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GAF-Hop |OTX| Long Live the Watcher

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for So Cal GAF, Origami Vinyl is hosting a party at Ace Hotel tonight starting around 9 PM. Gaslamp Killer is going to be playing vinyl. Free admission if you show up.

Probably won't be there myself barring a miracle, but it should be good times good vibes.

edit: Ace is usually 21+ for events FYI

big ander

for So Cal GAF, Origami Vinyl is hosting a party at Ace Hotel tonight starting around 9 PM. Gaslamp Killer is going to be playing vinyl. Free admission if you show up.

Probably won't be there myself barring a miracle, but it should be good times good vibes.

edit: Ace is usually 21+ for events FYI

damn this sounds really cool but I'm homebound rn. although even if I weren't I might choose the 35mm screening of Do the Right Thing at LACMA or the Demy retro at the Aero

What record stores are good in LA? I've only been to Amoeba, wanna check more out (even tho I'm broke and don't even have my music set up out here, always feel like browsing)
damn this sounds really cool but I'm homebound rn. although even if I weren't I might choose the 35mm screening of Do the Right Thing at LACMA or the Demy retro at the Aero

What record stores are good in LA? I've only been to Amoeba, wanna check more out (even tho I'm broke and don't even have my music set up out here, always feel like browsing)

Amoeba is the GOAT, but Origami is great, Atomic in Burbank is solid, and Mono in Silverlake/Echo Park is also pretty dope. Keep an eye out for popup shops, lot of vinyl moving around when labels host them.

big ander

Amoeba is the GOAT, but Origami is great, Atomic in Burbank is solid, and Mono in Silverlake/Echo Park is also pretty dope. Keep an eye out for popup shops, lot of vinyl moving around when labels host them.

Cool, I'll look into those three. Permanent too, forgot I've been meaning to go there mainly for the chicago connection.
Cole discussing why he doesn't saturate the market, and postulates on reality tv

Cole and Kendrick seem like the only major rap artists with this view, yet the outcomes are so drastically different. I rarely hear Cole say something about music or the "process" that I don't agree with. You can tell he loves music, he loves hip hop, and he isn't concerned about charts or who is saying what. Yet...these last two albums haven't been noteworthy. I don't think Sideline Story or Born Sinner are "bad" albums by any means, both have many songs I fux with. But overall as projects they just don't do it for me. Worse yet Cole often sounds generic to me. Like he's so focused on meeting the high standards of great artists that he forgets to tell us who he is with much depth.

In short, I can almost hear Cole thinking "I need an intro song that punches you in the mouth right out the gate like a Hov intro; I need a storytelling track that's like this Nas song; etc." I don't hear him progressing as an artist, whereas I look at other rapper/producers like Black Milk or Oddisee who are making huge jumps on every level artistically.

Whereas Kendrick seems to have not only a genuinely impressive knack for self consciousness and introspection, but also that "watcher" mentality that a world class writers within music or literature have - be it Dylan, Nas, Richard Wright, whoever; I'm not saying "Kendrick is as great as x" I'm just saying that he possesses a certain trait that most great writers have.

I kind of think that media is moving too fast for both of them ultimately, and the winner (in terms of success, not art) will continue to be the person who most captures this era and identifies with it - Drake. That being said, this is also an era where everyone can access your shit, once you release it, in an instance. When Cole and Kendrick are ready, everyone will be ready because they'll already be waiting on something from somewhere anyway.


J. Cole just needs to go do something interesting and potentially scary for a while. Like working as a medic in central africa. Dude is just a boring person. If he doesnt meet more people and do more things, he'll always be the supermarket roast chicken he is.
J. Cole just needs to go do something interesting and potentially scary for a while. Like working as a medic in central africa. Dude is just a boring person. If he doesnt meet more people and do more things, he'll always be the supermarket roast chicken he is.

Dunno if I agree with that. He grew up in a broken home, his father was gone, his mother was a drug addict. He worked hard, left the country bumpkins to head to NY for college, etc. There's an interesting story to be told here, and enough meat to create an interesting artist. Yet even on his mixtapes he didn't really delve deep into this stuff IMO, outside of simply as a line ("my pops wasn't there; my mom was on drugs"). I should probably re-listen to the mixtapes though, since my memory is hazy, but it's definitely true that the albums seem to be missing "Cole, the person."

I know he gets a lot of acclaim for Lights Please, it's the song that convinced Hov to sign him...but it always struck me as an emotionless, arrogant preachy track ("I was trying to kick knowledge but she distracted me, so now I'm lost"). Misogynist in that Black Girl Lost way, basically. And a lot of his music basically revolves around that shit IMO.


I can understand drinking shit beer but Bud Light Lime? Dude gotta be trolling, or he'll have Souljia Girl carved in his tombstone.
Man I'm as committed to beer snobbery as it gets, but I can't really hate on Bud Lite Lime for what it is. Same with Corona. Some shit you can grab and drink on the beach. In a buddies backyard. Playing board games.

It's not great, or really good, but I'm not gonna scoff if someone puts it out.


Moved out just over a month ago, yeah.
I don't live in the LA area, but me you and Pickles should go to a show and grab some beers (I'm freshly 21 so options).
both were dope imo
Count is a good person.
I can understand drinking shit beer but Bud Light Lime? Dude gotta be trolling, or he'll have Souljia Girl carved in his tombstone.
I remember bitching about bud light lime a few years back. A current tragedy is this dude on the outside of my group has created "mio light". Meaning putting mio into millers light. I refuse.

I'll try that summer brew I guess.


mio light lmfao. fuck out of here. who even thinks of that?

PD i get the sense that while the landmark events of cole's life look like a good story, the general day to day shit wasnt difficult/interesting enough to be compelling. i know too many people like that. thats probably why he doesnt delve into it as much.


I only fuck with Plats if we're talking about any Bud beer. Yuengling is probably the best American one I've tried, granted I'm not that into drinking.


I only fuck with Plats if we're talking about any Bud beer. Yuengling is probably the best American one I've tried, granted I'm not that into drinking.

If you haven't had a good craft brew you haven't started drinking beer yet.


Stolen from Pickles or Toku I believe, but thanks.


Holy shit I just discovered the song Braveheart Party! Only now finding out my version of Stillmatic is imcomplete. I was fixing some tags on my music since Amazon is shitty about how it handles songs with featured artists on them. Decided to use Wikipedia as a reference to make sure I wasn't screwing them up and noticed that my tracklist didn't match the one in the article.

This article says Mary J. Blige requested that the song be removed "for personal reasons" but it can't be a coincidence that the song is hot garbage. God, I can only imagine what that conversation must have been like when they decided to drop it.

I can't even think of another case where something like that happened. Downright shameful.

big ander

The worst of the bad cheap beers is Icehouse. gimme busch ice, keystone, natty, anything but icehouse.

I like PBR but I think that's mainly because bars near school would frequently have combo deals for a tall PBR and a shot of jack.
I don't live in the LA area, but me you and Pickles should go to a show and grab some beers (I'm freshly 21 so options).

definitely up for it.


tagged by Blackace
Just wanna cosign everything PD said about J. Cole on this page.

Really, I want to like the dude. Hey, I do like the dude, but his output doesn't seem to meet his potential and I definitely think it comes down to him being a bit boring. I mean sometimes it all comes together like on Breakdown, and we all know he can spit, but this is also why I think he never really got that proper Kanye cosign.

I had a conversation with my brother about him the other day. He's not really into hip-hop as he was when he was younger, but he tries to get whatever's hot from me because I'm into it. Anyways, a Cole song came on on the radio and he just said "J. Cole is kind of.. his album was not that great?" in a tone where it was one piece disappointment and another piece realization.

I'll still listen to everything dude puts out, which is more than I can say about most other artists that have emerged in the past few years, but he has had real trouble finding an identity beyond being alternative Drake. I remember texting my buddy to check out his tape because "he's like Drake but he's got better lyrics" but I'm not sure if that matters or is always the case.


Friday Night Lights is kind of under appreciated, very very solid album, that should of probably been his debut with maybe a few singles added in


i dunno, cole could shine like he grew up in a shrine in peru and still prolly sound boring somehow

Friday Night Lights is kind of under appreciated, very very solid album, that should of probably been his debut with maybe a few singles added in

also this - literally the last thing he did i found interesting



just wanted to put this out there since you & cast were commenting on my perpetual LTTP status: i take my time getting around to shit, but it does happen. im still working through a list of Kams' recommendations (Spice 1, Organized Konfusion etc) and keep links of your mixtape/etc write-ups as well des.

i realize i don't often post back to thank ya'll on the gems (and that's my bad) but i do appreciate this stuff fam. it's good to know there's always quality waiting to be discovered fam.
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