Not to mention the amount of debt you accumulate to become a doctor. I don't mind a more socialized healthcare system, even if it means reimbursement cuts, but they have to offset it with the cost of med school. Becoming a doctor shouldn't put you 200-300k in debt. Concern for the availability of residency spots is also valid. That's why I'm probably gonna pick a low-key specialty where I can live comfortably (psychiatry, physical medicine) so I don't have to worry about extreme competition or crazy reimbursement cuts (RIP fresh surgeon graduates) even if it means I have to pay off my loans for the rest of my life.
edit: I realized this applies to any type of post-secondary education in the US. Private schools can suck a dick.
edit: I realized this applies to any type of post-secondary education in the US. Private schools can suck a dick.