Stole it from the Grammy thread, Shit is hilarious.
Idk. I feel bad for Kendrick, but I'm kind of over it. Not shocked. Still mad that Rap isn't recognized, even though it's almost to be expected, again.
Also, Tinashe is so fine. Damn near had a heart attack last night.
She showed up at the Hemsworth concert and performed 2 tracks. It was a nice surprise.Tinashe is magnificent. What did she have going on last night?
Why? The Grammys are determined by middle aged white people. There has been a long lasting bias against the genre, and you can tell many of those who vote don't respect hip hop as a genre of music. It's not surprising that white artists win whenever they're nominated - the voters identify with them more. It's the same thing you see when people complain about "all" rap being gangsta street shit they can't relate to, "except for Eminem who talks about things outside of drugs and guns."
Reminds me of white people who don't like The Wire because of its humanizing portrayal of drug dealers...yet they love Breaking Bad and The Sopranos.
The-Dream is not impressed.Stole it from the Grammy thread, Shit is hilarious.
Hey guys. Tonight's battles were amazing as shit. I'm gonna replay B-Magic vs. Daylyt which i missed... And Loaded Lux vs. Hollow da Don. I'll start playing them in about 20 mins. Feel free to come in and play music till then.
Hollow Da Don vs. Okwerdzyou guys always have the best gifs for your plug dj things... wheres this one come from?
Hollow Da Don vs. Okwerdz
Also contains another godlike rebuttal. Lux should've known not to get at Hollow for sipping lean after when Ok tried it.
Lol still nothing from neon icon has leaked is this album even coming out.
you guys always have the best gifs for your plug dj things... wheres this one come from?
Has Blu put out anything new recently? Or is he still cool being homeless or whatever? Blu put out anything new recently? Or is he still cool being homeless or whatever?
Really? Damn. I think deluxe of Oxy is like 10 dollars on iTunes. 16 is crazy.Can't believe TDE is out here charging 16 dollars for an Isaiah Rashad album.
Even they won't buy it considering the "album" doesn't have TDE features (outside of a remix). You would think that they'd spend time introducing him to fans, put him on tour with someone, get him on some remixes, etc.Might as well charge 1999 prices for it. Nobody is buying Isaiah Rashads music except the most devout TDE stanleys.
For those that care:
For those that care:
For those that care:
Kanye looks way too happy. Clearly fake.why would I think that picture is photoshopped?....
;/ only Vin Diesel can get that role fam.Kanye to play Kratos in the GoW movie
Dead at KTT's response to Cilvia
"What if this album never leaks because no one wants to buy it"
tried looking for a link, stopped 30 seconds later when I came up empty. not putting in that much work for Isaiah Rashad fam
Isaiah Rashad > Kendrick Lamar
Don't do drugs.
I don't man, I'm a zen monk.
Oh yeah?