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GAF-Hop |OTXI| Five Year Nation

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Go ahead show me a game that has done $500 Mil in 24 hours, go ahead.

btw this game is basically the Alpha Beta millions played, clearly if it was bad it wouldnt have sold like it did, remember many played this before released.

This game is the best new IP this gen period.

This post is gonna be hilarious when no one is playing it in 3 months.


This is a damn hip hop thread in the section that doesn't even involve gaming. Why the fuck would you think "Oh damn, these dudes are talking shit about Destiny, well I need to go defend this masterpiece in a FUCKING HIP HOP THREAD"?

We really don't give a shit and it's not really helping out gaming anyways (more companies will be forced to spend more money to develop games, which kinda kill publishers/developers)

So wait you can hide here trashing Destiny with the Hip Hop cloak and cant deal with somebody replying to that?, come on son.

Listen just because you who never played it dont have an appeal for it, doesnt mean the game is bad. Its preference but facts say
Its a success, it helps gaming, it is already an Iconic "Brand" in just 24 hours.


So wait you can hide here trashing Destiny with the Hip Hop cloak and cant deal with somebody replying to that?, come on son.

Listen just because you who never played it dont have an appeal for it, doesnt mean the game is bad. Its preference but facts say
Its a success, it helps gaming, it is already an Iconic "Brand" in just 24 hours.

If you actually read posts in this thread, you would see that I said that it's fun, it's just nothing special

Am I suppose to love it or some shit? Cause I'm not going to


tagged by Blackace
Why can't I expect Borderlands/WoW to a degree exactly? A huge portion of the game revolves around customizing your character, and most of the viable gear I get in order to do so come from vendors. I'm not saying it should be a fully fledged MMO, but have worthwhile loot, especially if I spend an hour or two trying to beat a Strike. There's no sense of accomplishment if all I get is some glimmer and XP. It's my biggest issue with the game, along with the limited exploration per planet and the inconsistent AI (like you said).
I guess you could look at it like that, I think that's a pretty limited framework to base expectations off of though, especially considering what makes WoW and Borderlands special is much more than that.

Borderlands has a completely different feel, and I don't feel like it is necessarily superior. You see a lot of similar things in both games, as we obviously know it was the biggest influence for the game, such as the whole armor/shield/iforgetthelastone trinity being arc/void/solar in Destiny, but implemented completely differently. From the complaints I see, people have pretty much set it so that if it doesn't do something like Borderlands or Diablo does, it's shitty. I think the loot stream is pretty good (I haven't attempted any strikes thus far but I've randomly received a few awesome Warlock bands and stuff through regular play and quest rewards), and actually benefits from not being like Borderlands and stuffing your face with loot that you can't all have at once, on top of a bunch of stuff you don't want at all and waste time analyzing 10 parameters to see if it has some utility. Then again, I have been a heavy critic of the gun design from day 1. It doesn't inspire me, ESPECIALLY coming from Halo. It's the same few archetypes, and even the uniques look pretty bleh. Armor looks awesome though.

I think what fails to hold people's attention is the mission design you can sort of predict. Predicting the end of something takes away from what you get out of it at the end, and I think they leaned a bit too heavily on making them replayable than a spectacle. Doesn't bother me as much (I mean, if they add some variety, all people will say is "oh that's that carry that thing and protect it mission right there") but someone made a good point before about how levelling secondary characters is going to be fucking grueling. As a result, I think people are not given good enough reasons to care about the story.

I wouldn't say it's very rough, but the game has some clear weaknesses. It's a very good start, though, and I definitely believe in Bungie because they seem to be 300% on board with changing things for the better, and switching shit up often before they make you purchase Destiny 2.


I'm glad I don't go into gaming often, is everyone this salty, and how does one make such declarations about a game that's been out less than a week.


This isnt TitanFall this is an ever evolving MMO like project, guess you think this is just a regular shoota.

This is the Jay Z of gaming, it will be here forever.

It's just a regular shooter with light MMO elements that really don't work well

and it's not the Jay Z of gaming, it's the Master P of gaming
what have i done

fuckin damnit caco

good thing I got it for freeeeeeeeee


If you actually read posts in this thread, you would see that I said that it's fun, it's just nothing special

Am I suppose to love it or some shit? Cause I'm not going to

Who said it had to be special?, this is the evolution of Halo thats it, they would of taken Halo exactly to how Destiny is if everything stayed like before.

Its pretty damn special that it will make a Billion dollars+ before the end of the year,
not many games do that.

Also remember People played this before release, sales prove IT made them love it not hold back on supporting it.


Who said it had to be special?, this is the evolution of Halo thats it, they would of taken Halo exactly to how Destiny is if everything stayed like before.

Its pretty damn special that it will make a Billion dollars+ before the end of the year,
not many games do that.

Also remember People played this before release, sales prove IT made them love it not hold back on supporting it.



This isnt TitanFall this is an ever evolving MMO like project, guess you think this is just a regular shoota.

This is the Jay Z of gaming, it will be here forever.

Yeah, it's got MMO (a primarily loot-based progression genre) elements with subpar at best loot progression. Have fun with that.


tagged by Blackace
I'm glad I don't go into gaming often, is everyone this salty, and how does one make such declarations about a game that's been out less than a week.
OT equivalent is shitty Marvel movie threads twice a day. It's no different.

But yeah, Gaming is that shitty. Complain about a game that's biggest sell is supposed to be long-term post-launch support in the first 24 hours of release brehs.

Every since the PS4 reveal, gaming turned into straight up GameFAQs, it's embarrassing, really.


Who is that an L? do you understand this had an open beta and its basically exactly the final game, that beta helped this game sale.

Bungie didnt just put it out like Beyonce did her joint the sales are from the love of the beta.


Who is that an L? do you understand this had an open beta and its basically exactly the final game, that beta helped this game sale.

Bungie didnt just put it out like Beyonce did her joint the sales are from the love of the beta.

Your entire argument for why the game is good is because it sold a lot.



I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Who is that an L? do you understand this had an open beta and its basically exactly the final game, that beta helped this game sale.

Bungie didnt just put it out like Beyonce did her joint the sales are from the love of the beta.

oh wow you're so right


I guess you could look at it like that, I think that's a pretty limited framework to base expectations off of though, especially considering what makes WoW and Borderlands special is much more than that.

Borderlands has a completely different feel, and I don't feel like it is necessarily superior. You see a lot of similar things in both games, as we obviously know it was the biggest influence for the game, such as the whole armor/shield/iforgetthelastone trinity being arc/void/solar in Destiny, but implemented completely differently. From the complaints I see, people have pretty much set it so that if it doesn't do something like Borderlands or Diablo does, it's shitty. I think the loot stream is pretty good (I haven't attempted any strikes thus far but I've randomly received a few awesome Warlock bands and stuff through regular play and quest rewards), and actually benefits from not being like Borderlands and stuffing your face with loot that you can't all have at once, on top of a bunch of stuff you don't want at all and waste time analyzing 10 parameters to see if it has some utility. Then again, I have been a heavy critic of the gun design from day 1. It doesn't inspire me, ESPECIALLY coming from Halo. It's the same few archetypes, and even the uniques look pretty bleh. Armor looks awesome though.

I think what fails to hold people's attention is the mission design you can sort of predict. Predicting the end of something takes away from what you get out of it at the end, and I think they leaned a bit too heavily on making them replayable than a spectacle. Doesn't bother me as much (I mean, if they add some variety, all people will say is "oh that's that carry that thing and protect it mission right there") but someone made a good point before about how levelling secondary characters is going to be fucking grueling. As a result, I think people are not given good enough reasons to care about the story.

I wouldn't say it's very rough, but the game has some clear weaknesses. It's a very good start, though, and I definitely believe in Bungie because they seem to be 300% on board with changing things for the better, and switching shit up often before they make you purchase Destiny 2.

Dude, Bungie has been hyping this game for how long now? From the social aspect to the nitty gritty of character customization. Is it bad that I expected something a little more special from one of the best devs in the industry back in their heyday? It sucks that they have to fix these issues with a sequel when they're so fundamental to the type of game it's striving to be;they should already be there.

I've also been noticing a trend of devs half-assing their first installment of a prosperous, long-term franchise (Destiny has a 10 year plan) and drastically improving it in its sequels. It's like they focus most of their effort on advertising and marketing for the first installment, have people be mildly satiated just so the sequel looks so amazing in comparison. What happened to giving it all with the first game and seeing from there if it warrants a franchise. It's another reason why console gaming is so fucked at this point.


Yeah, it's got MMO (a primarily loot-based progression genre) elements with subpar at best loot progression. Have fun with that.

This game is ever evolving, they will support this like an MMO even though its MMO lite,

Game is Fun man, but not by yourself doing story missions, this isnt one of those games
this is a true co-op experience.


played a couple of hours last night. i can see it getting stale fast.

that was my takeaway from the beta, had fun with friends but didn't see my playing it solo. putting that preorder towards evil within cause i love halloween games.

Roger Goodell....

fall on your sword for a woman beating pos, brehs


seriously, what a shit cause to go out for

Its the Hov of gaming

oh, i can totally see this...sales through the roof, but is anyone talking a month or two later? we'll see

edit: goddamn was that a fast banning, wonder what did him in

I'll give a shit about Destiny when it comes to a decent platform, ie PC.

man i appreciate dust but this post makes it hard to breathe


Bungie is definitely the Hov of gaming. 3 classics, as Esch said, rise to the top of their genre and stagnating. You can see a glimmer of what was once there, what we loved, but is now superficially appeasing to the mainstream crowd with no real quality and identity.


Bungie is definitely the Hov of gaming. 3 classics, as Esch said, rise to the top of their genre and stagnating. You can see a glimmer of what was once there, what we loved, but is now superficially appeasing to the mainstream crowd with no real quality and identity.

Kanye is the Valve of gaming. Sees little things here and there on steam and greenlight, buys them, gives them a pittance for their creative output, stamps their label on it and then portrays themselves as creative geniuses. Meanwhile, nobody but nerds have played their shit in public since 2006.



Kanye is the Valve of gaming. Sees little things here and there on steam and greenlight, buys them, gives them a pittance for their creative output, stamps their label on it and then portrays themselves as creative geniuses. Meanwhile, nobody but nerds have played their shit in public since 2006.




tagged by Blackace
Dude, Bungie has been hyping this game for how long now? From the social aspect to the nitty gritty of character customization. Is it bad that I expected something a little more special from one of the best devs in the industry back in their heyday? It sucks that they have to fix these issues with a sequel when they're so fundamental to the type of game it's striving to be;they should already be there.

I've also been noticing a trend of devs half-assing their first installment of a prosperous, long-term franchise (Destiny has a 10 year plan) and drastically improving it in its sequels. It's like they focus most of their effort on advertising and marketing for the first installment, have people be mildly satiated just so the sequel looks so amazing in comparison. What happened to giving it all with the first game and seeing from there if it warrants a franchise. It's another reason why console gaming is so fucked at this point.
That's another thing, the game leaked long before it was announced and we subsequently got any substantial information about it. 60% of the time between release and the announcement nobody knew wtf this game was really. And even still, they didn't put enough information out there. We were all complaining why they wouldn't say anything new about it.

Character customization definitely has nitty gritty, I don't think that's a legitimate complaint. I think that's definitely what also makes it notable gameplay-wise.. it's a heavily resource-management based shooter, in PvE and PvP unlike anything before, really. Items and skills siphon resources into reducing cooldowns along with the regular feed-into-another-skill type of stuff you see in every RPG. I think the subclass builds are pretty cool and super diverse as well without falling into typical healer/tank/etc. (which is super exciting because I'm tired of every game trying to be TF2) archetypes you see everywhere. Also armor looks dope, like I mentioned. It's pretty much only weapons that suck.

I agree with your last paragraph, but it's not exclusive to consoles either (most of the time these are multiplatform games too). I mean, PC is pretty much a breeding ground for fuck you pay me, and we'll see how far this game get type deals with Kickstarter in the indie scene and many other indie games taking this model from Minecraft.
Kanye is the Valve of gaming. Sees little things here and there on steam and greenlight, buys them, gives them a pittance for their creative output, stamps their label on it and then portrays themselves as creative geniuses. Meanwhile, nobody but nerds have played their shit in public since 2006.



I still play Team Fortress 2 a ton
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