Mr. Swag dancing on that razor's edge. Soon he'll be eating ass Cudder style and corrupting the youths.
is this intentional? I honestly cannot tell.Yeah, when I first listened to blue chips 2 I was actually streaming it from livemixtapes so I was like wtf they have ads at the end of every song now?!
is this intentional? I honestly cannot tell.
I have an Applebee's commercial at the end of It Concerns Me...
What trailer, I don't know shit about sports. But if it fits that's cool.
Em interview.
- Doesn't think lyricism has gone away in hip-hop because of artists like Drake and Wayne
- Did Love Game with Kendrick a week before Control came out
That lil kim thread is tragic
downright nightmare fuel.
Lil Kim stepping up her Michael Jackson game. Just needs to molest some children and it will be like he never died!
The only thing he touched was their hearts.
Through which side?with his penis.
Listening to yeezus was like having Kim Kardasian rub her disease infested ray j stained beef curtain hamburger meat caustic acid vagina on my ears until they melted away to cartilage.
Big Sean had one good song on the entire album, and I forgot what every single song sounded like on the pusha album three seconds after it was over.
Workmaccas why did you let these scrubs have their own Em OT when you claimed it dude
what happened
Meh, sometimes you gotta go in. Ive seen monsieur swagless talk out of the side of his mouth about his parents a couple times in various places of the ot and thought he needed a good roasting. You can talk grimey about anyone in the world except your parents unless they do some truly terrible shit to you. Your mother carried you around for 9 months and probably shat herself giving birth to you so you should shut the fuck up and take care of her whenever you can, is what im saying here I guessYou guys didn't hold back on Swag, Christ. You gotta be there for your mom though. I have my mom needing surgery again pretty soon. Can't imagine not being there.
Take it easy man.
To add to the embarrassment, dude is asking neogaf how to date a girl. Unless you are 14 or a lifelong virgin you shouldn't be needing to ask gaf how to fucking date. I remember when that girl-age advice thread first started years ago I jumped in giving advice and then quickly realized 1. I was wasting my time, most of those dudes don't want advice, they want to whine about how girls never like nice guys. And 2. I looked just as stupid sitting in a thread trying to talk like an expert about girls. Nobody is a fucking expert at girls. Girls aren't experts on girls. You just go with the flow, not make a fucking gameplan and try to execute the perfect strategy.
To add to the embarrassment, dude is asking neogaf how to date a girl. Unless you are 14 or a lifelong virgin you shouldn't be needing to ask gaf how to fucking date. I remember when that girl-age advice thread first started years ago I jumped in giving advice and then quickly realized 1. I was wasting my time, most of those dudes don't want advice, they want to whine about how girls never like nice guys. And 2. I looked just as stupid sitting in a thread trying to talk like an expert about girls. Nobody is a fucking expert at girls. Girls aren't experts on girls. You just go with the flow, not make a fucking gameplan and try to execute the perfect strategy.
To add to the embarrassment, dude is asking neogaf how to date a girl. Unless you are 14 or a lifelong virgin you shouldn't be needing to ask gaf how to fucking date. I remember when that girl-age advice thread first started years ago I jumped in giving advice and then quickly realized 1. I was wasting my time, most of those dudes don't want advice, they want to whine about how girls never like nice guys. And 2. I looked just as stupid sitting in a thread trying to talk like an expert about girls. Nobody is a fucking expert at girls. Girls aren't experts on girls. You just go with the flow, not make a fucking gameplan and try to execute the perfect strategy.
Ab-soul did good on Bronson's tape. Maybe its just the Pharcyde nostalgia getting to me...
To add to the embarrassment, dude is asking neogaf how to date a girl. Unless you are 14 or a lifelong virgin you shouldn't be needing to ask gaf how to fucking date. I remember when that girl-age advice thread first started years ago I jumped in giving advice and then quickly realized 1. I was wasting my time, most of those dudes don't want advice, they want to whine about how girls never like nice guys. And 2. I looked just as stupid sitting in a thread trying to talk like an expert about girls. Nobody is a fucking expert at girls. Girls aren't experts on girls. You just go with the flow, not make a fucking gameplan and try to execute the perfect strategy.
Mr Swag it's really easy.
Bitches love that 50 Shades of Gray shit and that's basically torture porn. Grab that neck when you're fucking her and go for the booty hole early and hard.
Also when its time play the album Ambition by WaleMr Swag it's really easy.
In this order:
1. Make her laugh
2. Find a center within her and slowly chew it up. FIgure out her deepest insecurities and start dropping them into casual conversation, but in a way that she doesn't feel like you're talking about her. Take the things she hates about herself, and point them out to her on other people and explain how nasty it is. If she asks if you think she has the same characteristics, so "oh honey no". This will break her down and she'll be working for your approval a lot harder than she would have otherwise. Is it wrong? Maybe. But it still makes her a better person for improving her flaws, and it gives you the pull in the relationship.
3. No matter what she says, she's a freak. If she says she doesn't like being choked while you fuck her, she's either being coy, or just doesn't know she likes it yet. Bitches love that 50 Shades of Gray shit and that's basically torture porn. Grab that neck when you're fucking her and go for the booty hole early and hard.
As MJG would say, break that ho down to her very last compound.
Anything relating to relationships is probably the most annoying thing about the OT.
Mr Swag it's really easy.
In this order:
1. Make her laugh
2. Find a center within her and slowly chew it up. FIgure out her deepest insecurities and start dropping them into casual conversation, but in a way that she doesn't feel like you're talking about her. Take the things she hates about herself, and point them out to her on other people and explain how nasty it is. If she asks if you think she has the same characteristics, so "oh honey no". This will break her down and she'll be working for your approval a lot harder than she would have otherwise. Is it wrong? Maybe. But it still makes her a better person for improving her flaws, and it gives you the pull in the relationship.
3. No matter what she says, she's a freak. If she says she doesn't like being choked while you fuck her, she's either being coy, or just doesn't know she likes it yet. Bitches love that 50 Shades of Gray shit and that's basically torture porn. Grab that neck when you're fucking her and go for the booty hole early and hard.
As MJG would say, break that ho down to her very last compound.
Uh, yeah. Last chick I was with told me she was reading this: she was a fucking playground.
In fact, I'd suggest this book is required mentioning to any chick you're interested in fucking.