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GAF-Hop |OTXI| Five Year Nation

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Don't get the criticism of Madvillainy's cover. If we're gonna go for technical takedowns, every single album cover here should face the same asinine level of nitpicking imo. I like Madvillainy's cover because on one hand its simplicity and on another hand the multitude of questions such an evocative picture creates. Who is this man in a mask, why is he wearing a mask, what type of album is this, etc. It really reminds me of Madonna's first album cover. Whereas there's a sense of vulnerability in Madonna's face, you can't see DOOM's face on the Madvillain cover. I just thought it was interesting. To me the best album covers tend to be stuff that would make you take pause if you saw it in a record store and had no idea what the album was. And Madvillainy's cover is like the definition of that to me.

My two favorite hip hop album covers:


upcoming shows.

bear in heaven - sunday
war on drugs - monday
com truise - thursday
flylo - october
sbtrkt - october
interpol - november

tons of djs

fall in toronto is an amazing time to be a concert go'er.


Anything that isn't mentioned is probably in the LA/OC area. There are probably a few that I'm missing, but these all seem pretty fun to me. Lack of hip-hop. I know RTJ is coming to Pomona in October/November or something. Considering that.

RTJ isn't something I'd even have to consider, gotta have that show on lock.
Thanksfor the suggestions.

Also shit, if not going all in on the booty means I'm leaving the plate half full then I might as well not eat. Maybe the tongue will slip one day and I'll be a changed man, see the light, preach the word of the gospel... till then though, nah.

big ander

Well, the point is that it looks like a CD anyone could have burned, that it's anonymous and brand new.

I definitely don't think it changed the game, not even close, but "it looks like what it's supposed to look like" isn't really a criticism


that Yeezus packaging looks pretty good. it stands out even though there aint shit but a blank disc in it

new SBTRKT album is outchea

listening to that R4Eva for the first time in a while. this is definitely where he peaked.


We're now at the level of weighing the merits of pussy versus asshole


Nah, pussy is much superior. I was only referring to cleanliness, and they ain't immaculate either.

It's dumb because sex isn't really that clean of an act overall. Like you said earlier, it's all about your quirks and what rubs you the right way.
Bandcamp would be amazing. Especially since he's railing against corporations lol...but that won't happen.

I don't seriously think he should release shit on a-track or tape cassette, but I do think it'd be funny to imagine how many folks would buy it, and then go buy a tape player or hunt down an a-track player if he did.


I just want Ye to do a Beyonce self-titled style release. Drop it out of nowhere. I wanna wake up in the morning, go to offtopic and see enzo's 7th solo OT with tears streaming down his face. It'll be the best day of our lives.
I just want Ye to do a Beyonce self-titled style release. Drop it out of nowhere. I wanna wake up in the morning, go to offtopic and see enzo's 7th solo OT with tears streaming down his face. It'll be the best day of our lives.

I'd buy it. Despite my constant shitting on Kanye, I do enjoy hearing his music. I didn't enjoy yeezus so much, but still gave it a few listens before I decided it wasn't for me.

big ander

Bandcamp would be amazing. Especially since he's railing against corporations lol...but that won't happen.

I don't seriously think he should release shit on a-track or tape cassette, but I do think it'd be funny to imagine how many folks would buy it, and then go buy a tape player or hunt down an a-track player if he did.

I was makin a partial joke because it's "8-track". 8-track tapes cause they had 8 tracks. a-trak is in duck sauce


Brehs, The Night's Gambit is such a classic. Shit been in my rotation so heavy for so long. Honestly? It's creeping on my 20 favorite albums of all time. There's just nothing like it in hip hop. I wish i had a vinyl player just so i could play this on vinyl.


I bet that sounds amazing.

The best part about it is the way it all ends. 30 Pieces of Silver? Epic rap journey. Shit has real sonicscape, traveling quality to it. 5 mic track. I even love the intro with the jesus/judas #dualities. Then you go right into I'm Ready.... Song is another Lawrence of Arabia feeling epic poetic edda sounding :wow: . Then it finishes with the chill, but still substantial Off the Record, which is probably one of the most seemingly obvious yet brilliant ideas for a hip hop history track.

Honestly the only stretch of songs i'm not super crazy on is Soap Box -> Knighthood. I still like them, they just aren't blowing my face off like some of the others. And i get why. Peace Akhi is just kind of a chiller, more contemplative song in feel.


I think I favor Reloaded slightly more.

Real talk I enjoyed Reloaded a lot but i'd put it lower, I think Ka is a more versatile writer. On the other hand, that (and Grief Pedigree) are albums I feel like I need to go through again. But i think the comparisons are only valid based on the fact that they pick atmospheric production and have a slightly flow free spoken word 'monotone' rap style. I think the lane they're in as writers is very different. I see Ka as the offspring of GZA and Nas first and foremost, except a lot less abstract and left field. He's almost more of a personal experience rapper, but he likes to use lots of imagery. Roc on the other hand I think is a direct descendant of Prodigy and QB dunny rap. He isn't really that vivid of a lyricist per se, but he goes harder in the gutter and maybe makes a bit more visceral records. I see Roc Marciano as a gangster rapper with very few frills. There's nothing wrong with either, though I feel like I wish Roc has pigeonholed himself by adopting a late 90s mafioso don persona... It'll be hard if he ever makes a "Blueprint" like transition where he makes more emotional, personal songs.
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