Working thirdsy u not in plug bruh?
I know what you're saying, but I appreciate the different approach. Can't really recreate the same thing the first had going for it. Raid 2 was great, it was a bit too long, story wasn't too bad, and the set pieces/choreography are fucking incredible. Biggest issue is it takes a bit to get going, so the first third was a bit slow.Good, but Toku was right, definitely fucking gratuitous. Also lacks the atmosphere of the first given the original's resolutely closed focus.
Working thirds
Fuck Ketchup, Mustard and Kraut, that is all.
Word, dry hotdogs are awesome. I like flat soda and cold mashed potatoes, too.
dabs are intense. all the rage in Vancouver. shits too much effort for me. i like my flower.
I kinda dislike the superdank coming out now days too. Crystal everywhere, puts you in an alternate reality for like 6 hours. Makes me feel like the 50 year olds who are like 'damn, i kinda miss the schwag we used to smoke after school'If that's the case, why grow good weed? Dabs are for people that have a high tolerance. Kurupt's lil bro learned that first hand.
It's just a higher percentage of THC per hit. I like dabs.
My buddy has this nifty vape pen for dabs that's so on point. Really easy to use and super discreet, gets you feeling good quick. Problem for me is finding a reliable dabs source so I just stick with my Flight Box.
Xiu Xiu's opening for them yea? I'd say they're more needledrop-y than pitchfork-y. Pitchfork-y would be safe indie rock with easily marketable image (real estate etc), xiu xiu are noisy and often aimless which antinny flotanto is a sucker for
It's all about having a grinder with a crystal catcher. Keep grinding up your bags. Then eventually you have enough crystals to fill a joint.
Smoke it and get lifted
Has there every been a Ike when one producer ruled the radio like this, with ten songs that virtually have the same melody? A lot are undeniably catchy but I can't help but think that other producers are shaking their heads at the sheer fuckery.
What's vaping like? I only smoke tobacco joints or bowls. Can't afford a vaporizer and never tried one either.or add it too your vape leavings and make some butter. bliss.
What's vaping like? I only smoke tobacco joints or bowls. Can't afford a vaporizer and never tried one either.
And you mean like edible butter?
I'm quitting cigarettes at the end of the summer, I'll have to quit smoking joints too because over here joints without tobacco are as rare as joints with tobacco in North America.
Probably pick up a vaporizer around then. Gonna bookmark this link for then, thanks for that.
Gaf really needs a weed thread
Yes. I avoid weed when things are unstable in my life. Same as everything really, moderation is key.
I'm quitting weed too. Waste of money and detracts focus from other more important things in life. I'll reintroduce it when things are more stable.
My buddy has this nifty vape pen for dabs that's so on point. Really easy to use and super discreet, gets you feeling good quick. Problem for me is finding a reliable dabs source so I just stick with my Flight Box.
No, good?
You talking about the magic flight lunch box?speaking of flight boxes, the other battery it came with seems to've stopped anyone know where to find replacements?
Report back.bout to take that shabazz splash. hope the waters nice.