some hipsters it looks like
nah those look like native nyers to me brah brah ever seen Kids? looks more like that
some hipsters it looks like
I am ambivalent on that Ye verse. I mean, its not like the song is something he should go fully INNN on and spit some fire like he did on Sanctified.
It fits what Future was going for on the song.
nah those look like native nyers to me brah brah ever seen Kids? looks more like that
The hipsterS won NYC from a fashion standpoint a few years ago. everybody with a job here is a hipster by default because that's the clothes being sold by retailers.
The song itself is trash.
RATKING are so dope, coldvein should check out the new NoCando
Speaking to Zane Lowe during a recent trip to the U.K., Nas describes the socioeconomic climate in New York City when he recorded Illmatic, and the time he lost his rhymebook on the train, got it back, then lost it again. He also speaks on working with DJ Premier, Q-Tip, Pete Rock and Large Professor on the album, the inspiration behind One Love, flying the Fugees out for the If I Ruled The World video and much more.
First was trash. Second is looking to be trash as well.Have tickets to the spiderman 2 premiere on Friday. Was number 1 any good? Not sure if it's worth going to or not
Have tickets to the spiderman 2 premiere on Friday. Was number 1 any good? Not sure if it's worth going to or not
Have tickets to the spiderman 2 premiere on Friday. Was number 1 any good? Not sure if it's worth going to or not
Number 1 was bad. I can't even remember one scene that was particularly good.Have tickets to the spiderman 2 premiere on Friday. Was number 1 any good? Not sure if it's worth going to or not
The only things good about the first was that they seemed to have achieved the best costume yet and Spiderman's humour is much better than it was in the past.Have tickets to the spiderman 2 premiere on Friday. Was number 1 any good? Not sure if it's worth going to or not
Yeah, I meant mid-credits.
To bring this back to rap, this Ratking is definitely top 5 of the year so far. Need to listen to it more to see where exactly. High energy and a fresh sound. These dudes are spitting too. Haven't listened to any of their previous stuff, honestly.
I believe you Toku. Listening to it later.Lost in this SZA release right now.
Yeesh.weird, im just listening to the entire blink 182 discography. might be in the wrong thread.
That's what makes you man. Weird ass shit in succession before disappearing for a month.i try to dig myself a deeper hole every time i come in here.
i know bro, i know
im too white