Rhythm Roulette With Cardiak
Kevin Gates: A New Kind of Rap Star

Kevin Gates: A New Kind of Rap Star
What would you rather be doing ?
Being by myself. Thats all I really wanna do right now. I dont really feel like doing this, but it comes with the territory and I accept those things. But I also like to be real. Im not gon come in here playing with you, laughing with you like Im happy to be here. If someone says, Oh man, this is a powerful DJ, I wouldnt give a fuck who he is. Im the same person that walked away from Young Money when they put a big bag on the table. Im that person. Id rather be hated for who I am than love who Im not any day. Thats my philosophy, and I think thats what resonates with the people that listen to my music. I give you the real me.
Speaking of Drake, I know that one of your Philly shows was cancelled around the time of the Drake and Wanye tour. What happened with that?
Live Nation paid us to cancel the show cause it would affect the ticket sales of the Wanye and Drake tour.
Thats crazy. How did you feel about that? You said you liked Drakes early work. Did you go see the show?
For what? I dont think I would get a kick out of that. I dont appreciate individuals as individuals. I appreciate Drakes art. I dont know nothing about dude and dont want to know nothing about him to tell you the truth. I appreciate his music. I would never run up to him and say, Hey, lets take a picture. I appreciate his art. I dont know what the fuck you going through in life and I dont care.