not free. Have trap lord sales numbers came back? Is this a viable strategy? Would this work for someone not in a "crew"?


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I thought MCHG was cool, those beats knocked. I wouldn't put the album in my list at all, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.

Reasonable. It's an ok record. I can't remember shit about it after I listen to it, but I'm not hating it while it plays.

It's bottom 3 of Jay's shit though. If anybody else had made it, nobody would even remember that shit right now. -


So since Trap Lord was going to be a mixtape instead of an album presumably because Rocky (and Yams) regrets not selling Live.Love, is this going to be a trend for the rest of the mob to forgo the traditional mixtape and go for the full album first? It seems like its almost a double edged sword because a lot of rappers do put out very good (if not their best) material on their first project but need to give it out for free to build a fan base. And asking people to buy your shit cold turkey seems daunting and I'm sure there's a lot of hesistation and people sleeping on you because it's not free. Have trap lord sales numbers came back? Is this a viable strategy? Would this work for someone not in a "crew"?

If you're Ferg and you don't have a Rocky, you need to put out mixtapes first
I have no problem paying some money for someone's first project. Just release a stream of the album or something. If I'm being honest though, I wish there was a way these artist would let me pay for their first projects. Especially since it's rare for the first commercial album to be better than the mixtape they released before it.

Edit: I mean outside of Bandcamp. I'm not exactly sure how Bandcamp is legal when I've came across many things on there with samples in stuff. Anyone who knows how it works, please fill me in?


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
It's a really good song, but it's not the smash single that will make people accept Q instead of tossing him away as another rapper.

It is a super radio friendly song like Swimming Pools
It is not like most mainstream hip-hop at the moment...


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Collard Greens has been on every party playlist I've made since it was released, I always get at least 2 friends coming up and asking me about it.

That shit would do better if Q acted/looked younger, didn't have a daughter and could be sold with a smidgen of sex appeal.

basically be K.Dot
Collard Greens will do fine on the radio. It will just take sometime for most places to catch onto it. Plus, they aren't really pushing Q like that yet.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Collard Greens has been on every party playlist I've made since it was released, I always get at least 2 friends coming up and asking me about it.

That shit would do better if Q acted/looked younger, didn't have a daughter and could be sold with a smidgen of sex appeal.

basically be K.Dot

Him having a daughter has nothing to do with marketability...

And K-dot does look younger and bit like Will Smith but both are the age and both act about their

Schoolboy's topics tend to be younger

But I don't think K-dot is overly more marketable than schoolboy


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Him having a daughter has nothing to do with marketability...

And K-dot does look younger and bit like Will Smith but both are the age and both act about their

Schoolboy's topics tend to be younger

But I don't think K-dot is overly more marketable than schoolboy

Well....I mean, Q is my boy, but he's a balding, homeless bearded fat dude. KDot got that groupie love. Q...Q has bucket hats.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.



2 pages later let's get into this

MCHG really wasnt that bad, god damn.

compared to what, current stuff or jay's heights/capability though

Only one classic rap album in the past 2 years.


...i like it, way more than MBTDF and a lotta shit but it's nowhere near there

GKMC before that was MBDTF.

nothing about MBDTF was classic, seriously. i just got done saying i really liked yeezus but that doesn't magically push past its many faults, same goes here

Control System.


Shit dude, I totally forgot that Wale dropped an album. Jeez.

don't feel bad, so did everyone else

GKMC and XXX are the only classics in the past few years...Though albums like In Search of Stoney Jackson and Death is Silent definitely deserve nods.

i wish i loved XXX like some of ya'll, but i like these noms at least

GKMC is the last album I considered classic in a long ass time. Like, over 5 years I feel. Lol.

that's not a bad thing though, to me you shouldn't be eager to hand out that status, kinda takes away from its meaning
i do agree that you should let time pass before claiming it though, aint no hurry to make a freshly-dead pope a saint neither...damn i hate talkin to moms and thinkin of irish catholic analogies n shit

You have terrible taste lol. No sane human being can say yeezus is better than MCHG. I waited 3 years for shit.

<< this guy
this guy right here says it all day

This, though I feel like Pilot Talk and Covert Coup are classic.

ehh...they're great albums by me, again when i revisit em a bit down the road i might agree, not sure from here

Most Ye lyrics are bad

there was never a point when this wasn't true.
even the biggest ye stan should be comfortable admitting this, perhaps with the "corny metaphors are part of his charm" caveat
to me if you go past that line in stannery (the inability to accept/admit this) you're that dude on twitter when #BadLilWayneMetaphors trends writing "YALL JUST DONT GET HIM CAUSE HE TOO DEEP"

Some combination of 'really great album' with 'can go back and revisit in a year and continue to do so'

this is definitely part of my criteria

Gotta have like a max 8:2 Good to bad ratio.

i'm totally with ace on even the best having a weak track or two but yeah, no matter how high the highs the lows must be relatively infrequent

There are two types of classic albums: classic albums, and personal classic albums. We seem to be talking about actual classic albums right now.

An album being really good doesn't make it a classic. You have to look at its impact, which is why I'm hesitant to call anything released super recently a "classic." The Blueprint had an undeniable impact on hip hop for instance. Yes, me and 36 Chambers will never stop pointing out that RZA birthed the soul sample style, but Kanye/Just Blaze popularized it.

likewise i co-sign a lotta this, but i'm hesitant to put influence as part of the criteria like ya'll do. some of the best classics we herald didn't really change shit for whatever scene was popular at the time, and likewise, there's albums with the right sound at the right time that i don't think any of ya'll would call "classic" but they blew up and influenced a sound for a while regardless.

it's great when the two coincide - you could argue Criminology and others here - but they don't have to. to cross mediums, everyone goes on about Citizen Kane's cinematography, but overall top 25 greatest films (meaning storytelling, acting and all other criteria you'd expect from such a list) i don't think that alone would carry it. this argument opens the door to anything from a certain well-timed & produced crunk album to some Black Eyed Peas shit if you tow the line far enough

Theming your album about being butthurt about being dumped by a video ho qualifies as some good introspection now

Damn, no 36 chambers but sometimes I smh at being a 90s babby

hahaha, yeah
again anytime im told "you gotta be in a bad breakup to really feel it" i mean...okay? so we gotta tag on situationals now? i known a lotta white dudes that loved that let the bodies hit the floor type shit when they were in basic, that doesn't mean i need to be hearing that junk when we're at the drive through at BK tho

Cudi has no classics. Zero. None.

preach, until the masses hear you

Then Hip-hop hasn't had a classic yet

Nor has most veins of music since the 8-track

seriously, this applies to the golden calf that is the beatles too

GameCube Maad City.

...goddammit maccas


Q has always been K.dot with Nicki Minaj sauce on a 50 cent bun, but if I was gonna pigeonhole him swag raps sounds about right.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Yeah because big dudes are totally unmarketable in Hip-hop

Not as marketable, not by a long shot. Dude will buy records of hot chicks with no talent. Women will buy records from dudes with abs.

This is known.

Biggie, Fat Joe, Ross sold. Pac sold more, TI sold more, 50 sold more.

Pun may be your favorite rappers rapper, but he didn't sell shit.


Breh you paid money for Gamepass in 2013 instead of getting it free. I can't trust your decisions/opinions.

I think you are confused. I bought the $100 Madden with the Sunday Ticket. And I am leaning towards not even opening it until I try the VPN method for gamepass (which isn't available in the US as far as I know) or the chrome extension gutshot posted about.

Either way all I know is that MCHG downloaded for free while I was waiting for my flight home from Athens. It helped me pass time while Yeezus kept making me check my watch (minus Blood on the Leaves and even that song Ye tries his best to ruin by the end).


Irish you read the thread all day on a mobile and stay pressing that little plus sign till you have the time to respond don't you, my ninja?


Irish you read the thread all day on a mobile and stay pressing that little plus sign till you have the time to respond don't you, my ninja?

Lol I'm sayingggggggggg. Homies lists of replies are stupid deep. I'm scrolling for days in this bitch. Haha. That ain't no disrespect either, I really enjoy dudes posts. I just thought that randomly when I saw his post on this page. I'm like yooooo. My mans needs a trophy STATTT.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Not as marketable, not by a long shot. Dude will buy records of hot chicks with no talent. Women will buy records from dudes with abs.

This is known.

Biggie, Fat Joe, Ross sold. Pac sold more, TI sold more, 50 sold more.

Pun may be your favorite rappers rapper, but he didn't sell shit.

Kendrick isn't anywhere near Pac or TI


No PD, but Kendrick is an ugly guy. Not G Rap ugly, but definitely Jay ugly or worse. He looks and talks like some rare Australian marsupial


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I mean he's got more substance and introspective tracks than your average swag rapper, but at the end of the day that's how I'd classify him. Most of his songs tend to fall in that lane.

Really? Most his songs are like Bird Walk or Stanky Leg?


Nah. Kendrick isn't Jay ugly at all. He's got a black bilbo baggins look to him, but dude's definitely not jay ugly. Ab-soul, on the other hand, is a tier past Jay ugly.
No PD, but Kendrick is an ugly guy. Not G Rap ugly, but definitely Jay ugly or worse. He looks and talks like some rare Australian marsupial

Jay Pharoah called him a Keebler Elf and I can't get that out of my head. Every time I'm listening to a Kendrick track and he starts doing his higher pitched voices, I'm just shaking my head and dying

and dresses like an african substitute teacher.



if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Well see I feel bad because homie got a lazy eye. That ain't his fault. Chamillionaire looks like he's concentrating all the time.

Biggie looked like the bastard child of Shrek and a bag of BBQ coals
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