I guess you could look at it like that, I think that's a pretty limited framework to base expectations off of though, especially considering what makes WoW and Borderlands special is much more than that.
Borderlands has a completely different feel, and I don't feel like it is necessarily superior. You see a lot of similar things in both games, as we obviously know it was the biggest influence for the game, such as the whole armor/shield/iforgetthelastone trinity being arc/void/solar in Destiny, but implemented completely differently. From the complaints I see, people have pretty much set it so that if it doesn't do something like Borderlands or Diablo does, it's shitty. I think the loot stream is pretty good (I haven't attempted any strikes thus far but I've randomly received a few awesome Warlock bands and stuff through regular play and quest rewards), and actually benefits from not being like Borderlands and stuffing your face with loot that you can't all have at once, on top of a bunch of stuff you don't want at all and waste time analyzing 10 parameters to see if it has some utility. Then again, I have been a heavy critic of the gun design from day 1. It doesn't inspire me, ESPECIALLY coming from Halo. It's the same few archetypes, and even the uniques look pretty bleh. Armor looks awesome though.
I think what fails to hold people's attention is the mission design you can sort of predict. Predicting the end of something takes away from what you get out of it at the end, and I think they leaned a bit too heavily on making them replayable than a spectacle. Doesn't bother me as much (I mean, if they add some variety, all people will say is "oh that's that carry that thing and protect it mission right there") but someone made a good point before about how levelling secondary characters is going to be fucking grueling. As a result, I think people are not given good enough reasons to care about the story.
I wouldn't say it's very rough, but the game has some clear weaknesses. It's a very good start, though, and I definitely believe in Bungie because they seem to be 300% on board with changing things for the better, and switching shit up often before they make you purchase Destiny 2.