lol KillaKharisma is the dude from that Super Saiyan video
"Ash must be gay because he never fucked Misty"
Who needs girls when you got that anime pu$$y.
spindashing EXPOSED
spindashing EXPOSED
i know im not the only one who saw that FIFA 13 commercial with A$AP. And yall think this guy isnt gonna sell like that, lol
A$AP looks like dude who would sell out everywhere. Pretty sure he's done shit for Adidas and stuff already too.i know im not the only one who saw that FIFA 13 commercial with A$AP. And yall think this guy isnt gonna sell like that, lol
First off, its FIFA. Second, that doesnt mean a god damn thing.
afaik FIFA is the biggest sports game right now.
i didnt notice him in it though, i also wasnt looking for him either.
In the world, yes. In america, no. And when talking about artist sales, im strictly talking about USA.
You mean you weren't factoring in the lucrative Icelandic sales? Typical jingoistic 'Murican.
Begging for LS2 is begging for disappointment.
has spin-chan seen anime pussy yet? might have to hit up his FB
oh man, lupe fans are like 5th level dans when it comes to disappointment too so im taking this to heart
I only speak out of experience. I lived through LASERS. I just dont want to see the same thing happen to y'all.
alright, finally listening to the iTunes version of Cruel Summer.
someone on KTT found the To The World beat on this tape : from 2011 (track 9)
CS seems like the most lazily put together album lol. The Bliss beat is a HudMo track from 2009, Creepers is an old Cudi song, IDL is a remix..
It's grown on me a little but it could have been so much better.
Especially with all the talk about them being in London all working together, going back and forward with verses and stuff. I wonder what the fuck happened to that album it's just weird.I actually liked Cruel Summer, but it seems such a lazy project. I wonder why actually.
Didn't know where to post this but the Wu heads might like it, my brother remixed GZA's Labels, wanted to know what you guys think:
Labels (Remix)
I think all the songs are remastered from the disc-release, but the .1 only applies to singles that have been released before and touched up. For instance, To The World has been noticeably tweaked and had Ye's entire verse re-recorded, but there's no .1 after it.I posted this in the GOOD Music: Cruel Summer Official thread but think someone in here might have an answer.
So the .1 means that Kanye did some touches to the songs. But I heard that Sin City was remastered also but it does not have a .1 next to it. So the retail version doesn't have the remastering. The only remastering is the iTunes version, correct?
Am I late on this?
Muddy Waters 2 News?
I always got ASAP Rocky confused with Aesop Rock.
Now I get Chief Keef and Waka Flocka confused.
i like the boom-bap of the beat, but there's bits here & there where GZA kinda falls off - nothing dramatic but its mildly jarring. he obviously worked to get the punchline deliveries on point, though. nice work.
Y'all thought MLP was weird. But this just broke "wtf scale". I can't even watch the vid cuz the thumbnail for it is just strait nfsw level of "wtf".
kanye has another sextape...
dare i make another thread? the first was legendary.
kanye off them grandpas
Oooh my god. Just been listening to Six Feet Over and Motivation by cocaine80s nonstop. I can't believe I've been dark on them for a while. Dat N.O. ID production, so good.
How many mixtapes have they done?
What are their best mixtapes?
So we can all assume Roscoe Dash is selling these tapes right?
Am I late on this?
Muddy Waters 2 News?
Just listened to 808's and Heartbreak...again...Definitely Ye's best work. The vibe it gives off...fucking chills man. Smoke one and let it go, trust me.
^its like you guys never listened MBDTF
...MBDTF is one of musics biggest disappointments for me. Right up there with LASERS.
^its like you guys never listened MBDTF
I honestly don't know how you rate that album as highly as you do....
Take that back